
Well-Known Member
Your thoughts?

Im thinking I place one of these in the ole V-hole


and then put my weiner in her butt and play on my phone for a while prolonging longevity and taking m mind off what Im doing cause she will probably be a tatanka.

Please comment below. Thanks in advance.


Well-Known Member
Tatanka??? As in what they call buffalo in the movie dances with wolves? Don't do fat chicks in the butt bro. They poop out whole hamburgers so it'll be too lose to be worth the heavy washing you'll need.....well actually a fatty would properly lick it clean for the extra food.


Well-Known Member
heh, but c'mon man...
it DOES work that way...
maybe I know too much about the large intestine and the digestive system....
think of it like a train.
new car comes in, old car goes out....
on that note I gotta go fix this car
You ever heard of an enema? They solve a lot of really shitty problems.


Well-Known Member
That's cool and all.....but when did men start caring about the women's pleasure? I can understand investing in a ball gag or even a remote phone activated choker would be genius but this......
I thought it was a remote controlled in-ass whoopie cushion. Now THAT I'd buy. "Here babe, put this in your ass for new realms of pleasure..." Then hit the buttons on your phone app to make different fart noises come from her butt. I'd be into that for hours...