advance nutrient grows and "PH" perfect nutrients

harris hawk

Well-Known Member
Lately used the following grows: Sensi grow and Bloom for soil and then one with 3 part (micro, grow, bloom)used in soil and the 3 part performed better than the 2 part for soil, so in using "hydro" nutrients gave me a better grow. Possible right? Sensi grow and bloom were "PH" perfect, What is your take on "PH" perfect nutrients


Well-Known Member
Currently using ph perfect sensi grow and connoisseur in hempy buckets, no complaints. I use distilled water and after 3 weeks I stopped checking my ph before I fed because its pointless. I did have a cal def but started adding a gram of calcium nitrate and a half gram of epsom salt to each gallon of water first, that brought my ppm to around 150 and then added my nutes and that took care of it. I feed every other day and once a week I check my runoff ph/ppm and its always at 5.8-5.9, and my ppm doesnt fluctuate by more than 30. I cant say it grows them better or worse than anything iv used before but it does what it says, ph is perfect. DWC guys say the ph climbs after a couple days and they have to adjust it a little. Like I said, iv run the GH line lucas formula with calimagic in hempys and was pleased, GH 3 part with additives and was pleased, H&G and additives and was pleased and a few others. They all work if you use them as directed and at the correct ph/ppm. If I run in dirt I wont use any of them tho, I run Dr earth potting mix, add perlite, and feed with Jacks classic. Simple, cheap, and effective


Well-Known Member
That's where I'm at with nutes too, they all work just have to figure out the puzzle. Right now most of my plants are advanced nutrients grown. I have four that I do with subs super soil and doing a couple with green house seeds powder feed. The powder feed is impressive for the price and the ease of use is amazing. The harvested plants from the powder feed burn amazingly clean and taste great. It's just hard to get those nutes to my door though, customs tears the order apart when I order the powder feed then make you pay some fee for doing so.


Well-Known Member
Yep, same shit different pile. I never personally got into mixing super soil or buying the fox farm stuff, on the rare occasion I do a soil run I grab that Dr earth potting mix, I can basically just mix in some perlite, water it down, drop a seed in the middle and walk away. Dont have to worry about it burnin the lil bastard and just water every 4 days or so. When flower starts I start watering with jacks bloom and molasses and wait. Simplest damn thing iv ever done. Nothin against FFOF or subs super soil I just havent had a problem with Dr earth and Jacks so never changed it up . Hydro nutes I change up all the time, whoever has the best sale goin gets my order. Can honestly say iv never run a bad nute line, just dont buy the entire line, its never needed and just creates problems later

harris hawk

Well-Known Member
Heard ths green house had to pull their fertilizers off the market because of the wording. Sounds like they work

harris hawk

Well-Known Member
Might try? Their video's on test grows are interesting, But I'm a fan for no "N" during flower stage and I think green house's does contain "N"


Well-Known Member
Ph perfect is def easy in hydro mediums, ran it for years now. I just play with a few plants to keep fresh on what's what plus I'm always getting tester packs of nutes from the companies to try out at work.

yea the powder feed contains n but I think you would be surprised at how it runs. Plus it's only one bag to mix vs many AN bottles. That's what got my interest in running it. Same for subs supersoil, if I only have to ph my tap water and water plants I'm all about that. the super soil or the powder feed are meathods I would feel comfortable taking a vacation and leaving the watering to my brother.


How ate u the day gpt a question if you dont mind using bobizz all mix and nuites have you got a good schexule i was planning feed day off water day off feed dayoff just amouts on nuittes ml per litre ph water 6,8


Well-Known Member
I speak drunkanese.... Il get this one!

Puffy don't ph your water with biobizz first of all. And second your schedule sounds good. What medium are you using? You might over water if you don't have a really fast draining medium.


Well-Known Member
As for ph perfect. I'm having some issues with my new water. Comes outa the tap at 7.0 and ph down makes it spike super low or doesn't take it down enough. Ph down is just a pain in the dick basically. Soooo I absolutely hate AN but I'm considering some of their shit for the ph perfect

What's the deal? Can I get away with just the base? Or do I gotta run a significant amount of their line?


Well-Known Member
This is my first time using AN, decided to try them out to figure out why so many people either love em or hate em. Running sensi grow and connoisseur for bases. Pretty much the only problem or complaint I have is an almost instant cal def, im talkin at like week 2 of veg. Started adding a gram of calcium nitrate to each gallon before i mixed my nutes in and that took care of it. Other than that veg went great, I run hempys and dont check ph before I feed anymore but will check my runoff once a week or so and its always good. Iv read a million times that they leave shit out of the bloom mixes so I did get bud ignitor, big bud, and overdrive. Had pistils everywhere in week 1, decent clusters in week 2, thats where im at with em for now. Can let you know more as I go


Well-Known Member
Just a note guys, i saw a post that said his water was 5.8 using PH perfect. It does not adjust Ph it allows for nutrient uptake at any level from 5.5 to 8 i believe. If you have almost perfect levels now why would you spend the fucking wild amounts of money on it? I paid like $55 for 2 litres of the stuff in a weak moment. I can buy almost 4 gallons of reg AB nutes for that. Did it work better, NIMO.


Well-Known Member
I dont recall ever making a post saying my water ph was 5.8, I said my gallon of mixed nutes in distilled water was 5.8, if I use lucas in distilled my ph sits at 6.3, i ph that down to 5.8 my runoff from that is never below 7. If you spent $55 for the 2 part 1 ltr bottles that your a dumb fuck, sensi grow a/b php in 1 ltr bottles is $16 and conni a /b php in 1 ltr bottles is $26. If you want to talk shit get your facts straight. All nutrients adjust ph ya fuckin idiot. I never said they are going to give you a bigger yield, I simply said I run hempy buckets, I use distilled water, my feed water and my runoff water has yet to change, and that I have no complaints other than the cal issue. The guy asked what the deal was and I answered it to the best of my ability