Any One using Rizzla,s


The Gardener
Ive just read on a bbc news site that its now the rizzlas thats causing mental heath problems and not the cannabis like the news was leading people to believe a while back ,Its all the metals and other stuff in the papers that people have been smoking causing mental heath problems , Ive been using transparent papers a good white now once i changed i dident relise i could taste that dirty paper so much. Just another reason the had for not legalizing cannabis banished , I dont think they have any left now ..Any 1 using Rizzla skins ?


Well-Known Member
ii have sum but ii dont like black paper so ii went and got sum "buglers"...use white paper all the rest are poisoness
burn babylon to hell to rizzla


The Gardener
Its the white rizzlas they speak of babylon. theres metals and other crap in them , Have to be honest there is not 1 bit of taste from them transparent organic Skins they are all made from natural materials Rizzla make them also in brazil,


Well-Known Member
I used rizla silvers since they came out and now I use the new zigzag ultra thins to roll 1 person joints and the ones I use to roll when 2 or more is smoking is raw and aleda originals and a few blunt papers. I wish the aledas weren't so expensive though.($4 for a pack)

Remember back in the day when zigzag whites were the papers to use? I always used the blues cuz they were free burning(Less chemicals I thought) compared the the whites (slow burning) now whatyou think makes the paper slow burning? its not when we baptize it thats for sure. anybody remembers vogues? thick as hell!

Oh the early-mid 90's... those were the days....