LOL whatever. He had a cheap Italian made bolt action rifle and supposedly got off 3 rounds in under 6 seconds. Watch the Zapruder film. The brain matter and a chunk of his skull went backwards. Jackie crawled on the back of the trunk and grabbed a piece of his skull and crawled back in the backseat. Again watch the Zapruder film the shot came from the front. A crowd of people and a cop went running up the steps of the grassy knoll.The firing position was within 100 meters, which isn't shit, in partial enfilade, which minimizes the need to pull lead, and made with the help of a 4 power scope. Even a shitty shooter could have made those shots on JFK, dude.
No...saw my first black Chemtrail today above my house
View attachment 4121732
..about an hour later I got a picture of three intersecting black Chemtrails down the beach
View attachment 4121735
I know you disagree with me on 99.9% of what I post but you might dig Mayan culture dude. In regards to the ancient time piece. The Mayans mastered the dome/cosmos. They are why eclipses can be predicted years in advance. Archeology and ancient artifacts are one of my interest. Some gold Mayan artifacts closely resemble flying machines complete with a pilot and a breathing apparatus.
A VERY interesting hypothesis; what if civilisation arose here on Earth millions of years before we even evolved? There's no doubt that it's at least possible.
We humans really suck at dealing with questions of time; if things happen much faster than an eyeblink or slower than the movement of clouds it's easy for us to miss it. Even with the necessary instrumentation we have to know where to look.
We're even more myopic when it comes to dealing with the distant past or future. It was a sensation, for example, when scientists discovered the antikythera mechanism, a clocked computer that once recreated did a good job of computing astronomical events;
This device was made somewhere between 200 BCE and 70 CE, long before the more modern development of clockwork timepieces and astronomical computers.
There's absolutely no reason why it couldn't have happened before.
Not only is the universe vast, but it is deep in time as well. We've been here as humans for an eyeblink and as a modern civilisation able to go alien hunting with radiotelemetry for a vanishingly tiny sliver of time.
The idea gives me temporal vertigo.
Something to think about on this Friday the 13th, lol
Well a huge naval expeditionary force was there for only two weeks before the whole thing was abruptly called off.60% of all of this sounds like coast2coastAM regurgitation..
Any other abstract conspiracy theories we wanna throw in? Bigfoot is an inter dimensional being from the middle earth where the Nazis live now with the UFOs that blew up Byrd's naval taskforce, close to the hole that planes can't fly over right by that secret base you can see on Google maps...
Well a huge naval expeditionary force was there for only two weeks before the whole thing was abruptly called off.