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i want to believe, but i just watched the video that shows the two m.i.b. . it's 5 seconds long, and grainy. i can't judge the two employee's story, really, i don't know either of them at all. i hate to judge people with no knowledge of them.
the best i can say is it doesn't disprove anything to me, but it's far from any kind of factual evidence.
LOL....Armageddon is on the horizon. I think it exactly how it was supposed to play out. No one believes it but Aliens make sense. The earth has a finite time of existence and then shit is going down. There are no aliens. Period...simple...And the earth is round. Like a sphere. A planet if you will. :D
LOL....Armageddon is on the horizon. I think it exactly how it was supposed to play out. No one believes it but Aliens make sense. The earth has a finite time of existence and then shit is going down. There are no aliens. Period...simple...And the earth is round. Like a sphere. A planet if you will. :D
What we think of as aliens could be humans from the distant future, doing research on this time in our history... right before or during a cataclysmic series of events.

No evidence to back this up at all, just speculation.
I am so old school I believe in a creator of things. Because the chance of life happening by accident is so slim to be beyond my understanding. I work in a world of math and probability it is what I do every day. But I also think people have a hard time of that so they look for aliens.

I also think it is ok to be gay and trans gendered and everything. I am not a fossil....more like a troglodyte.
I am so old school I believe in a creator of things. Because the chance of life happening by accident is so slim to be beyond my understanding. I work in a world of math and probability it is what I do every day. But I also think people have a hard time of that so they look for aliens.

I also think it is ok to be gay and trans gendered and everything. I am not a fossil....more like a troglodyte.
Billions of places in the universe that life could start, crossed with even an infinitesimal chance that it does, times billions of years.

The fact that we're here proves it can happen.

My money is on many times in many places.

That said, we humans are very lucky indeed and choosing to squander our good fortune on conflict and planetary destruction is evidence that maybe we don't deserve our place in galactic society.
I am so old school I believe in a creator of things. Because the chance of life happening by accident is so slim to be beyond my understanding. I work in a world of math and probability it is what I do every day. But I also think people have a hard time of that so they look for aliens.

I also think it is ok to be gay and trans gendered and everything. I am not a fossil....more like a troglodyte.
I agree with a creator, however who created the creator, and so on and so forth? Why would the creator only create us? Why wouldn't the power create other things in other places? Pretty narrow focused for lack of a better phrase ATM because of this man sized Afghani dab I just did. :-) also the Bible has UFOs in it.
I agree with a creator, however who created the creator, and so on and so forth? Why would the creator only create us? Why wouldn't the power create other things in other places? Pretty narrow focused for lack of a better phrase ATM because of this man sized Afghani dab I just did. :-) also the Bible has UFOs in it.
The presence or use of sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic- or the Divine.
i just read an article about the uneven distribution of phosphorous in the universe. apparently it is produced in supernovae explosions,and more particularly, supermassive supernovae. if a planet isn't fortunate enough to be in the vicinity of such a nova when forming, it may have a very low level of phosphorous, which would make it much more difficult for life to form.
i just read an article about the uneven distribution of phosphorous in the universe. apparently it is produced in supernovae explosions,and more particularly, supermassive supernovae. if a planet isn't fortunate enough to be in the vicinity of such a nova when forming, it may have a very low level of phosphorous, which would make it much more difficult for life to form.
Interesting theory. Our planet is abundant, yet another stroke of good fortune that 'modern' mankind is selfishly pissing away in favor of quarterly profits.
Cosmic gorilla effect could blind detection of aliens
By Deborah Byrd in SPACE | April 11, 2018

Seems like a different version of target fixation, plausible though.
i find this pretty interesting. it's really just elaborate misdirection, but it's amazing how easy it is to trick the human eye. i saw the gorilla the first time through, just because they mentioned him, but i totally lost track of the number of passes. when i actually tried to count the passes, it was hard to see the gorilla, even though i knew he was coming. and i was still one off on the passes....
Flat Earth Flat Earth Flat Earth Flat Earth you Globetarded Bastards :dunce:rahhhhhhhh hahaha. All the Globetards are going to follow a charismatic anti Christ in a world wide mass suicide and the meek will inherit the flat earth. Drink your kool aid you dumb bastards. LMAO !
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There aren't any Great Circle routes that need Antarctic air space and the treaties were signed in a time before humans had the technology to extract resources from such extreme environments.

Reading a little history would do you a lot of good, as would boning up on your natural sciences.
Great circle routes? How about Santiago Chile to Melbourne Australia you dumb fuck. Know your geography. Globetard
Off the handle again...

Sheet like That is why flathead's are a joke at best.

Not really. It's only certain ones that think they are being funny but are too stoned to realize that they are acting like 8 year olds. In order to get rid of them you are going to have to offer something in return. Like a piece of candy, or a puppy. Preferably near your van :blsmoke:
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