advance nutrient grows and "PH" perfect nutrients


New Member
That shit looks like relabled drywall mud. Most nurseries sell calnit for about a buck a pound. 15-0-0, 18.5% calcium, completely water soluble, same as Jacks
Well I will check it out but all i have seen in the past is field grade (good for lawns) and its usually coated
The jacks is 31.50 for 25 pounds though I will check it out bit. I do need pure grades since I run a high pressure spray system and also weigh my cal nitrate which is very hygroscopic and changes weight easily.


Well-Known Member
It's nice to see folks being decently cool about brands. It seems like way too often people get like personally invested in labels and really judgmental about it.

Different growers have different needs and expectations. That's cool. Nothing works for everyone.

I mean sure, as a fellow Advanced Nutrients user I kinda hope Jbone77 likes it and keeps using it because it sort of reinforces my choice to use AN too, but I also realize that other people choosing the same thing I choose doesn't make me "more right" in making that choice.

Especially when we're talking about decisions where the concept of "right" or "wrong" are so completely subjective to the individual.


Well-Known Member
Lots of people need that reinforcement. I'm sure I've even casted out a pic or 2 hoping for that "good job" or whatever. Alot Of people have no idea what they are doing and if they are "right" or "wrong" but if everyone online agrees then they gotta be "right" right??

Slowly but surely we are seeing a shift too understanding. More and more people have used 5-6 lines now and know they are all bout the same. It will keep getting better with time I bet.


Well-Known Member
I tried AN for a couple of runs and went back to GH. I found it impossible to run multiple strains off of one res. 2 weeks for this additive, 4 for this one, 6 for another. I just grow for me and like a wide variety. GH works for me because its consistant and simple. I do miss that ph perfect technology.


Well-Known Member
Just run the base doobius that's whtat I'm doing. I'm all perpetual and multistrained too. No issues. A couple plants I water on their own but that's just cause they need something different.

All the hoopla over advanced's additives is kinda bs IMO. I have seen people pull extreme amounts out of tents following the regimen to a T. I've also never followed it ever and I pull pretty huge too. If ya want the ph perfect run one of the bases. I would recommend sensi grow and connoisseur bloom as jungle juice is identical to Gh really. If your gonna run AN might as well run AN ya know?

I feed my girls like 8-10 bottles on some days but only 2 are advanced Nutes. The rest is whatever you want it to be really, but te ph perfect still does the trick.


New Member
I tried AN for a couple of runs and went back to GH. I found it impossible to run multiple strains off of one res. 2 weeks for this additive, 4 for this one, 6 for another. I just grow for me and like a wide variety. GH works for me because its consistant and simple. I do miss that ph perfect technology.
They both are the same formula basically? PH perfect works well for a drain to waste system. You use the same ratios with both...I don't understand how there was so much different. Nutrients...all of them work for this plant. Knowing what they want is the key to using any of these lines, once you understand their needs any of these product work well. Keeping them happy will benefit you more than any line of nutrients and additives. JAS


Well-Known Member
They both are the same formula basically? PH perfect works well for a drain to waste system. You use the same ratios with both...I don't understand how there was so much different. Nutrients...all of them work for this plant. Knowing what they want is the key to using any of these lines, once you understand their needs any of these product work well. Keeping them happy will benefit you more than any line of nutrients and additives. JAS
That's it too JAS. People need to learn fundamentals and they will see there's alot of flavors of Nutes but they are all just Nutes lol. They are all broken down and recombined in different ways. There really isn't a "best" option just "the best one for the situation"

I noticed at the shop today there was a little sticker that said "upgraded formula, ph perfect" on like sensizyme and other advanced stuff. Did they add the ph adjusting magic to some additives to? I grabbed a bottle of sensizyme today as i was out of hygrozyme and I noticed the sensi was a touch cheaper? It wasn't always this way was it? I've never ran it and figured why not give it a go and see what's up.


Well-Known Member
Calcium nitrate is rarely sold in fine grain form because of how hygroscopic it is. It becomes soaking wet easily just leaving it out in the atmosphere. Having it in little ball form with a coating makes it much easier to work with, and it won't jam your spray systems. It's 100% water soluble.

Keep in mind that there are 2 common forms of calcium nitrate in use. The common 15.5-0-0 with 19% calcium is actually a double salt containing ammonium nitrate. This "greenhouse grade" calcium nitrate has the formula 5Ca(NO[SUB]3[/SUB])[SUB]2[/SUB].NH[SUB]4[/SUB]NO[SUB]3[/SUB][SUP].[/SUP]10H[SUB]2[/SUB]O

Pure calcium nitrate, which is more expensive and not commonly used for hydroponics, is 11.9-0-0 with 16.9% Ca. It has the formula Ca(NO[SUB]3[/SUB])[SUB]2[/SUB].4H[SUB]2[/SUB]O.

(you can check wikipedia for calcium nitrate "use as a fertilizer", or find the molar masses yourself and do the math to confirm the NPK and Ca.)

Keep in mind, these N P K ratings are percentages by mass. This means if 2 calcium nitrate products offer identical NPK, they are essentially the same purity product and can be used interchangeably.

I use Yara Calcium nitrate "greenhouse grade" which is the 15.5-0-0 19% Ca double salt. Got a 50lb bag of it a long time ago for 30 bucks and shipping. You can get 1 pound on cropking for like $2.90 USD if i remember correctly.

Well I will check it out but all i have seen in the past is field grade (good for lawns) and its usually coated
The jacks is 31.50 for 25 pounds though I will check it out bit. I do need pure grades since I run a high pressure spray system and also weigh my cal nitrate which is very hygroscopic and changes weight easily.


New Member
with a coating makes it much easier to work with,
No coating on the jacks I use. Easier why? I like my Ferts to dissolve instantly and
leave no residue. Of course I keep it well sealed. Interestingly
yara liva markets both a field grade and a green house grade
the green house grade and solution grade are the one they recommenced for hydro systems.
On the west coast they have a solution grade which i believe is the
same as the east coast green house grade. all of these have the same rated calcium and N.


Well-Known Member
I usually make stock solutions with my dry nutrients, for example, I mix up a 2 molar solution of yara "greenhouse grade" calcium nitrate apply that into reservoirs with a 50mL syringe.

No coating on the jacks I use. Easier why? I like my Ferts to dissolve instantly and
leave no residue. Of course I keep it well sealed. Interestingly
yara liva markets both a field grade and a green house grade
the green house grade and solution grade are the one they recommenced for hydro systems.
On the west coast they have a solution grade which i believe is the
same as the east coast green house grade. all of these have the same rated calcium and N.


sorry for the confusion when i read it back i confused myself using bio all mix got biogrow biobloom topmax and calmag need a good schedule and what my ppm should be through the different stages? currently growing autos northen lights then going onto regulars as im a beginner setup 600 hps 12 inch pots heat range normal i read somewhere dont need to feed until say after 2/3 weeks? my ph 6.8 and i guess that i take another reading 20 mins after making feed