adding silica to hard water


Can I add Silica ( Armor Si ) to water that has a PPM Around 260?
I have read that you need to add armor si before Cal mag but if the cal mag was already in the water would this then not work?
Mixing is key.
ArmorSi silica (most non-$$$monosilic) will increase the PH.


ArmorSi elemental ppm breakdown. Approx.

Per ML. Per gallon.
K. 9ppm.
Si. 26ppm.
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This doesn't answer my question though, which is usually answered by a yes or no :D

Not sure if I'm understanding what you are asking. What TintEastwood posted would say to me:

You need to check the pH of the water out of the tap if you are trying to dilute the silica first with tap water before adding the dilution to your nutrient solution (which should already be pH adjusted around the 5.5'ish range). If the tap water is already close to 8 (say because of a lot of calcium in your tap water), then adding silica would result in some amount of precipitation/not what you want with whatever else is in your tap water. And some amount of your dilution would be wasted as precipitation before you could add it to your nutrient solution.
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Sorry I should have been more clear, since I am a bit confused myself. General hydroponics and other growers have said to add Silica before cal mag, as adding Silica after Cal mag or micronutrients could potentially lock out either the cal mag or silica. That is what I am trying to find out. so for example, if using existing tap water with cal mag in it, then adding silica, would everything be fine? I'm just trying to get more understanding of how Cal mag and silica work together
