Any danger for health ?

Another question : What actually matters concerning the light is not the wattage ( power ) of it, its the amount of lumen it provides, right ?

Spectral distribution of produced light is the most important of all. You can't really go with a 2000w green light to grow anything.
If you can find charts, I advise you to choose the best fit by comparing them to some chlorophyll absorption charts (search google). IF You are that lucky to have such info provided with the lights. (And valid info ofc)
Spectral distribution of produced light is the most important of all. You can't really go with a 2000w green light to grow anything.
If you can find charts, I advise you to choose the best fit by comparing them to some chlorophyll absorption charts (search google). IF You are that lucky to have such info provided with the lights. (And valid info ofc)

Thank you for the hint, I already knew that to optimise vegetative cycle I needed 6500K - 5000K CT light and to optimize flowering cycle I needed 2700K - 3500K Color Temperature ( CT )

I learned that I should be looking for the LUMEN PER WATT of my CFLs so I can optimize the Amount of light available for photosynthesis of my plants per power required to produce the light and thus optimize the energy required to grow my plants ( My electric bill )
I've seen that plants likes different Color temperature at the vegetative cycle (VC) so i'm thinking of 1 bulb CFL at 6500K and another one at 5500K-5000K during my VC, thoughts ?

with obviously both of them at the highest LUMEN PER WATT ratio I can find
You may find it that MH and fluorescent tubes (not compact) have better lumen-per-watt ratio compared to cfls.
BUT! Since you've made the fine choice of growing less plants, I won't insist against cfls anymore :D
Ya but compact flouros do a great job of keeping the plant very tight..i grew five under four hundred watt cfls with great results (veg only) id never veg with mh don't see any reason for anything less than five plants ill probably only advise people top use cfls
There's a catch 22 to growing in a bedroom. If you grow in a bedroom you're going to need a carbon filter b/c the smell of the plants and dust created (assuming you're growing in soil) will drive you nuts. If you are using a carbon filter you're going to need a high speed fan, and high speed fans are very loud, which will drive you crazy and potentially will be bad for your hearing if you're around them all the time, which you will be since it's your bedroom.
I grew in my bedroom years ago but I ran a 15 foot piece of ducting out of the room and hooked up the fan to the end of the ducting. That way the noise was minimal and there was no dust or smell.
I wouldn't run a CO2 system in a bedroom however. That would be dangerous.
OK Nobody has to need a carbon filter for all we know he could live in the middle of nowhere and personally I love the smell..also a proper sized fan in a tent in a closet cannot damage your hearing lmao, dust is created wherever you smoke if the intake gathers it it will just be easier to clean up..idk I would set lights to day and barely be in my room during lights on I don't see any issue with growing in my sleeping space, sorry I just don't agree with anything you said..co2 for a small tent like this can't hurt you, never mind the fact that its on regulators and drops to the floor aaand your house has ventilation, and you still have the simple fact that your system is closed so mostly the co2 stays in the tent now do away with that fact and still you could completely empty a twenty gallon tank in the room with you and you will still have enough oxygen to breathe..just trying to clarify, you are going to worry the guy for no reason
Now that was an awesome duo Edgar&Kermit. He just has to make an average of what you're saying now :P
It would be an issue for me if the smell becomes too strong outside of the tent.

I'm already sleeping beside my computer left open ( the CPU is already pretty noisy ) so I dont think the noise of a high speed fan will be too much annoying.

My friend offered me his CO² set up, I haven't look into it yet.
I know I will be using timers for light and CO² that way ill time the CO² production for when i'm not sleeping.

i'm not too worried about the CO² anymore, thanks.

I would like to have advices on the best quality/price seeds ( im looking for the feminized one )

P.S. Keep in mind I live in Canada, Quebec.
For to quality while keeping price in mind, Tutankhamen by pyramid is a good choice..its an AK cut and i've only heard very good things yet price is still reasonable! If your worried about smell then the closed system tent with co2 is best but most people still run a carbon filter inside..I can't give you a sure answer on if you will need to do this or not you will have to play Snell by ear unless you have extra cash and just want to get the filter
A pc is nothing compared to a high speed extractor's noise.
Take note on db ratings. Most pc fans make a noise level of 10-30 db.
Just plugged in my 6 inch to check noise since I haven't run with it is definitely loud, still can easily say it won't hurt your ears lol..I wouldn't want to sleep next to it on but in a tent with the closet closed it wouldn't be unbearable..still I would set it to shut off at night was a liiittle louder than I thought it would be
For to quality while keeping price in mind, Tutankhamen by pyramid is a good choice..its an AK cut and i've only heard very good things yet price is still reasonable! If your worried about smell then the closed system tent with co2 is best but most people still run a carbon filter inside..I can't give you a sure answer on if you will need to do this or not you will have to play Snell by ear unless you have extra cash and just want to get the filter

can you provide a link for it ? my research wasn't fruitful with google
Hello guys, i'm starting a grow tent in my ward robe that would be 20' X 60 ' X 80' approximetly, I think I could fit about 8-10 plants up to maturity.

My question is : Since the grow tent will be in the room I sleep in, is there any danger for my own health ? Having to breathe the CO2 and air toxins ?

I was thinking of putting a carbon filter for an exhaust and try to figure out how to make Ambiant air pressure > Growing air pressure so the air stays in the tent.

I have never grown marijuana ever in my life and english is my second language so, I apologize for my lack of semantics.

Feel free to correct any mistake or misunderstanding I may have

Thank you !

Although I've done some large grows myself, in your case I would be seriously considering contacting a government contractor and use the tendering process rather than use local labor or any DIY efforts from local building companies, as a negative pressured grow lab at, .. twenty feet by sixty feet by eighty feet (20' X 60 ' X 80') or 96000 sqft, is out of most newbies league lighting that at a minimum of 96000/kw is just best discussed later
Lmao didn't catch that i'm sure he meant inches..the oo beans I couldn't give an opinion on I've never heard of the company so I really can't give advice although just as far as window shopping goes I don't like the Pic lol..I would definitely use a company that's willing to give you some free with your order since most companies do these days..other suggestions I can personally vouch for that are decently priced are dinafem cheese, deliciousseeds cotton candy or super silver haze...the rest i've grown are either reg beans or more expensive or I forgot lol
Although I've done some large grows myself, in your case I would be seriously considering contacting a government contractor and use the tendering process rather than use local labor or any DIY efforts from local building companies, as a negative pressured grow lab at, .. twenty feet by sixty feet by eighty feet (20' X 60 ' X 80') or 96000 sqft, is out of most newbies league lighting that at a minimum of 96000/kw is just best discussed later

it's actually 48'' X 24'' X 60'' so 4 feet per 2 feet per 5 feet.

We use metric system in Canada, I need to get more used with that dumb imperial system, my bad

What is DIY ?
All those are at the site I posted and they give ten percent off by using promo code 420 and you get freebies with every to wait for the monthly promotion