Any other Pagan Folk here abouts ?

Chief Pipe

Active Member
Just looking to offer Merry Meet, along with all other genuine or Enchanted Greetings.

May you always have a full Pipe for the passing.

Spring has Sprung !

Chief Pipe

Active Member
Passover ? As you say.

Private People ? Not the ones I know in the real world.

Perhaps my honest attempt of finding other Pagans to converse here is not suitable Thread material. Maybe the wrong place for Pagan Pot Smokers overall ?

Please overlook this Thread as I shall overlook abit myself.


Well-Known Member
what is a Pagan / or Paganism? I've read about it, not confusing......but in your on words, what takes place in Paganism?

Chief Pipe

Active Member
what is a Pagan / or Paganism? I've read about it, not confusing......but in your on words, what takes place in Paganism?
More or less a generic term to discribe a number of Spiritual paths is the only way I can put it. You know like how we call all one deity faiths monotheistic.

From what I've experienced "What takes place" is very satisfying and fullfilling.

But being in your household I'll not attempt to convert or sway anyone on a Thread which bears little merit within your walls.

Stoney McFried

Well-Known Member
See, you go ahead and talk all you want, man.If the Christians can spam the site with their dogma, there's no reason you can't present another side of the pentacle, so to speak.I'm just a private type because I'm antisocial.:bigjoint:
Passover ? As you say.

Private People ? Not the ones I know in the real world.

Perhaps my honest attempt of finding other Pagans to converse here is not suitable Thread material. Maybe the wrong place for Pagan Pot Smokers overall ?

Please overlook this Thread as I shall overlook abit myself.

Chief Pipe

Active Member
See, you go ahead and talk all you want, man.If the Christians can spam the site with their dogma, there's no reason you can't present another side of the pentacle, so to speak.I'm just a private type because I'm antisocial.:bigjoint:

That's ok, I'd rather not. Just started this Thread in hopes of finding other Pagan folk, not to experience that dogma firsthand. I'll be moving on now so as not to disrupt the Sunday School Class or any lame rants concerning overweight women.

Administrators please delete my account as there are more sensible and allowing sites to be part of.


Well-Known Member
Chief, what are you talking about....................? You see, I understand that this is a polytheistic religion, Sun/Moon..... I think, I wanted to know what in practice or living or what scope of thinking, you have to make you a Pagan, b/c I love the Sun/ Moon....

But it is simply bubbles the way I look at it.......I can no more honor the bug on the floor, as to the Sun in the Sky, as to all things within and beyond that........

I just wanted to understand, the other side of the penacle, because all paths lead, wait to better state, exist within God......personally thinking

Pagan, Atheist, Muslim, Christian, Shamanism, Rasta, etc... All exist within my consciousness / being in some form.......but when I recognize a bigger all consumng bubble, well those bubbles just don't pop, they are placed within the larger bubble respectively.....

Its your choice buddy, crack jokes on ie christian threads, but I'm not cracking jokes with you, I was trying to further enlighten myself by talking to you about your beliefs, something that frozen words cannot always don't have to convert, or sway.....and this is more of a your household if anything from an observist perspective..

So all I wanted to know is where you stood in your faith....maybe their are other people who feel the same and although may not call themselves a Pagan, may identify with you and speak up, so there you have it......Pagan Brethren you were looking for.....

So like Stoney said, Spam on, if it didn't work, it wouldn't still exist


Well-Known Member
Well if he doesn't want to talk about it...

I like the idea of paganism, as described in the bible. Pray to everything, if you think it will help! What was so great about believing in only one god like the Jews? It fosters superiority complexes.

But I refuse to believe in any literal god persons, seeing how they all seem to choose to NOT make themselves known for very good reasons that only their faithful sympathize with.

So, I basically give great thanks and credit to the Sun. It is almighty (little a) in its ability to create and sustain life. It is visible and direct in its dealings with the beings tied to its lifeline. It is beautiful, warm, comforting and mysterious. It is stable and predictable and measurable.

I love the Sun. But I do not pray to the sun or perform ritual. I meditate; which to me is like a prayer to your own mind and brain. What do we need in life that cannot be provided to us by either the Sun or our own minds?

Thank the Sun.


Well-Known Member
Thank the Sun Indeed, Nice Post

I don't believe in a Literal Person God, matter of fact, I think people on both sides of the Aisle place their own arbitrary concepts of what God is 2 be, to satisfy their own Sanity (I no Better), but I believe in God no matter.......

and to answer your Question, To be Whole

The Sun cannot provide this, Nor my Mind.....Sure I can will myself to not want to Bang the next Hottest Chick with the Ba Donka Donk I see, but that wouldn't be Natural (Nature)

I AM the Nature Boy Woooooooooooooo:hump:

So I choose to, let's not say worship, but find Peace in the God that gave Birth to Our SunGod :D


Well-Known Member
I'm confused. You said you do NOT believe in a personal god.

But then; You DO believe in God...'to be whole'?

It sounds a bit contradicting. Can you please clarify?

Just curious. Thanks.

Thank the Sun Indeed, Nice Post

I don't believe in a Literal Person God, matter of fact, I think people on both sides of the Aisle place their own arbitrary concepts of what God is 2 be, to satisfy their own Sanity (I no Better), but I believe in God no matter.......

and to answer your Question, To be Whole

The Sun cannot provide this, Nor my Mind.....Sure I can will myself to not want to Bang the next Hottest Chick with the Ba Donka Donk I see, but that wouldn't be Natural (Nature)

I AM the Nature Boy Woooooooooooooo:hump:

So I choose to, let's not say worship, but find Peace in the God that gave Birth to Our SunGod :D


Well-Known Member
I'm confused. You said you do NOT believe in a personal god.

But then; You DO believe in God...'to be whole'?

It sounds a bit contradicting. Can you please clarify?

Just curious. Thanks.
Not quite what I said, or at all what I said, but indeed I see your point.....If I don't believe in a Personal God, why do I need God to make me a whole Person, Right? Although, I was answering a question as to what in life do we need that the Sun or, Mind cannot provide.........., I will explain as best as I can,

I'll try to be brief, but I like to talk, and although it may be simple, it can be difficult to understand, like growing :weed: , to some it's an engima, while to others it's simply lights, water, nutes.... very brief and simple, but so much more, Right...if thats works for an analogy...

Most people who don't believe in God, still believe in A Creation Point, so I will only assume you do, as a reference to the talking point, OK......

So, if you believe in a Creation Point (maybe u don't), you believe that the Universe had a beginning, Right? Just, in theory a Big Bang (not Bang'sssss) meaning only 1, meaning 1 whole..... and from this 1 Bang we got the rest of the Universe, Correct?

You are part of this Earth correct, (duh) of course you are just like everthing else that is born of this, you are not separate from this Earth, you are born from it, and you return to is it Personally Yours, Yeah, Just as much as it Personally belongs to Everything else that is of and from this planet.......

Our Earth belongs to this solar system, Our solar system belongs to the Galaxy, Our Galaxy belongs to the Universe, and eventually all return back to the Universe.....Although, we are truly not Separate at all, just being reassembled....

Dammit, I'm trying to be brief, let's see if I can wrap this Up :-P

There is nothing that exists Within, or Outside of this Universe (as we know) that doesn't go through the process of seeking Balance, because there is Imbalance, This Balance is sought Universally because it is not Whole.....1, We are affected by the Same Laws that Govern the Rest of the Universe, Yet we think our Actions are separate benevolent acts, that lie independent beyond the Laws of the Universe,.......forgot where I was going with this one , Oh Yeah Balance, Whole....

So we are drawn to Mate with our Couterpart, to find balance, atleast in our present existence, that will probably not make us complete anyway, so we still go down to the Titty Bar to find More Balance, Right? :lol:

Naw, all jokes aside, simply put the Universe goes through changes in order to find balance, and we are not separate from the Universe so we are not separate from its Laws or shortcomings, so if the Universe is not Balanced/Complete, then how can we B Complete / Whole.....

You may or May not believe the Earth has a Spirit, I DO,.......NOt because someone has proven it to me, but b/c I choose to be a Witness to it,...this Spirit is often referred to as Gaia, Has Gaia been Scientifically proven to exist, I don't know, but how can a planet that is dead continue to bring Life if it has no life itself...

So this Spiritual Force is Called Gaia, What is the Name of the Spiritual Force that Drives the Universe, IDK.....the closest word that ever came close to conveying this force is the word God......

So, the Understanding and Knowing of God is what makes me Complete and Whole if you wish to say, and not because I Believe in God, but because nothing is w/o God, it's not a matter of Faith, Belief, Science or Religion you see.....

A million people with a million different views and opinions still obey the same Universal does every Planet, Sun, Solar System, atom, Ad Infinitum....

Hope I didn't confuse you more trying to Clarify, :peace:


Well-Known Member
Not quite what I said, or at all what I said, but indeed I see your point.....If I don't believe in a Personal God, why do I need God to make me a whole Person, Right? Although, I was answering a question as to what in life do we need that the Sun or, Mind cannot provide.........., I will explain as best as I can,
O.k. That explanation is as good as anyone's. Simply because you admit, it's a belief, not a proven fact.

I like Einstein's & Spinoza's god (little 'g'). Simply: all the creative processes (meaning chemical reactions & laws of chemistry) which each play a role in this universe to create & maintain life, can be called 'god' -for lack of a better description.

In that sense, thank god that we have been born to enjoy this wonderful world (and weed).

But to call any one 'person' out there, THE God of everything is foolish and without proof.

Thanks for the chat, :peace: BTL

old pothead

Well-Known Member
Well if he doesn't want to talk about it...

I like the idea of paganism, as described in the bible.

Paganism is never mentioned in the Bible.look for yourself.The word pagan or paganism did not appear till around the fourth century.The word pagan is a Christian adaptation of the word gentile,that is in the Bible.The word pagan used to mean from the country or a small village or town.OPH

Stoney McFried

Well-Known Member
The entire Christian religion borrowed rites, holidays,and traditions from pagans and incorporated them into their faith.Pagans came before Christianity.Were they called pagans? No,the names of their particular sects were probably specific to whatever deity they worshiped,or whatever the main tenants of their faith were, I don't know for sure.Pagan is just a general term we use today.
Well if he doesn't want to talk about it...

I like the idea of paganism, as described in the bible.

Paganism is never mentioned in the Bible.look for yourself.The word pagan or paganism did not appear till around the fourth century.The word pagan is a Christian adaptation of the word gentile,that is in the Bible.The word pagan used to mean from the country or a small village or town.OPH


Well-Known Member
O.k. That explanation is as good as anyone's. Simply because you admit, it's a belief, not a proven fact.

I like Einstein's & Spinoza's god (little 'g'). Simply: all the creative processes (meaning chemical reactions & laws of chemistry) which each play a role in this universe to create & maintain life, can be called 'god' -for lack of a better description.

In that sense, thank god that we have been born to enjoy this wonderful world (and weed).

But to call any one 'person' out there, THE God of everything is foolish and without proof
Still putting words in my mouf, and still got the horse blinders on, huh? The above statement is a scientific explanation of what I just said, only it is in the sense of you didn't explain with scientific fact of what makes the chemicals on every level of the Universe react / create...Why b/c science has yet to prove it with FActO, but has learned to watch and observe after the Fact.......It is FAct that chemicals create, Theory on how they create.... Things Einstein (my boy) & Spinoza concluded to their Theoretical Beliefs.....Everyone has belief in something, or we would Know only FACT, which is presently only backed by Belief.... Science does not Create Fact it Observes It

So I believe Chemicals are Driven by a force to Unite, Since they were Driven by a force to Seperate, which I feel is the same, So....I will Call this Force 6op

6op is Everything, so it is Easy to find its Likeness in Everything & Impossible to Separate it from Nothing....Lies, Truths, Facts, Opinions, Love, Hate, Christians, Pagans, Bibles, Whateva, it all comes from 1 source . :peace:


Stoney McFried

Well-Known Member
This is from another post.You're a christian, right?Because that's kinda the definition of a who believes in jesus christ.
Before Christ, we in our thinking were bound to hell in thought, so we lived that way, so therefore were bound in a living Hell, at the Mercy of our own Flesh.......When he layed down his life......he showed us that we have power over this Flesh, and therefore no longer was bound to a living Hell, if only in Thought......So errbody got the Free Pass except for those still bound, they just haven't redeemed their Ticket yet...

I enjoy reading your well thought out posts ;-)
No, it isn't all the same. Paganism is a completely different way,and has absolutely nothing to do with the bible.
6op is Everything, so it is Easy to find its Likeness in Everything & Impossible to Separate it from Nothing....Lies, Truths, Facts, Opinions, Love, Hate, Christians, Pagans, Bibles, Whateva, it all comes from 1 source . :peace:


Well-Known Member
This is from another post.You're a christian, right?Because that's kinda the definition of a who believes in jesus christ.

No, it isn't all the same. Paganism is a completely different way,and has absolutely nothing to do with the bible.
Well to to Clarify your Doubt? This is from the How Many Christians on This Site Thread

By Brazko
I'm a Christian by Blood, Not Relations :peace:

And it is who you believe HeyZeus Christ to be through your choice of preferred limited interpertation, not mine....Just like time after time this Bogus arguement of when someone use Capital G instead of lil g, it must refer to a Person, while in the school I went to.... capitalization meant to depict a proper Person, Place, or Thing, so either those who choose to argue this is either Dumb or, illiterate as to they cannot comprehend the meaning being conveyed........

And because I must have a lack of good understanding, I won't qoute you but you just said in about 1 or 2 posts back that Christanity was Birthed from Paganism and Yet now nothing to do with each other or the Bible......

You interpet and misquote the bible using parts of the story to try and prove a point w/o also explaining the whole context for which those verses are placed......Your interpetations are close to true, but the truth is it's the ART of War that was being conveyed in those verses, as in many primitive cultures then and woefully Now......

You Say I'm a Christian, I'm A Christian.....OK what's your point

Before I truely understood Pagans, Atheist, Rhasta, or anything else....I took up their practices unknowingly and would have Cursed any who said I Did, but I AM all of these thing, but not b/c it doesn't fit into your personal Exclusive Club...GTF

You talk about how religion, gawd, and everything is filled with Hate, but you fail to see the Hate in your own Self....

I'm Pagan, Christian, Atheist, Muslim, Buddhis, Rhasta, etc....b/c I chose to see the Hate within Myself, which ultimately is leading me to my Spiritual Emacipation..

So earlier I asked what is Paganism, tell me the Way since you are the Authority on it :peace: