All the info on what is good and bad with Obamacare is right here

My wife works for one of the top 5 health insurance companies in the USA
As I have stated numerous times.

Yeah and tokeprep correctly identified the company for $100...

So considering she works there isn't it somewhat hypocritical and dishonest to go down with the sinking shit*, oops, ship, that is obamacare?

You've started threads on the right attacking obamacare but you will not broach the subject of the democrat attacks on the company your wife works for because they dared speak out about the deceitfulness and expense of a program running under the banner of "AFFORDABLE CARE"...

Honestly bro, just admit it's a shit idea, that nobody wants and go back to the drawing board.
Yeah and tokeprep correctly identified the company for $100...

So considering she works there isn't it somewhat hypocritical and dishonest to go down with the sinking shit*, oops, ship, that is obamacare?

You've started threads on the right attacking obamacare but you will not broach the subject of the democrat attacks on the company your wife works for because they dared speak out about the deceitfulness and expense of a program running under the banner of "AFFORDABLE CARE"...

Honestly bro, just admit it's a shit idea, that nobody wants and go back to the drawing board.

She doesnt work for wellpoint. How much other personal identification stuff do you want?

How about some meaty questions like
Do you live off the goverment?
Do you even have a job?
Do you participate in a universal goverment healthcare plan?

WTF are you doing bitching about american politics and why are you such a whiny cunt?
She doesnt work for wellpoint. How much other personal identification stuff do you want?

How about some meaty questions like
Do you live off the goverment?
Do you even have a job?
Do you participate in a universal goverment healthcare plan?

WTF are you doing bitching about american politics and why are you such a whiny cunt?

Yep so she does and I've hit a nerve - thanks for the confirmation...

A) I don't live off the government, I have too much money in savings and investment.

B) Not full time, took 2013 off full time, do some contracting and collect interest from term deposits.

C) You don't understand what universal healthcare is moron... THERE ARE NO PUBLIC HEALTHCARE PLANS IN AUSTRALIA. All Australians are covered even with private health insurance. Visitors from countries like the UK and Canada are covered, just as they would be back home. You just go to a GP or hospital, show ID and they treat you - no bills. And we do that at like half the cost of your current system through use taxes and to a degree SOME income taxes for people that make more than $70K + a year, IF they don't have private cover.

D) Anymore stupid questions jackass?

You call people whiny cunts a lot - I know that might offend you yanks but Aussies call their friends cunts on occasion so you must know it's just a word and it doesn't carry the same weight here as in the US...

So the only reason I can think of for your repeated use of this word is that you WISH your wife had a cunt, instead of the bent penis she positions behind you of a night time... Just bite your pillow and go to a happy place - not everyone endures the ravishing you crave...
ObamaCare's many provisions give new patient protections in dealing with insurance companies and in return mandates that everyone who can afford to must obtain health insurance by 2014. It also creates new taxes, increases funding for health education and awareness, makes spending cuts and more. Obamacare Facts discusses the many provisions in detail. In the years since it's become a law, the Affordable Health Care Act has already made a big difference in our country by providing new rights and protections to over 100 million Americans. Here are some of major changes to healthcare.
• ObamaCare prohibits insurance companies from dropping your coverage if you get sick or make an honest mistake on your application.
• It eliminates pre-existing conditions and gender discrimination.
• Let's young adults stay on their parent's plans until 26.
• Creates State based Health Insurance Exchange Marketplaces where Americans can shop for Federally regulated and subsided insurance.
• Protects against unjustified rate hikes and give you more rights to appeal insurance company decisions and much, much more.
No system is perfect, but the Affordable Care Act aims to reform the American healthcare system towards the favor of the people and away from the favor of corporations and stock holders.
The American health care system had some serious flaws that the Affordable Care Act Addresses. The Affordable Care Act makes health insurance coverage more secure and reliable for Americans who have it, makes coverage more affordable for families and small business owners, and brings down skyrocketing healthcare costs that have put a strain on individuals, families, employers, and our Federal budget. Below are some of main objectives of the Affordable Care Act. By 2014 provisions will be in place that address each of the following goals. So far each provision has be successful in meeting it's objective:
• Help create State-based health insurance Exchanges that will increase purchasing power, reduce administrative expenses, and increase competition to make premiums more affordable.
• Provide subsidized coverage through health insurance Exchanges to people who cannot afford to purchase insurance on their own.
• Increase the number of young adults under age 26 who are covered as a dependent on their parent’s employer-sponsored insurance policy.
• Expand Medicaid coverage to more low-income Americans.
• Reduce the prescription drug coverage gap (“donut hole”) for those receiving the Medicare Part D Prescription Drug Benefit.
• Ensure access to health insurance by prohibiting insurers from placing lifetime limits on medical care, prohibiting insurers from denying coverage based on pre-existing conditions, and prohibiting discriminatory premium rates based on health status.
• Prohibit insurance companies from dropping people from coverage when they get sick.
• Establish the Pre-existing Condition Insurance Plan Program to provide affordable insurance for Americans who are uninsured, have a pre-existing condition; and have been without coverage for at least six months.
• Work with States to establish a rate review process that identifies and remedies unreasonable rate increases by health insurance plans.
• Operate a fully-accessible health insurance website,, that empowers consumers by increasing informed choice and promoting market competition.
• Require insurance companies to spend the majority of health insurance premiums on medical care, not on profits and overhead.
• Require new health plans to implement an appeals process for coverage determination.
• Work with tribes, HHS tribal advisory bodies, and other tribal and urban Indian groups and programs to provide outreach, information, and assistance to assure that AI/ANs, and the entities that serve them, are aware of and able to use the benefits available under the Indian Health Care Improvement Act and other Indian-specific and generally applicable provisions of the Affordable Care Act.
Those arent opinions Find something non factual and post a link rebutting what is posted there Or are you just a blowhard?
This is the heart of your problem. Opinions you like are "facts", while facts you don't like are "lies". You're doomed to be a fool forever.