advance nutrient grows and "PH" perfect nutrients


Well-Known Member
I like jacks, might I ask why you pay $25 for 5lbs of jacks calnit when you can buy 5 lbs of calnit online or at any nursery for $5?


New Member
I buy the package 25 pounds of each =50 pounds it runs 63.00 Haven't calculated it exactly
but I would guess it makes about 4000 gallons


Well-Known Member
I know the product, I also use it on occasion. My question is why is calnit that Jacks packages with a pretty label worth 5x more than calnit in a green bag from a garden supply store?


Well-Known Member
What's your guys thoughts on They got alot of the base stuff there got cheap cheap by the looks of it.


New Member
Well the price on the 5 pound does seem overpriced
the 25 pound bags are not exactly in pretty bags though
They are also greenhouse grade and much more pure than
the lower grade coated shit at most nurseries
As you know it quickly and fully dissolves without residue and has no moisture in it.
I agree it may be over priced. Next
time I will check on the price of the equivalent from plantex
before ordering again


Well-Known Member
That shit looks like relabled drywall mud. Most nurseries sell calnit for about a buck a pound. 15-0-0, 18.5% calcium, completely water soluble, same as Jacks


Well-Known Member
Wow I didn't notice their Epsom salt prices your not kidding !!!! They definitely got cheaper kelp and b vitamins tho. Aminos are dirt chep too


Well-Known Member
What I like about is the no "N" because the flower does not need N in flower. going to try it - Keep me posted Thanks
I not sure where you heard a plant doesn't need nitrogen in flower, but you are mistaken.

I've been reading this thread with curiosity as I've been reading a ton of negative stuff about AN. I'm not here to knock how all of you grow...if it works for you, then it's all good.

But, I would like to say that all of this is much more complicated than it has to. Go with good soil, replenish the nutrients sparingly, and find some nutrients that don't need 43 different parts to grow a plant. In flower I feed one nutrient.....Jack's Classic Bloom Booster (NPK 2-3-2) and that's it.

I don't flush, I don't check my PH, I don't even let my water sit to de-chlorinate it. I am now consistently getting 3 ounces per plant, and the plant is healthy until the day I chop. Not a yellow leaf to be seen.

I've said my peace, and I'm sorry if I am raining on your parade....just wanted to vent here. Sorry.


Well-Known Member
There's definitely simpler ways to do it but not if you wanna pull 1.2g/w even 1g/w takes a near perfect environment and massive amounts of work.

Yes you can skin a cat with a knife but using a huge complicated factory that divides the guts and the fur and the teeth and the meat and everything into nice neat packaging ready to be sold all automatically is better. If your lookin too maximize return that is.


Well-Known Member
Maybe I'm dumb....there are times that I am indeed not-that-smart, and this may be one of those times.....

I don't get the entire brain exercise of grams per watt to indicate how good a grow is. I have 1,650 watts in a 5x7 room with eight plants. All I know is that if I get 3-4 ounces per plant I'm doing fine in my world. The entire gram per watt thing really depends on strain.

I do admire those that attempt to grow a "perfect" plant. It's those of you that are pushing the envelope that advances are made. I've tried the numerous hydro-store nutrients and found it was just more things to get wrong than to get right. I'm by far no expert on growing, or pretend to be.....but I like keeping it simple. Take a look at my journals and you'll see I'm not doing all that bad for a beginner. My early lower yields were with expensive nutrients, my bigger yields were with non pot-specific nutrients.

Just saying....

I'm done hijacking your thread. Good growing my friends!


Well-Known Member
Iv said several times on this thread I use Jacks sometimes, I use GH, I use H&G, and am now trying AN. Why does anybody care what I use? I dont use Canna so guess what, I dont post on Canna threads. Just sayin.


Well-Known Member
I can't think of a line I haven't ran. Workin at the shops gets you good deals and gives you lots of time to wonder for a mind like mine. It's all a little bit the same but it's all a little bit different too. I'm looking for a certain level of product with a certain yield and ease of growth. It can only be so ez if you want top shelf in the end. By the buckets.

I grew one cut through all of it too that really would be nearly the same every time but just slightly different too. None have been bad. Well guano teas have me some really really harsh buds even with major flushage.

All the above nonsense said I'm really digging not having to dial in my ph. It's a luxury that I hope more companies get on board with. Or someone comes out with an additive that does it.

So jbone do you give aminos in any way?


Well-Known Member
If im doin a soil grow il use molasses, tried bud candy back in the day at 8 mills a gallon when I was runnin lucas formula, shit came out the same. Never used the amino blast or anything like that


Well-Known Member
I'm addicted to dark energy. Heavy aminos with a hint of humics YES PLZ! it's kinda pricey too tho so I've been shopping around.