All the info on what is good and bad with Obamacare is right here

Good choice becuase you cant win when the facts are presented and all you have is distortions of truth (we call those things lies in this part of the country)
Declaring yourself a winner of a competition that never took place? Really lame.
Declaring yourself a winner of a competition that never took place? Really lame.

There is no historical precedent for the number of cabinet-level nominees that Republicans have blocked or delayed in the Obama administration. Chuck Hagel became the first defense secretary nominee ever filibustered. John Brennan, the C.I.A. director, was the subject of an epic filibuster by Senator Rand Paul. Kathleen Sebelius and John Bryson, the secretaries of health and human services and commerce, were subjected to 60-vote confirmation margins instead of simple majorities. Susan Rice surely would have been filibustered and thus was not nominated to be secretary of state.
Jacob Lew, the Treasury secretary, was barraged with 444 written questions, mostly from Republicans, more than the previous seven nominees for that position combined. Many were ridiculous and had nothing to do with Mr. Lew’s fitness for office, such as a demand to explain the Treasury’s social media policies, or questioning an infographic on the department’s blog eight months ago.
Gina McCarthy, the nominee to lead the Environmental Protection Agency, is being blocked by Senator Roy Blunt of Missouri until he gets the answers he wants on a local levee project. And Thomas Perez, nominated to be labor secretary, is being held up by Senator David Vitter of Louisiana, who is angry about the Justice Department’s enforcement of voting rights laws. By comparison, there were four filibusters of cabinet-level positions during George W. Bush’s two terms, and one under President Ronald Reagan.
There have also been several impediments to executive-branch nominees beneath the cabinet level, the most troubling being that of Richard Cordray, whom Mr. Obama has renominated to lead the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau. Because the bureau cannot properly run without a full-time director, Republicans intend to nullify many of its powers by blocking Mr. Cordray for the second time.
Declaring yourself a winner of a competition that never took place? Really lame.

Over you I am the winner since you forfeit before even reaching the starting gate. That tells me you dont have the legs to carry your point of view across the finish line.
Like a cockroach at night you scurry away when light is shined upon you
There is no historical precedent for the number of cabinet-level nominees that Republicans have blocked or delayed in the Obama administration. Chuck Hagel became the first defense secretary nominee ever filibustered. John Brennan, the C.I.A. director, was the subject of an epic filibuster by Senator Rand Paul. Kathleen Sebelius and John Bryson, the secretaries of health and human services and commerce, were subjected to 60-vote confirmation margins instead of simple majorities. Susan Rice surely would have been filibustered and thus was not nominated to be secretary of state.
Jacob Lew, the Treasury secretary, was barraged with 444 written questions, mostly from Republicans, more than the previous seven nominees for that position combined. Many were ridiculous and had nothing to do with Mr. Lew’s fitness for office, such as a demand to explain the Treasury’s social media policies, or questioning an infographic on the department’s blog eight months ago.
Gina McCarthy, the nominee to lead the Environmental Protection Agency, is being blocked by Senator Roy Blunt of Missouri until he gets the answers he wants on a local levee project. And Thomas Perez, nominated to be labor secretary, is being held up by Senator David Vitter of Louisiana, who is angry about the Justice Department’s enforcement of voting rights laws. By comparison, there were four filibusters of cabinet-level positions during George W. Bush’s two terms, and one under President Ronald Reagan.
There have also been several impediments to executive-branch nominees beneath the cabinet level, the most troubling being that of Richard Cordray, whom Mr. Obama has renominated to lead the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau. Because the bureau cannot properly run without a full-time director, Republicans intend to nullify many of its powers by blocking Mr. Cordray for the second time.

spamming copy and pastes.... see a father would've taught you not to do that
Over you I am the winner since you forfeit before even reaching the starting gate. That tells me you dont have the legs to carry your point of view across the finish line. OR Like a cockroach at night you scurry away when light is shined upon you
Still declaring yourself a winner? Lamer

Dispute something that is posted there in regards to the PPACA.
Or are you just another blowhard?

Well still waiting

You seem very obedient to people that tell you how they will run other peoples lives. That's the same mindset as a prohibitionist.

The "facts" of how another group of people are going to run your life aren't what is relevant to a person that thinks they should own themself...slave.
I still say health insurance should be procured the old fashioned way. By having a job, not by creating another handout entitlement that will most certainly be abused by deadbeats looking for a free ride.
I still say health insurance should be procured the old fashioned way. By having a job, not by creating another handout entitlement that will most certainly be abused by deadbeats looking for a free ride.

Dead beats are already covered by medicaid