Anti-Trump Protests

You're a traitor to this nation.
No you are the traitor to this nation. America is a melting pot in the hopes that we all can live together as one.
Anyone who hates due to color of ones skin, is ignorant and foolish. I guess you're that white guy who can't get laid, has zero swag, and is jealous of others. Next question I would have for you, is how poor are you? I find most racist rednecks to be rather poor, living in trailer parks drinking Pabst and waiting for welfare.
No you are the traitor to this nation. America is a melting pot in the hopes that we all can live together as one.
Anyone who hates due to color of ones skin, is ignorant and foolish. I guess you're that white guy who can't get laid, has zero swag, and is jealous of others. Next question I would have for you, is how poor are you? I find most racist rednecks to be rather poor, living in trailer parks drinking Pabst and waiting for welfare.

AMERICAN people have spoken, the people have chosen their president via the democratic process.You're a whiny little bitch traitor.
AMERICAN people have spoken, the people have chosen their president via the democratic process.You're a whiny little bitch traitor.
the American people actually picked Clinton with the popular vote. unfortunately our systems does not work like that.
I'm going to be ok. My businesses will survive Trump. I think you better ask yourself what are you going to get out of this ? If all you can say is Trump won without stating what benefits you will get from his win..... well that's just dumb and stupid.