Angry Black People please dont shoot just any lightskinned people!

True about the white on white.

People kill those near them. I have a feeling the cities with high black populations don't get the same level of police protection as other cities.

I mean, how is crime so high? Who the fuck is letting it get that high in predominantly black neighborhoods? The mayors and cops. Are you telling me they couldn't sideline unnecessary budget items for making the city safe to live in???? That should be priority #1 IMO!
Choose your leader carefully, for instance, Our Country`s leader is a puppet with no balls, but was chosen. I just heard him say the he believes America is not as divided as some say it is,....poor leadership there. He should have spoken the truth, that America is not as divided as the media is reporting it to be, but that would cost Hillary the Election, and he chose his words accordingly. That is not a good leader by any definition.

Can you call the Black Lives Matter crowd running from gunplay "bitches" and "cowards" again,.....That was funny shit.

What about Coral?, it`s close to pink.
So you think it is black people's fault that we got obama? What are they, mind readers? The ones that screw us over the most are excellent liars.
ok, ill bite

technically 83% white people killed by other whites
91% of Black people is killed by other black people!

So why is black people blaming whites for killing them, obviously this is not the case. #BLM should be focusing of blacks stopping killing other blacks. Why do they ignore this? 91% of killings account for this, but its the elephant in the room you are not allowed to talk about, why ? They wait for one of the instance where cop kills black person (actually Philando Castilo cop who killed him was hispanic), then they plaster it everywhere. If you ignore the truth then you will not get real solutions because you are living in fantasy world where white people randomly kill and oppress blacks at any chance possible.

Also, total amounts of murder commit by white people 2755.
Total amount of murder commit by black people 2698.

White population is about 75% vs 12.5% for black, so that means black person is 6x more likely to murder something than a white person.
ok, ill bite

technically 83% white people killed by other whites
91% of Black people is killed by other black people!

So why is black people blaming whites for killing them, obviously this is not the case. #BLM should be focusing of blacks stopping killing other blacks. Why do they ignore this? 91% of killings account for this, but its the elephant in the room you are not allowed to talk about, why ? They wait for one of the instance where cop kills black person (actually Philando Castilo cop who killed him was hispanic), then they plaster it everywhere. If you ignore the truth then you will not get real solutions because you are living in fantasy world where white people randomly kill and oppress blacks at any chance possible.

Also, total amounts of murder commit by white people 2755.
Total amount of murder commit by black people 2698.

White population is about 75% vs 12.5% for black, so that means black person is 6x more likely to murder something than a white person.
Nothing that you just said refutes anything mentioned in the meme.
Nothing that you just said refutes anything mentioned in the meme.
I agree with you that Black Lives Matter. 91% of black murders is done by other black people, but #BLM movement only really protest or care when a cop kills a black person. Also, #BLM doesn't ever care if a black person kills a black person.

So shouldn't the movement be renamed to something else? Like stop police violence against blacks?

Also, do you care about white people killed by cops?

I think the response by BLM, about killing white cops and white people was very wrongly placed, and thats what these corrupt people who took over BLM are trying to push ... its a corrupt organization that doesn't care about black peoples lives at all. People are too scared to speak up about it because they think they will be called "Racist" but I will tell you these people are a sham. They do NOT represent the black community and are tricking people into believing they do.
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I agree with you that Black Lives Matter. 91% of black murders is done by other black people, but #BLM movement only really protest or care when a cop kills a black person. Also, #BLM doesn't ever care if a black person kills a black person.

So shouldn't the movement be renamed to something else? Like stop police violence against blacks?

despite your undying love to derail this with your racist bunny chasing, the fact is that BLM does concern itself greatly with the systemic racism and de facto segregation that keeps communities separated and which has disproportionately isolated black families into areas with less opportunity, which is what leads to violence.

because only racist fucktards like you would think that this is caused by melanin.
despite your undying love to derail this with your racist bunny chasing, the fact is that BLM does concern itself greatly with the systemic racism and de facto segregation that keeps communities separated and which has disproportionately isolated black families into areas with less opportunity, which is what leads to violence.

because only racist fucktards like you would think that this is caused by melanin.

Buck, first of all you support killing of white cops so you are hardly worth a reply ... however I"ll humor you a bit

Less opportunity doesn't not lead to violence. Not respecting human life is what leads to violence. There are plenty of poor people in the world and in the USA and that isn't an excuse for violence or murder. You are literally giving an excuse for murder, would you give the same excuse to the Nazi's for killing Jews, that German's were somehow oppressed after WWI therefore they were victims in killing Jews? Seems pretty crazy argument I'm sure you can clearly see here.

BLM basically only protests high profile cases of black people getting killed by cops. All their protests are directly responding to those incidents. You are only fooling yourself if you think otherwise. I never saw a BLM protest in Chicago for the many innocent black lives lost there from inner city violence.

EDIT: Black Lives Matter founder is not even black, hes just a phony white guy who claims to "self identify" as black.

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you support killing of white cops

lol. please quote it.

Less opportunity doesn't not lead to violence.

well shit, you finally made a true statement. it was by accident because you are poorly educated and have almost no control over the english language, but it is a true statement nonetheless.

Not respecting human life is what leads to violence.

so then what is the mechanism in extra melanin that leads one to not respect human life?

i'm sure you can back up your statement in a totally not racist way. go ahead sport.
lol. please quote it.

well shit, you finally made a true statement. it was by accident because you are poorly educated and have almost no control over the english language, but it is a true statement nonetheless.

i'm sure you can back up your statement in a totally not racist way. go ahead sport.

You were asked about 10x yesterday if killing the cops in Dallas was wrong, and what your view point on killing the 5 cops was? You refused to answer every time, because obviously you knew you would look bad speaking your mind.

so then what is the mechanism in extra melanin that leads one to not respect human life?
Attitude, lack of respect, values?

There are plenty of people in the world much poorer than even the poorest USA cities who don't murder.
There are many countries in Africa with very low murder rates with "same melanin" as high murder rate black communities in USA.

Chicago has parts over 35 murder per 100k, which is comparable to some of the worst countries in the world. Why don't you ask Obama and Rham why, thats their home territory?
You were asked about 10x yesterday if killing the cops in Dallas was wrong, and what your view point on killing the 5 cops was? You refused to answer every time, because obviously you knew you would look bad speaking your mind.

ok, so you admit that i never said that i support killing white cops. thanks for admitting you lied. although you lied in your admission of lying.

Attitude, lack of respect, values?

please describe exactly how extra melanin effects "attitude, lack of respect, values".

go on now. don't be a pussy. i'm sure you have a totally not racist way to explain this, sport.
I need to start wearing a shirt that says "I'm not white, I'm Latino and light skinned".

I can't be catching shit from all sides of this race bullshit.

Lol, I'm going to get one that says ' Don't Panic (in small letters), I'm Hispanic " (in large letters), though I really am half white (I'll just leave that part out).

With all this bullshit going on, I'm staying away from rallies, and places where cops hang out.
Plan on getting a concealed carry permit soon, already have the pistol. Not counting on the cops to save me.

^^^ I nominate this guy for Leadership in the Black Lives Matter Movement.
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ok, so you admit that i never said that i support killing white cops. thanks for admitting you lied. although you lied in your admission of lying.

please describe exactly how extra melanin effects "attitude, lack of respect, values".

go on now. don't be a pussy. i'm sure you have a totally not racist way to explain this, sport.

Why didn't you answer the questions? Will you answer now?
Lol, the 2nd amendment won't save you from ANYTHING that the government wants to do to you.
Funny, that is what I have been saying about conservatives for years.
Haha. True. It is pretty fucked all over. The right has been just as brainwashed as the left. They went along with war because they believed wholeheartedly in the government to do good. I remember being 18 and thinking, it's all gone to shit.

Well this conservative extends a hand in friendship. Hope we can keep checking and balancing each other.