Any benefit from 6500k light for flowering?


Active Member
I have a 4 bulb t5 fixture that is going to be used strictly for flowering. Should I use all 3000k bulbs for flowering or add 1 6500k bulb?
Anyone from experience notice a benefit from having a little 6500k spectrum during their flowering? Thanks


Elite Rolling Society
You need a low kelvin bulb, like 2700, for Flowering, or a majority of low kelvin bulbs, for Flowering. BUT, you need a Dual Spectrum to duplicate the sun's rays so I would suggest using a 6500 too. .


Well-Known Member
i use 6 40w 3000k cfls and 1 6500k, im not sure if it helps or not yet but lotsa people say they like to use a few during flowering in addition to the flowering bulbs, ive also heard though that it makes the plant make alot more stem and leaves instead of using its energy for bud growth