Well-Known Member
LOL long time racist Uncle Stormfront Buck is totally not racist/rapist/snitch
you seem especially fine tuned at inventing racism from blacks where there is none and looking the other way when whites are incredibly explicitly racist.
and you like comments calling obama a kenyan homosexual.
but you're totally not a racist.
I condemn white racism against blacks.
nope, you haven't done that once. you have sponsored white racism against blacks often, and you have a hair trigger for whining about PERCEIVED black racism against whites, but you have never spoken out against white racism towards blacks.
not one single time.
I have too Buck. I certainly have.
But reverse racism exists as well.
quote one single post where you did so unprompted by yours truly then.
reverse racism?
ya mean, like baking cakes for people of other races?
Of course...
quote one single post where you did so unprompted by yours truly then.
reverse racism?
ya mean, like baking cakes for people of other races?
Quote one single post in which you condemned black racism against whites.
Try again Buck.
so calling the new black panther party a hate group does not qualify as condemning black racism against whites?
there's your stormfront double standard again, murdoch.
No stormfront here, Buck.
OK, you did condemn the NBBP. And I said this in one of my posts:
And the fucking whites and fucking blacks had better SOON learn to accept and compliment one another, and band together for the good ol' USA...because our real enemies aren't one another...
Our real enemies are illegal immigrants, and the Muslim countries who hate us.
not a single example to back up your assertion. as expected.
Why do you feel the need to treat all black people like victims?
that's nothing but more racism. i would point to that as an example of how you 100% resemble white supremacists.
It is NOT racism to say that illegal aliens are bad for the USA. It's just my opinion, but many share it. I have no problem with natural citizens, regardless of their race.
And it's NOT racist to say that our enemies include the Muslim countries who hate us.
I think he helped select Holder. too.http://finance.yahoo.com/news/al-sharpton-says-hes-helping-172500559.html
Just great. The fucking racist "reverend" is helping Obama pick the new AG.
Reading between the lines, he just wants an AG that is biased against the Ferguson cop.
I wish he would offer some advice on US nuclear policy as well.
From the article:
According to a Politico profile in August, in the aftermath of the racially charged protests in Ferguson, Missouri, Sharpton has become Obama's "go-to man" on race issues.
The White House did not immediately respond to a request for comment about whether Sharpton is involved in the decision-making process for Holder's successor.
well, just so you know, you share your opinions with the KKK and white supremacists.
In 2009 Rushton spoke at the Preserving Western Civilization conference in Baltimore. It was organized by Michael H. Hart for the stated purpose of "addressing the need" to defend "America’s Judeo-Christian heritage and European identity" from immigrants, Muslims, and African Americans.[36][37]
well, just so you know, you share your opinions with the KKK and white supremacists.
In 2009 Rushton spoke at the Preserving Western Civilization conference in Baltimore. It was organized by Michael H. Hart for the stated purpose of "addressing the need" to defend "America’s Judeo-Christian heritage and European identity" from immigrants, Muslims, and African Americans.[36][37]