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yeah, there are a lot of interrelated psychosis and neurosis on this thread

Is that how you judge people who have a different opinion than you?

You seem to be the one all over flat earth threads from what I see you seem to be the one hung up on it ..he who protests the loudest perhaps?

I certainly understand. Took me 2 minutes to prove it, and two years to admit it to myself.

I suspect you're close to that place now
-good luck
i'm who i am, and i don't need your analysis. i'm very comfortable with myself. its all the rest of you that make me nervous.
i'm amazed that supposedly rational sane people believe this incredible bullshit.
why can't the natural world around you be mysterious enough? we don't know how our own world works, but we can't waste time wondering about that, because the aliens might come and solve all our problems for us, so we can keep on being lazy and ignoring them?
if you really believe in aliens, and want them to finally feel comfortable enough to introduce themselves, maybe we should quit focusing on the ridiculous conspiracy theories and try to fix some of the shit that's keeping them from wanting to meet us.
eliminate all of the possible terrestrial causes before you start attributing it to aliens....
Wow, I already said I didn't think it was aliens. It's weird and unexplained, thats all. My first thought was military.

I posted it to see if anyone here thought it might be alien or more likely government. That camera has been taking photos for 5 years and never captured anything like this. I'm sure there is a terrestrial explanation, I'm just looking for it. That's all, man.
How is it that any 3rd world country that has a abundant supply of natural resources is exploited. It's people are either down right murdered under the guise of the war on terror or the war on drugs or turned into modern day slaves. Slaves who make a nominal wage working for a mega corporation as colonialism is imposed on them. Yet there is Antarctica overflowing with natural resources and with no indigenous human population to worry with. Why do these greedy money grubbing murdering bastards have a hands off agreement on a gold mine? It damn sure ain't about wanting to protect some fuckin penguins. They never give two shits about the environment but all the sudden a soft heart in regards to Antarctica? No visitors allowed without special permission. No commercial fly overs to save time and fuel. Very strange.
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How come nobody has mentioned the Cape Girardeau Missouri crash? They even took pictures of the little aliens. Or the 60s event in Pennsylvania? The army came in and hauled off a craft while the locals watched. A local radio personality was threatened then died mysteriously over it.
Is that how you judge people who have a different opinion than you?

You seem to be the one all over flat earth threads from what I see you seem to be the one hung up on it ..he who protests the loudest perhaps?

I certainly understand. Took me 2 minutes to prove it, and two years to admit it to myself.

I suspect you're close to that place now
-good luck
Lol. You didn't prove anything.

One of your videos was just shitty and the other shows nothing.

Like the one with he boat. You claimed vanishing point. I showed one where the boat disappeared and the sails didn't. You nor the other flat earther have attempted to explain it.

You aren't proving anything. All you are doing is grasping at straws. That weather balloon video of yours proves nothing. One the balloon didn't get high enough and the camera lense angle isn't wide enough.
Is that how you judge people who have a different opinion than you?

You seem to be the one all over flat earth threads from what I see you seem to be the one hung up on it ..he who protests the loudest perhaps?

I certainly understand. Took me 2 minutes to prove it, and two years to admit it to myself.

I suspect you're close to that place now
-good luck
Check it out. The earth is a globe. Shit. Who would of thunk it?
Lol. You didn't prove anything.

One of your videos was just shitty and the other shows nothing.

Like the one with he boat. You claimed vanishing point. I showed one where the boat disappeared and the sails didn't. You nor the other flat earther have attempted to explain it.

You aren't proving anything. All you are doing is grasping at straws. That weather balloon video of yours proves nothing. One the balloon didn't get high enough and the camera lense angle isn't wide enough.

We'll have to agree to disagree
-good luck

Last one, no fisheye lens.

.. threads kinda a :sleep: now, maybe catch back up if it starts talking about aliens and UFOs again
-good luck!
Physics, math, science all presented intellectually and politely. Ignored as you desperately cling to your fairy tale atheist globe earth. It's crumbling beneath your feet and you are scared shitless that you will be forced to admit the existence of God. You can only resort to denial and offer nothing to contort but immature insults. Pathetic. You refuse to admit your own existence as being unique and beautiful. The realm you inhabit and your own DNA code is of intelligent design. All the naysayers in this thread have doubt creeping in about a globe earth. Why waste so much time here if its all such non-sense especially you shrub you been saying you were done with it for 4 months now. LMAO!!!!
We've all been nice about asking you to take your flat Earth conversation elsewhere.

Your need to have others validate your beliefs is your problem, no one else's.

Please do us the courtesy of respecting our wishes.

Talk about aliens here.
ok....ronald mcdonald told me that if i get enough morons to eat his nasty poisonous food, i would get a free pass to the ball pit for eternity. just a few more big macs and i'll be in that pit...

that sounds as reasonable to me, and i'm declaring it a theory. about aliens, because ronald mcdonald is obviously not a human being.
Just another fuckin clown...
How is it that any 3rd world country that has a abundant supply of natural resources is exploited. It's people are either down right murdered under the guise of the war on terror or the war on drugs or turned into modern day slaves. Slaves who make a nominal wage working for a mega corporation as colonialism is imposed on them. Yet there is Antarctica overflowing with natural resources and with no indigenous human population to worry with. Why do these greedy money grubbing murdering bastards have a hands off agreement on a gold mine? It damn sure ain't about wanting to protect some fuckin penguins. They never give two shits about the environment but all the sudden a soft heart in regards to Antarctica? No visitors allowed without special permission. No commercial fly overs to save time and fuel. Very strange.
There aren't any Great Circle routes that need Antarctic air space and the treaties were signed in a time before humans had the technology to extract resources from such extreme environments.

Reading a little history would do you a lot of good, as would boning up on your natural sciences.
Lemme figure out how to post up clips but there was one recently where a big hotel worker spotted a ufo and he wasn't at work the next day. 2 men in black were caught on the hotel lobby camera and 2 of his coworkers said they scared the shit outta them. Said they had no eyebrows. No hair. They didn't blink at all. And they got an extreme sense of fear from them that they never felt before. These two tall slender dudes didn't walk right and had extremely pale skin as well. Definitely not human. They were asking about all kinds of questions about the guy that witnessed the ufo and knew details about the incident that no earthly person could know. He didn't tell anyone some of the details these two strangers were talking about. The 2 workers said the 2 mib spoke in a very strange scary monotone robotic like voice as well.
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