AK47 and AK48 could someone tell me what the difference is???


Well-Known Member
alright they have the ak47 strain but ive always noticed there is an ak48 and id really love to know what difference there is between the 2 if any because ive considered growing these and thought about doing both to find out but id rather not so im looking for a little help on finding out which is the better of the 2 and why?


Well-Known Member
i know one thing...AK-47 Is some strong smelling shit...as far as AK-48 its just a knock off of Ak-47... Ak-47 is the original by serious seeds and the Ak-48 is by Nirvana. Ak-47 has the strongest smell ever! if you have it in your pocket the area around you atleast 20 feet will smell it! when i gotta take it somewhere in the car i have to put it behind the gas door so it wont stink up the whole car!


Well-Known Member
i have read and didnt come to any conclusions that they were any different thus why i asked the question, dont bother responding to things if you are just gonna act like a jackass. This is a community where people help one another with questions or problems they have in regards to marijuana cultivation. The term bitch is reserved for people such as you so thanks for stopping by bitch.

much thanks to anc77 who actually somewhat helped, i know who the breeders of the two were but didnt know if the genetics were the same or not. Good to know about the smell so ill make sure to get some smell proof bags.


Well-Known Member
ak47 is a better pheno type than the ak48.
i have grown both and thr 48 is good but the 47 kicks its ass.
thats why the price is so difff.

i would say go with the 48 if it a first grow.
and when you get better at growing invest in the ak47.


Well-Known Member
I have only grown AK47 and its the shit and boy! does it stank!. I stayed away from the ak48 knock off because all of the not so pleasant reviews. Maybe people were expecting something better or an upgraded pheno of ak47...but its hard to upgrade something as strong and time tested as ak47!!! :hump:


Well-Known Member
just make sure if you grow 47 that you grow out enough seeds to get the right pheno,i have had some that just did not cut it,they were huge and finished in 60 days but the potency was not their.


Well-Known Member
Who knows what they are, I think they are listed as a white strain on Nirvana webiste, so that would match up with the White Widow and ICE cross I've read about. They are also listings saying it is a straight ak47. If you can solve the mystery let us know.


New Member
think i read somewhere that ak48 is jock horror x ice. the ak48 high wasn't amazing think i left it to flower too long for my liking but it was still really potent, but from what i have read ak47 is in another league. 48 was definately easy to grow i nute burned it pretty bad, had afew days of poor ventilation and high temps and even dropped one when i was pissed exposing the roots and it still came out pretty strong.


Well-Known Member
ak47 is a better pheno type than the ak48.
i have grown both and thr 48 is good but the 47 kicks its ass.
thats why the price is so difff.

i would say go with the 48 if it a first grow.
and when you get better at growing invest in the ak47.

Ak47 is a strain, not a phenotype- neither is Ak48. Just sayin' ;)

They're not at all related. Serious Seeds are legendary breeders; Nirvana's Ak48 can be just as good as any in the hand's of the right grower. The price is different because Ak47 is trademarked & has cannabis cup wins to back it up- Ak48 does not. Price doesn't make strains.


Well-Known Member
Wow i cant believe no one answered this properly....

Serious seeds AK-47 is the only strain ever to win a cannabis cup 1'st place in all three breeder categories(indica, sativa and hybrid)... its a hybrid of NL#1, Ortega indica, and some Sativa strain(s), maybe Mexican Sativa? It is known for its short flowering time for a heavy hitting sativa dom strain. it grows more like an indica, but the high leans towards the sativa side. Possibly the most popular strain of all time, at least in the running for it. sturdy and fast growing with a high quality end product...

Nirvana AK-48 is a similar strain to AK-47 in some ways... it was bred to achieve similar results: fast flowering with a slightly sativa heavy buzz. Ak-48 is a hybrid of two of nirvana's top strains: Jock Horror, and Ice. The jock and ice plants used were selected for their early flowering. Ak-48 is nearly as popular as the Ak-47 but might have even out-sold it due to its VERY cheap price. ak-47 can cost up to $13-14 USD more PER seed than the Ak-48. The biggest indoor plant ive ever seen was an Ak-48 plant... it was a mother that was flowered indoor and it was HUGE!!!! this strain just keeps getting more and more popular and now other companies have started selling it as well.

bottom line!! the AK-47 and AK-48 ARE NOT VERY SIMILAR GENETICALLY. THEY WERE BRED WITH THE SAME END RESULTS IN MIND, HENCE THE NAMES. one hit quitter, that flowers fast and grows easily. thats really the only reason they sound so similar.


Well-Known Member
Wow i cant believe no one answered this properly....

Serious seeds AK-47 is the only strain ever to win a cannabis cup 1'st place in all three breeder categories(indica, sativa and hybrid)... its a hybrid of NL#1, Ortega indica, and some Sativa strain(s), maybe Mexican Sativa? It is known for its short flowering time for a heavy hitting sativa dom strain. it grows more like an indica, but the high leans towards the sativa side. Possibly the most popular strain of all time, at least in the running for it. sturdy and fast growing with a high quality end product...

Nirvana AK-48 is a similar strain to AK-47 in some ways... it was bred to achieve similar results: fast flowering with a slightly sativa heavy buzz. Ak-48 is a hybrid of two of nirvana's top strains: Jock Horror, and Ice. The jock and ice plants used were selected for their early flowering. Ak-48 is nearly as popular as the Ak-47 but might have even out-sold it due to its VERY cheap price. ak-47 can cost up to $13-14 USD more PER seed than the Ak-48. The biggest indoor plant ive ever seen was an Ak-48 plant... it was a mother that was flowered indoor and it was HUGE!!!! this strain just keeps getting more and more popular and now other companies have started selling it as well.

bottom line!! the AK-47 and AK-48 ARE NOT VERY SIMILAR GENETICALLY. THEY WERE BRED WITH THE SAME END RESULTS IN MIND, HENCE THE NAMES. one hit quitter, that flowers fast and grows easily. thats really the only reason they sound so similar.
"Wow", really? I'm not sure exactly how you answer a question "properly" nor am I "hatin'" or trying to troll anything but you are the first person to reply to this ancient thread with misinformation. First of all, Ak47 is a mixture of Afghani, Colombian, Mexican & Thai landraces, there is no
  • "hybrid of NL#1, Ortega indica, and some Sativa strain(s), maybe Mexican Sativa"​

and it is known for having a Cannabis Cup win in all categories- but not 1st place in all categories. It does also, however, have the record for the most cup wins of any strain and have 1st place wins in many other "cups." It has a suggested flowering time of 53-63 days, on the seed pack (7-9weeks.) Only Serious seeds can sell Ak47, it is trademarked; hence thousands of hybrids. It's growth and it's high both depend on the phenotype you get, there are 2 very common phenos (leaning Indica or Sativa.)
Nirvana's Ak48 is a Jock Horror X Ice hybrid, at least it was. They only list it as "Sativa strains" now so I have no idea what's in it. The genetics of Ak48 are whatever the breeder wants them to be since nobody can decide where it originated from; it used to even be said to be a clone-only. I agree, Ak48 (Nirvana) is worth the money, but I would much rather take a Serious seed for $113 (11 regular or 6 feminized; making the reg seeds about $10/fems about $18-19) than a Nirvana seed for $10.. Serious seeds are certainly more bang for your buck.. I speak without biased as I like Nirvana seeds as well, everything I've grown from them was acceptable & you can get a 10 pack of they're regular seeds for $26 which is probably the cheapest seed price anywhere. I also defend them when anyone rips on them for grower mistakes- they're worth the $ but if you're gonna spend a very much money on growing then you should go with the highest quality strain/breeder that you desire. The only situation that would make a Nirvana strain better than a Serious strain would be if you couldn't afford the Serious stuff, or if you just plain love Nirvana seeds and think they're the absolute best- but then you'd be in a very small group of growers.

I'm not trying to rip on you or anything but I'm not going to allow somebody to tell us we answered a question improperly for giving our opinions/contributions when the only 'improper' answer given was yours; you should have looked to see if you were correct, the information is there. We need a lot less misinformation here on RIU, that crap causes a lot of unnecessary problems.

Either of the two will get you ripped if you treat 'em right!.. but this here thread is about the difference in the two ;-).
Obviously, the difference is genetics- this has been established; now up for the discussion= thread topic. I have grown both but have yet to smoke my 47, not too far from harvest though. In soil, both are great for beginners/'hardy' (48 is also hardy in hydroponics.) 47 is just as hardy in hydroponics but can be equally bitchy if she doesn't have the nutrient portions she demands... in soil, they're both rock-solid badasses. The Ak48 that I ended up keeping/running had an almost piss-like scent, I mean I can't any better describe the smell it had in words other than pungent cat piss. I loved the high and the Sativa dominant effects but it wore off quickly & I seemed to gain a quick tolerance to it. They (the breeders) refer to both strains as 'one hit wonder'/'one hitter quitter' but IMO there is no such thing- unless you just don't want to get as high.


Well-Known Member
^^ lol what a post for someone who doesnt want to "troll" or "anything" ^^ First of all you shouldnt complain much about the integrity of RIU if u are so into it to where you have to offend someone to correct a mistake. Also where did anyone list any hard info on Ak-47 until we discussed it? i couldnt believe no one had even gotten into the lineage much at all. and yeah i sure did screw up the lineage of the Ak-47 in my post. but holy crap! your a jerk! and you really jumped on me for reasons u cant justify... Anywho!
Dude i know i read somewhere about the genes of the Serious Ak-47. the genes u listed are vaugue as hell but yeah your right, you'll have to forgive me for getting off and posting the wrong genes. but what kind of Afghan? which Columbian? what strain of Thai or Mexican? the afghan line used was an extremely profound example from what i remember reading in a CC or HT. Im almost positive they mentioned that it was an ortega and they mentioned the NL #1 in the article. i wasnt so far off. BTW y u so offended if my post forced you to further answer this question...? im kind of taken back by the mix of wisdom and direct comments. perhaps you should have been more detailed in the first place... i just hope people realize wtf the difference is now, if they find this.

true stuff about the $$ factor in finding a gem from seed: u can spend alot and still have to find what it is your wanting. just because you buy a pack of each the 47 and the 48, that doesnt mean one should produce more keepers than the other(or that one pack would generally have a more valuable phenotype thats better end product wise), its more about each plant individually and which you like the best. also obviously how its grown is gonna determine a lot as well... MOST buds i see in the med clubs and such arent that great around here(and there is a lot of them around). that shows how few plants are pushed to their full potential. also, i sure know different phenotypes effect me differently too. for example, some people have an easier time with that and can hardly tell the difference. not me.
gotta love internet arguements. if it were face to face it would be so much different. have fun growin.


Well-Known Member
My bad, I do realize that I often sound like a jerk because I get that a lot but I'm really not (why I often write "not to be a troll or an asshole...".) Until you posted there was 1, maybe 2 pages of posts... we're just now pushing the snow ball over the hill so nobody had posted any firm info on Ak47 yet. I just took offense to the first line in the post, sorry lol. Anyways, the Colombian, Mexican, Afghani and Thai are as specific as it gets; Simon, the original/only breeder of Ak47, will not release the exact genetics for obvious reasons (meaning he probably doesn't want anyone to release the same gear under a different name.) If there was any more info than that I would have found it by now, I've spent hours scouring the internet for information on either strain (emphasizing the 47.)


Well-Known Member
Im still a little burnt from having some posts deleted when i called swerve out in an argument about his stupid gear. I can get asshole syndrome pretty fast these days anyways for other reasons... so sry if i over reacted. you have a point with your research too because now i cant find where the F i read that. for a second i thought it was the dude on the seedmine vids and i was like uh oh. Now im gonna be diggin thru 7-8 year old damn magazines lookin for that. Jack Herer is the same tho... some argue its very similar to SSH just bred differently. Most agree these days its a four way cross that includes marley's collie. i even own an older HT that says they cracked the genes of it and its Skunk, NL, and Haze. which is Super Silver Haze's lineage. kinda crazy, cuz really all that matters is the final product i geuss. but i get all worked up about genes and lineage... I try to bite my tounge but usually end up trying to educate people on lineage when they say something way off in a conversation or something.
no big deal.
but man i wish we had some nice comparison pics in this thread to get it goin


Well-Known Member
I've been in so many arguments with that asshole that I refuse to buy his gear now! ...and I started out as a big fan of Cali Connection and Swerve himself, until I actually talked to the guy (on RIU.) I wouldn't be surprised if he had some of my posts deleted because I called him out on several straight LIES and he just cussed me out for it (in the Cali Connection Buddha Tahoe OG thread), even though I was trying to take up for the guy. What a tool. It's untelling what either of them really are, in all honesty. It would be nice to see the Ak48 and Ak47 side-by-side grow (if it exists yet.) Ever since I learned there was an Ak48, I always wanted to cross it to Ak47... I don't know why, it just sounds cool to me (I'm in no way comparing Serious Seeds & Nirvana Seeds.) A good, quick Sativa pheno from each strain would make a great cross IMO (if it were "bred right.")