Angry Black People please dont shoot just any lightskinned people!

OK three guys with tons of talent. Jackson and Wonder have had enough of the Gansta Music ruining young Black children and the only two say it was a major contributor of the decline in music quality. Talent telling no talent to cut it out.

You would make an exception for real talent and still pay into the main cause of young black kids turning "Gansta"

Not part of the problem ,....If you say so Kat..............
I like gangster rap myself so your point is lost on me. Also gangsters have been around since before slavery black people just started rap music.

Maybe we can blame the Allman Brothers.

Or even Johnny Cash because I shot a man in Reno just to watch him die.
People run from bees in the woods and sharks on the beech because they know better,`s a learned thing, or should I say thang.
Meanwhile while smart people use smoke and bee suits and harvest the honey.

Also you run from bees?? Maybe if you don't kick the hornet's nest like a retard you won't need to run. But I guess you are in Boston and are scared of the woods.
True about the white on white.

People kill those near them. I have a feeling the cities with high black populations don't get the same level of police protection as other cities.

I mean, how is crime so high? Who the fuck is letting it get that high in predominantly black neighborhoods? The mayors and cops. Are you telling me they couldn't sideline unnecessary budget items for making the city safe to live in???? That should be priority #1 IMO!
Do you have any idea how the DEA works? They have informants who sell drugs with immunity they get others selling drugs the DEA either convicts or flips the suspect and around and around it goes. Meanwhile the DEA has worked with the Sinaloa Cartel.

If the government really wanted to stop drugs they can do a very good job. But if drug use where to become very difficult their would not be this cry for help on the heroin epidemic their would be less jobs in DEA and less money and less people in prison if they actually wanted to stop drugs.
EDIT: Black Lives Matter founder is not even black, hes just a phony white guy who claims to "self identify" as black.


Shawn King is NOT a BLM founder. I do find it interesting to find out though that you, somehow, are the supreme judge of all things black. Tell me this: Am I black? Or am I just some type of wannabe?

I have no idea your race, we are just chatters on a message board.
Can someone just self identify as Chinese, or Black, or Colombian based on who your friends are or what you perceive yourself to be?
I have no idea your race, we are just chatters on a message board.
Can someone just self identify as Chinese, or Black, or Colombian based on who your friends are or what you perceive yourself to be?
I'm "extra" black, and I take offense to the idea of anyone else making the determination of who is, and who is not black. Especially by someone who, themselves, is not black. I saw the whole controversy regarding him and his racial identity. The man says that he's black, and I'm inclined to believe him, until it's proven that he's not. White people don't get to make that determination.
EDIT: Black Lives Matter founder is not even black, hes just a phony white guy who claims to "self identify" as black.

Shawn King is NOT a BLM founder. I do find it interesting to find out though that you, somehow, are the supreme judge of all things black. Tell me this: Am I black? Or am I just some type of wannabe?[/QUOTE]

Why did you reply this to me ? It`s in my alert.
I like gangster rap myself so your point is lost on me. Also gangsters have been around since before slavery black people just started rap music.

Maybe we can blame the Allman Brothers.

Or even Johnny Cash because I shot a man in Reno just to watch him die.

Have you heard the lyrics, a musician, I can`t stand a song after song after song about oneself. Run-DMC was a huge hit in the 80`s, no swearing cop killer, or violence in the lyrics.

Anything that sells, goes out the door now, not talent,...Sales, not quality.....
Meanwhile while smart people use smoke and bee suits and harvest the honey.

Also you run from bees?? Maybe if you don't kick the hornet's nest like a retard you won't need to run. But I guess you are in Boston and are scared of the woods.

We have more sharks than bees. You would run from a bee as well. You wont go in the water with ole Whitey either.

I can`t count the number of times I pulled a soffit down and had bees fleeing and stinging while on a 32 foot ladder.

Walk up a real mans ladder and you`ll understand,...just don`t stand under.......
Is this poster saying " it's ok to shoot some white folk", or is he saying when shooting people in general be careful of a person's heritage. When I walk around shootings people, I am very indiscriminate and shoot everyone.
We have more sharks than bees. You would run from a bee as well. You wont go in the water with ole Whitey either.

I can`t count the number of times I pulled a soffit down and had bees fleeing and stinging while on a 32 foot ladder.

Walk up a real mans ladder and you`ll understand,...just don`t stand under.......
You said the woods not a ladder. I did get stung in the throat by a bee on a ladder but I couldn't run I had to climb down then running was pointless as they were guarding the nest.
Have you heard the lyrics, a musician, I can`t stand a song after song after song about oneself. Run-DMC was a huge hit in the 80`s, no swearing cop killer, or violence in the lyrics.

Anything that sells, goes out the door now, not talent,...Sales, not quality.....
Just because you are a musician does not mean you know good music. Kanye West don't do gangster rap but like Run DMC his music is horrible.
Just because you are a musician does not mean you know good music. Kanye West don't do gangster rap but like Run DMC his music is horrible.

Good music is a preference,....Getting your audience to groove with you is talent,.... Buying something mom and dad wont let you say, should be a crime...

remember, "music is and always will, be one of those things in life we just wont quit. With an equal opportunity for all to sing, dance and clap their hands"........

Stevie Wonder.

I couldn't have said this better myself.

While bob's friends worked that day, bob stayed home, smoked weed, complained on the interwebs and didn't do a single thing to better his current position.

Bob needs new laces for his work boots, not free meals.
Good music is a preference,....Getting your audience to groove with you is talent,.... Buying something mom and dad wont let you say, should be a crime...

remember, "music is and always will, be one of those things in life we just wont quit. With an equal opportunity for all to sing, dance and clap their hands"........

Stevie Wonder.
My Mom don't give a shit what I say and if this ain't good music you don't know shit.

Slipknot has played at least most them countries just not sure about China but 100% on the rest.

I aint played any of them. I know for sure I would sit both them slipknot lead guitar players down and school them on speed riffs. The drummer is keeping time,...he needs to stand out and get away from the theater effects sound guys. I keep time but it`s not all I do.