Any other Pagan Folk here abouts ?

Stoney McFried

Well-Known Member
You don't inherit religion.You choose it.I was born into a family which practiced the Jehovah's witness faith.I am not a Jehovah's witness because I do not choose to follow that faith.
Well to to Clarify your Doubt? This is from the How Many Christians on This Site Thread

By Brazko
I'm a Christian by Blood, Not Relations :peace:
No, quite simply, I believe Jesus is a myth.I hope you're not inferring that I'm either dumb or illiterate because I don't agree with you.
And it is who you believe HeyZeus Christ to be through your choice of preferred limited interpertation, not mine....Just like time after time this Bogus arguement of when someone use Capital G instead of lil g, it must refer to a Person, while in the school I went to.... capitalization meant to depict a proper Person, Place, or Thing, so either those who choose to argue this is either Dumb or, illiterate as to they cannot comprehend the meaning being conveyed........

I said Christianity borrowed its holidays and traditions from paganism.Easter was the spring equinox/fertility celebration.Halloween/all saints was Samhain.You get it.They incorporated these holidays to win more pagans over. The bible itself has nothing to do with paganism.It is a story which lays out the basic mythology of the Christian faith.
And because I must have a lack of good understanding, I won't qoute you but you just said in about 1 or 2 posts back that Christanity was Birthed from Paganism and Yet now nothing to do with each other or the Bible......

No, my quotes are accurate, as are my interpretations.
You interpet and misquote the bible using parts of the story to try and prove a point w/o also explaining the whole context for which those verses are placed......Your interpetations are close to true, but the truth is it's the ART of War that was being conveyed in those verses, as in many primitive cultures then and woefully Now......

Just wondering.Because you argued,in another thread, so passionately about Jesus, I assumed you came to argue with pagan folk about dogma.
You Say I'm a Christian, I'm A Christian.....OK what's your point
I never said you had to fit in my personal exclusive club. I'm merely seeking clarification.You're awfully defensive.
Before I truely understood Pagans, Atheist, Rhasta, or anything else....I took up their practices unknowingly and would have Cursed any who said I Did, but I AM all of these thing, but not b/c it doesn't fit into your personal Exclusive Club...GTF
Nope, I see plenty of hate in myself, and I embrace it wholeheartedly.Without hate,one cannot understand love.
You talk about how religion, gawd, and everything is filled with Hate, but you fail to see the Hate in your own Self....

One who dabbles in many things and yet is a master of none is called a dilletante. I choose to see the hate in myself.I'm an agnostic with atheist leanings.
I'm Pagan, Christian, Atheist, Muslim, Buddhis, Rhasta, etc....b/c I chose to see the Hate within Myself, which ultimately is leading me to my Spiritual Emacipation..

Never said I was the authority on it. Paganism is just a general term which describes those who follow the old faiths, worship the earth,wiccans, etc.:peace:
So earlier I asked what is Paganism, tell me the Way since you are the Authority on it :peace:


Well-Known Member
i was wiccan all through school.. it was mostly my best friend and his cousin and i .. some other friends would join in,. we would do rites for solstices and samhain and whatnot.. we had a coven and we tried to write our own book of shadows on an expensive leather-bound notebook.. i believe my friend chris is still practicing up in oregon..

those were some really good times with my friends.. when we were being respectful to ourselves and to the earth..


Well-Known Member
Never Mind, this 1 was specifically for me I think...I'm Satisfied.....So Big Up Big Up, to U and Ur Cheerleader, Eyes Sa Like Canadians :joint:


Well-Known Member
i was wiccan all through school.. it was mostly my best friend and his cousin and i .. some other friends would join in,. we would do rites for solstices and samhain and whatnot.. we had a coven and we tried to write our own book of shadows on an expensive leather-bound notebook.. i believe my friend chris is still practicing up in oregon..

those were some really good times with my friends.. when we were being respectful to ourselves and to the earth..
Man that sounds like some cool shit, I just looked up what a solstices is and I think I'm going to start observing these moments too, and samhain, does that has something to do with Pantheist traditions also, Halloween, thats about the only Holiday I really get excited about, dressing UP and Yes Thanksgiving, The FOOD


Well-Known Member
we used to collect books on the subject.. a lot of really cool material that also explored the old pagan traditions from around the globe.. a very cool author is Scott Cunningham - he explains all kinds of rituals and the sacred significance of your different stones and oils and candles etc..

one of the fun parts is the divining - where you learn to see the future by observing the present in one form or another..

samhain was always our biggest celebration so we'd set aside all kinds of supplies and take time to prepare and take the whole day in a ceremonious fashion..

every time i have performed a ritual of any kind it has left me feeling very peaceful and calm.. maybe i should get back into it and get my demons under control....

here is an info source for all - :-)


Well-Known Member
Wow, you know what? I practice a form of aromatherapy you might say and what you just described as seeing the future.....I have a little trick I do that sounds quiet similar in principle, thanks for the link, :peace:


Well-Known Member
the thing that has really stuck with me is the principal teaching and law of wicca - "Harm none, do what thou wilt." it applies to absolutely everything i think..


Well-Known Member
In the Art of Torishimaru Aiki Jutsu which means "the art of control in spirit and harmony" , is to understand and respect the sanctity of life and be harmless and blameless in all things........


Well-Known Member
The fact you're breathing is technically harmful to the environment, so that's somewhat impossible. It's good to try your best, though... which is why I liked the Pagan message so much. I have found that Wiccans tend to be a bit self-serving and have an air of superiority over everyone else... making them rather snobby. That's just my experience, though, but those who identify as 'Pagan' seem to be a bit more laid back.


Well-Known Member
The fact that we Breath is Technically the foundation of our Relationship/Bond with this whole entire Planet....Eyez SA LIke Canadian


Well-Known Member
I'm not following you, here. Can you please clarify?

Sure...Animals inhale Oxygen, exhale Carbon Dioxide, Plants Take in Carbon Dioxide, Give off Oxygen.....

When one or, the Other isn't happening, Death is Around the Corner.......

Isn't that how it works? Eyez SA LIke Canadian


Well-Known Member
Also, the methane expelled in your farts is way bad for the earth.
:roll:.........................:lol:, Actually, it's the Sulfur you may be referring to, Eyez SA LIke Canadian

Here I think U need 1 of Deez, :hug:

Stoney CAll Your PitBUll R I'm Pressing Charges.............:lol: :?


Well-Known Member
Canadian is an intelligent woman, she doesn't follow me about agreeing with me all the time.But there is methane in some farts.Here are some fart facts I googled.
Well Stoney, & Eyez SA Like Canadian - if you would open Ur IIIIIIII, You would probably know that,

I don't have 2 google that 1, Farts contain an numerous amount of gases, Humans more known for they're PewwWee farts (Sulfur), And Cows are known for Methane, and it is harmless, It's the Mass of Cattle used in farming which makes it harmful.....

Here, I'll let the Pagans Have they're Thread........:peace: out


Well-Known Member
I'm just bustin' chops, here. Just for the sake of argument. ;)
See the funny thing is that Stony said that she didn't want to listen to Christian Dogma, and then goes on talking about her own Dogma (and harassing everyone else with it.)

Tad bit hypocritical.

As far as the entire Pagan deal.

:: shrugs ::

I have a friend that's Wiccan. Doesn't bother me any, of course, I'm probably more of a Deist (there is a God) than a Christian. Something about organized religion just doesn't strike me as being virtuous.