ALMOST THERE, what you think?


Well-Known Member
what up guys just wondering what you guys think, and when should i start to flush this female. indica viper john sinclair, about 10 weeks GH nutes high temps around 89-90 F
:leaf::leaf::leaf:THANKS FOR YOUR INPUT!:leaf::leaf::leaf:


Well-Known Member
i have a 30x scope too but my hands arent that steady and it pretty difficult to study the glands actually


Well-Known Member
oh nice, good idea, i usually checked on the leaf too cuz it was easier, but now im gonna give that a go, thanks:clap::clap:


Well-Known Member
for sure, thanks, do u flush? whats ur opinion
strictly outdoor at the moment, organic nutes so no need to flush, if i was combated with the to flush or not thing, id probably try both, but if its ur only plant u may have trouble deciding, whatever u do, try it see how u like it, then try something else next time to see how it varies.


Well-Known Member
strictly outdoor at the moment, organic nutes so no need to flush, if i was combated with the to flush or not thing, id probably try both, but if its ur only plant u may have trouble deciding, whatever u do, try it see how u like it, then try something else next time to see how it varies.
well i actually have another one thats a blue dream bagseed so it needs more time than the viper, but yea id like to try both just to get the leech myth personally busted!

Another week or two, looks good, I would start to flush one week before harvest.
thanks man, u leaning more on 1 weeks or 2? lol



Well-Known Member
strictly outdoor at the moment, organic nutes so no need to flush, if i was combated with the to flush or not thing, id probably try both, but if its ur only plant u may have trouble deciding, whatever u do, try it see how u like it, then try something else next time to see how it varies.
:leaf: bagseed blue dream


Well-Known Member
what up allbongsmilie, got alot of new pistils check it out, im sure its normal rite? cool, whachu guys think!!:-P


Well-Known Member
cool beans, I would start the flush in a week or two (leaning more towards two) if you used heavy ferts on your viper and you're right the blue dream sativa traits seem to be dragging out the process. Nice work man, they are both pretty. Although I never flush, I grow organic.


Well-Known Member
cool beans, I would start the flush in a week or two (leaning more towards two) if you used heavy ferts on your viper and you're right the blue dream sativa traits seem to be dragging out the process. Nice work man, they are both pretty. Although I never flush, I grow organic.
hell yea thanks man, im weening the viper off the ferts to prepare for flush so its not to strong, as in nute solution, just changed it yesterday, so ill prolly let that go for a week and see whats up, thanks again chronicles
ps, i so wanna grow organic, just using up all the GH products


New Member
Get a scope on that shit now. I don't think there is two weeks left for sure and maybe not even another week at all. Most people on RIU like over ripe buds. Get a scope on them and if there are mostly cloudy trichs with a few still clear and a few amber cut down. The buds will ripen off the plant for a few days after chop. I would rather smoke a bud a few days pre mature than a few days over mature.