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the Travis Walton case.

This is another one that is beyond reproach, imo. You can go back and watch early interviews he did about the incident decades ago, and watch new videos, and the story is always the same. The fact that all of them eventually passed a polygraph, and that none of them have accepted a bribe to change the story, pretty much demonstrates the story happened the way they say it did.

Interesting to note that Travis now believes he got too close to the aircraft and got hit with a static discharge that the vehicle built up while trying to take off, and that rather than leaving him there unconscious, the creatures took him in to heal him up before releasing him. This same kind of static discharge gets built up in normal aircraft, and if you touch or get too close to the aircraft, that charge will jump from the aircraft, to you, and move through you into the ground, which pretty much knocks you on your ass the way Walton described his experience.

Vid: static charge build up seeks ground and sparks during discharge

This is what Walton thinks happened to him, and so do I.
Very interesting case. I believe it's one of the few that's the real deal. Who knows about why they took him. Personally I think they have an ability to control human thoughts and actions and somehow made him actually want to get out of the truck. Like an unnatural urge to investigate further. No one else in the truck was thinking that. I think they wanted him and him alone. I've read a few cases that are credible and the way the abductee(s) do irrational things that they wouldn't normally do leading up to the abduction is certainly strange. Again...they somehow have an ability to control your mind and action somewhat and it's all by design. I don't know. Frikin strange for sure.
What would it take to make these people believe

There's basically 3 types of "flat Earthers", dude.

First, you have the people that actually believe it for whatever reason. These are people that are on and off psyche, and other, meds, people that are really, REALLY fucking stupid, and people that are just ignorant as fuck and gullible. Only the 3rd category of people can be reasoned with, however, being so ignorant and gullible means that it's usually not worth the effort.

Second, you have the people that don't believe it, but pretend they do, just to work up the "true believers" and irritate the shit out of the normal people. Basically, these fuckers are just trolls that enjoy stirring up the shit. They are cancer, and can't be reasoned with in any way.

Finally, you have the group of people that don't believe it but use it to exploit the shit out of the group 1 crazies, morons, and ignorant fucks for profit. Be it youtube hits, website hits, books, seminars, whatever, these douchebags will try to profit any way they can off of "flat Earth" idiots willing to throw money at them or watch their stupid shit on the net for ad revenue. They are also cancer, and can't be reasoned with in any way.

Regardless, there's no real point in trying to reason with any of them, and they are best ignored.
Second, you have the people that don't believe it, but pretend they do, just to work up the "true believers" and irritate the shit out of the normal people. Basically, these fuckers are just trolls that enjoy stirring up the shit. They are cancer, and can't be reasoned with in any way.

OMG it is uncle buck. What an analysis.

And you were correct in your 3 i was just blown away with the similarity and i am not being sarcastic.
Time lapse video has shown that all the stars rotate around Polaris which is stationary and sets above the North Pole. Also known as the north star the ancients used it for centuries as a aid in navigating the oceans. The sun has a exact path it follows on a 365 day cycle this creates the seasons. Eclipses, seasonal meteor showers and other cosmic events are predictable. Sound like cosmic chaos to you? The heliocentric theory and model you worship depends on perpetual motion which is impossible as is the oceans curving into a 360 degree angle. It defies the laws of physics. Intelligent people with extensive education and culturing don't buy into it. Uneducated, mouth breathing kool aid drinkers do. I mean no harm or offense. I mean it must be true we saw it on tv man and learnt it down at the school house.

This is exactly correct. I'll add that the Aurora Borealis at North Pole is a type of electromagnetic pulse that controls various functions on earth, including the tides
This is exactly correct. I'll add that the Aurora Borealis at North Pole is a type of electromagnetic pulse that controls various functions on earth, including the tides
The moon controls the tides. If you believe otherwise you have never been a fisherman on the high seas which i did for 3 years of my life. Experience is a funny thing. Being older than most on here is even better.

The tides and fish production (Shellfish) are directly influenced by the lunar cycle. Full moon relates to fuller loster/crab/clams/mussels etc. Unless you mean to imply the electro magnetic pulse is exactly the same frequency of the lunar cycle.....

In which case it is the lunar cycle

The alternative you speak of is dumb beyond reckoning. Hopefully the percentage is smaller in Canada. I mean per capita. If proven otherwise it will rock my faith in the education system
Back to Aliens.....sorry they are both so weird as to be equal except....?

Oh science can not comprehend that life can exist on earth without the propensity for life somewhere else. I find them the same. I am old and wise and stuff.
Who knows about why they took him.

I think that alien crew were dealing with some kind of technical issue and not paying attention to their surroundings, which is why they allowed the crew in the truck to drive up on them the way they did. When Walton got out of the truck and approached the craft, he made the situation worse, so they decided to get the hell out of dodge, but they inadvertently allowed Walton to get too close to the bird, and when they spun up power to leave, a static electric field was generated and got grounded out by Walton, and THROUGH Walton, when he stood up to get the fuck away.

The truck crew all see a static discharge that creates a bright spark, and knocks Walton off his feet and right on his ass as if he'd been hit by a truck. Not knowing about static discharge, the truck crew assumes the unknown aerial vehicle actually attacked Walton, thinks they're next on the target list, and rightfully decide to get the fuck out of dodge as fast as they can. Wise move, imo.

Meanwhile, the unknown alien vehicle crew realizes what the fuck just happened, watches the truck crew drive off in a panic, and are left with this shocked and unconscious Walton character lying in the dirt outside their vehicle. This is the most interesting part, imo, as this is where they have a decision to make: Decision A - is continue mission and leave Walton in the dirt. Fuck em' for being a dumb ass human that got too fucking close to a craft he knew nothing about. OR....Decision B - G'dammit, we zapped another one, and his dumb ass friends ran the fuck away in panic, so now we have to collect this dude ourselves, fix him if we fucked him up, and then return it back to its habitat. Those alien fuckers chose decision B and made sure Walton wasn't fucked up before returning him back to his home, and I think that's pretty fucking impressive. I would have just left his ass.
Second, you have the people that don't believe it, but pretend they do, just to work up the "true believers" and irritate the shit out of the normal people. Basically, these fuckers are just trolls that enjoy stirring up the shit. They are cancer, and can't be reasoned with in any way.

OMG it is uncle buck. What an analysis.

And you were correct in your 3 i was just blown away with the similarity and i am not being sarcastic.

I think that alien crew were dealing with some kind of technical issue and not paying attention to their surroundings, which is why they allowed the crew in the truck to drive up on them the way they did. When Walton got out of the truck and approached the craft, he made the situation worse, so they decided to get the hell out of dodge, but they inadvertently allowed Walton to get too close to the bird, and when they spun up power to leave, a static electric field was generated and got grounded out by Walton, and THROUGH Walton, when he stood up to get the fuck away.

The truck crew all see a static discharge that creates a bright spark, and knocks Walton off his feet and right on his ass as if he'd been hit by a truck. Not knowing about static discharge, the truck crew assumes the unknown aerial vehicle actually attacked Walton, thinks they're next on the target list, and rightfully decide to get the fuck out of dodge as fast as they can. Wise move, imo.

Meanwhile, the unknown alien vehicle crew realizes what the fuck just happened, watches the truck crew drive off in a panic, and are left with this shocked and unconscious Walton character lying in the dirt outside their vehicle. This is the most interesting part, imo, as this is where they have a decision to make: Decision A - is continue mission and leave Walton in the dirt. Fuck em' for being a dumb ass human that got too fucking close to a craft he knew nothing about. OR....Decision B - G'dammit, we zapped another one, and his dumb ass friends ran the fuck away in panic, so now we have to collect this dude ourselves, fix him if we fucked him up, and then return it back to its habitat.

Sounds 100% like every military operation I've ever been part of.. something breaks, shit goes fubar, and you have to clean up the mess before you go home. lol
Sounds 100% like every military operation I've ever been part of..

I'd imagine the crews visiting here are little different in their organizational structure in that they are composed of crew that specialize in various aspects of an observational mission. You've got your naval crew that focus on running and maintaining all the ships, and then you've got your medical crew that are responsible for all the research and interaction shit with us local fauna.

I've been on enough aircraft in my life to know they're temperamental bitches, always have been, and probably always will be. I can't imagine why alien shit wouldn't be just as bitchy with the same kind of emergency down time needed for crew to fix some shit. There was probably an alien crew chief somewhere on that bird that was using some kind of alien space hammer to desperately beat a clanger bar into shape to fit in the hooter box in order to get the aircraft to start properly so they could fly the fuck out of here and head back to the space bar for booze and strippers.
Physics, math, science all presented intellectually and politely. Ignored as you desperately cling to your fairy tale atheist globe earth. It's crumbling beneath your feet and you are scared shitless that you will be forced to admit the existence of God. You can only resort to denial and offer nothing to contort but immature insults. Pathetic. You refuse to admit your own existence as being unique and beautiful. The realm you inhabit and your own DNA code is of intelligent design. All the naysayers in this thread have doubt creeping in about a globe earth. Why waste so much time here if its all such non-sense especially you shrub you been saying you were done with it for 4 months now. LMAO!!!!
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