AK47 and AK48 could someone tell me what the difference is???


Well-Known Member
I've been in so many arguments with that asshole that I refuse to buy his gear now! ...and I started out as a big fan of Cali Connection and Swerve himself, until I actually talked to the guy (on RIU.) I wouldn't be surprised if he had some of my posts deleted because I called him out on several straight LIES and he just cussed me out for it (in the Cali Connection Buddha Tahoe OG thread), even though I was trying to take up for the guy. What a tool. It's untelling what either of them really are, in all honesty. It would be nice to see the Ak48 and Ak47 side-by-side grow (if it exists yet.) Ever since I learned there was an Ak48, I always wanted to cross it to Ak47... I don't know why, it just sounds cool to me (I'm in no way comparing Serious Seeds & Nirvana Seeds.) A good, quick Sativa pheno from each strain would make a great cross IMO (if it were "bred right.")
OMG yeah i was in there bitching him out too... that stupid pic wasnt even his. then he has the nerve to start callling other breeders stuff crap when he sells garbage... ugh! i ended up trying other breeders because of his stupid ass and im glad i did (dinafem for one). I will have to find the pic but somewhere on Nirvana's weedportal someone has ak-47 and ak-48 growing together.... not the best example tho cuz it looked as tho he got lucky with the 48 and not with the 47. I wonder if it would be hard to breed Ak-47 like trainwreck is. Both 48 and 47 have quite the gene pool , i bet there could be a lot of diff phenos. probably the sativa ones would be the most desireable, and like u said a fast flowering one. call it double ak 95, lol. j/k Im probably going to purchase a pack of ak48 the next time i buy seeds, only prob is that i have like 20+ strains as it is right now in seeds, lol.


Well-Known Member
What do you mean hard to breed? Like hard to make, or hard to use as a parent? It would be impossible to match without knowing the exact lineage but any plant will pollinate any other Cannabis plant; even hemp varieties will cross with the stuff we grow. Trainwreck is strange, mostly bc of the debate about it's origins.
I have nothing negative to say about Nirvana, I've tried Ak48, Northern Light, Aurora Indica and each one of them turned out great!
You can never have too many seeds!

F*ck Swerve! For real, he's a dingleberry- that Cali Connection does have good strains in all honesty (if you're into SFV OG Kush), but Swerve surrounds the company with too much drama for me to ever support them again. I have 1 freeby Buddha Tahoe OG, other than that I won't be running any other CC strains for the rest of my days.All should check out the BTOG thread and see if you think Swerve's harassment of myself was justified (certainly was not.) Eventually he even offers me some free seeds, it felt fucking great to turn him down. Anyways, a little more back on topic-

I don't know what I'd call a cross like that, it would be cool to see though, both strains have very unique scents that I've never smelled anywhere else. Most of the Ak47's I grow come out smelling exactly like pine & vanilla (if you can imagine a 50/50% mix of those smells, without a hint of skunk= Ak47 exact scent.) Ak48 smells like a very unique skunk/urine/pine-sol, very weird.


Active Member
id love to find someone, with a cutting of cherry ak-47. i hear its one in a hundred beans....but taste like ludens cough drops, and very potent, by any ak standards.... i have a new streain now, just one plant, of aurora indica. i think it would give the ak a run.....


Well-Known Member
I grew it and enjoyed it. It's not a knock off. It's a totally different strain. They're both great strains, Ak47 of course is my personal favorite of the 2 but Ak48 makes a decent yield and is very nice smoke imo.


Well-Known Member
Gdy w 2008 r. opublikowała go "Krytyka Polityczna", zainteresował się nim Leszek Dawid. Razem ze scenarzystą trafili do szefa zespołu "Kadr" Jerzego Kapuścińskiego, który zapalił się do tego projektu. Cztery lata trwały prace nad filmem. Nie pasują do żadnego stereotypu postacie tych chłopaków, ich wydawcy granego przez Arkadiusza Jakubika, ich rodziców, żony Magika, która się z nim w pewnej chwili rozstaje (co jest jednym z powodów psychicznego kryzysu) jestes bogiem obejrzyj online. Reżyser omija pokusę zawartą w scenariuszu: zaprezentować śląskich "oburzonych" lat 90., enigmatyczne "pokolenie X", mające pretensję do tego, co się stało z krajem po 1989 roku. To nie takie zwykłe. Inni ludzie chłopcy z Mikołowa i Bogucic, uprawiający spontaniczną, improwizowaną poezję hip-hopu, przynajmniej mają dostęp do nowej techniki, w gruncie rzeczy nie rozumieją nowoczesności, pozostają z nią w permanentnym konflikcie, jak wielu z nas. Są dzikusami w cywilizacji "kupna i dystrybucji". Zderzają się ze światem, walczą, upadają, podnoszą się. Pomimo grubego języka, jakim gadają, posiadają coś z romantyków albo osób pierwotnych. Są intruzami w świecie kapitalizmu - czy to nie bardzo polskie?
My thoughts exactly!!!


Well-Known Member
I like ak 47 reminds me of bein 13 on the street corner smoking weed. Or what i thought was weed, or the cron or ak lol