Any other Pagan Folk here abouts ?


Well-Known Member
Just looking to offer Merry Meet, along with all other genuine or Enchanted Greetings.

May you always have a full Pipe for the passing.

Spring has Sprung !
What kind of Pagan are you referring too, I was going to ask if it was Wiccan (I don't know of any other "pagan") religion that has any sayings similar to what you said.

Of course, "pagan" is a bit of a misnomer, as all it means is country people, and was coined to refer to the country-people that clung to their traditional religion when Christianity was spreading in the Roman Empire.

Hardly the kind of horror inspiring word that Christianity makes it out to be.

Unless you take Pan or Bacchus to be a Devil, but I don't see how you could confuse the God of Wine with Satan. :: shrugs ::

No matter,

Merry Meet to you, too.


Well-Known Member
I'm just bustin' chops, here. Just for the sake of argument. ;)

I know u were...told u Eyez SA LIke Canadian, I was taken no Offense, I actually thought it was cute ;)

But to only mimic Brutal, some people only see what they wanna C..Holla atcha Later Coyote

Stoney McFried

Well-Known Member
Wow, you must not read, because I never said I was a pagan, just that I had dabbled before.If you care to look, you'll see that I said I was agnostic with atheist leanings.But you just like to bitch and argue about absolutely everything, so you probably jumped at the chance to do so.Know why I like pagans? Because they don't try to force their religion down the throats of others.
Nice way to jump the gun, though, Brutal.
See the funny thing is that Stony said that she didn't want to listen to Christian Dogma, and then goes on talking about her own Dogma (and harassing everyone else with it.)

Tad bit hypocritical.

As far as the entire Pagan deal.

:: shrugs ::

I have a friend that's Wiccan. Doesn't bother me any, of course, I'm probably more of a Deist (there is a God) than a Christian. Something about organized religion just doesn't strike me as being virtuous.


Well-Known Member
No one said that your Dogma had to be Pagan, Stoney.

Atheism or Agnosticism can be just as stupidly Dogmatic as anything else.


Active Member
theological satanism makes the most sense to me
and i hate every judeo / christian religion passionately
satan is freedom, weed, sex, drinks, self indulgences, REAL free will

do what thy will, it shall be the whole of the law

Stoney McFried

Well-Known Member


Well-Known Member
Questioning everything is a good policy! Just because someone says something is so... doesn't necessarily make it so.


Well-Known Member
Dogma is the established belief or doctrine held by a religion, ideology or any kind of organization: it is authoritative and not to be disputed, doubted or diverged from.

That's the definition of dogma.I have said I could be wrong a lot of times.I question everything.So no, I'm not dogmatic.

Established Belief held by a ideology, it is authoritative, and not to be disputed, doubted or diverged from.

It definitely sounds like your views on Christianity, which are most assuredly a shared ideology that is common to all liberals.

It most assuredly is authoritative, and can not be disputed, doubted or diverged from (as witnessed by your response to my accusation that it was in fact Dogma.)

Stoney McFried

Well-Known Member
Whatever, Brutal.I'd say the sky is blue and you'd argue, because you're bitchy and you like to argue.
Established Belief held by a ideology, it is authoritative, and not to be disputed, doubted or diverged from.

It definitely sounds like your views on Christianity, which are most assuredly a shared ideology that is common to all liberals.

It most assuredly is authoritative, and can not be disputed, doubted or diverged from (as witnessed by your response to my accusation that it was in fact Dogma.)

It seems like Stoney picks a fight with each thread she steps into, and then turns it on them and accuses them of doing it.

It's rather amusing :?

(I'm bracing for the retaliation on this one.. can't wait lol.)

Stoney McFried

Well-Known Member
Actually, you're wrong.Obviously you haven't read all of my threads.I'm pretty well liked on here.But way to go, tough guy, trying to step in behind me and take a swipe.:roll:

It seems like Stoney picks a fight with each thread she steps into, and then turns it on them and accuses them of doing it.

It's rather amusing :?

(I'm bracing for the retaliation on this one.. can't wait lol.)
I'm not debating your being liked on this forum in the slightest. You're just very opinionated and it shows in this section of the forum in regards to your hostility of religion. You say you don't like people who preach or push their religious views upon you and then you insult and tear those same people apart when they don't believe in your views... hypocritical? Of coarse not because it's you!

Stoney McFried

Well-Known Member
I haven't insulted anyone.Just because someone debates me and loses doesn't mean I've insulted them.I haven't called anyone names.I'm not forcing people to believe what I believe...for certain, I've never told anyone on here WHAT I believe for sure...because that's private.But I will point out when someone is absolutely blinded by superstition or false information.I WILL argue with someone as to why I don't agree with them, and I will call bullshit when someone is trying to be an internet messiah. Beating a bad argument isn't tearing someone apart.It's just beating a bad argument.
I'm not debating your being liked on this forum in the slightest. You're just very opinionated and it shows in this section of the forum in regards to your hostility of religion. You say you don't like people who preach or push their religious views upon you and then you insult and tear those same people apart when they don't believe in your views... hypocritical? Of coarse not because it's you!
Arguing someone else's position when you wont put forward your own allows you to argue regardless of actual stance. What is it that you believe Stoney?