wow so if u crash your car does your insurance pee test u? or just employe insurance your talking about?its a sad fact that in america, for I'd say 70% of decent jobs, there is going to be at least a "pre-employment" screening.... after that, most have nothing, though there are plenty of jobs that do random testing, but its nearly all for insurance purposes.... if you've got some pot/other drugs in your urine, you are presumed to be at fault for whatever happened, and the insurance company doesnt have to pay shit if you get hurt, etc.
dunno about the wreck question, but I dont think so if u crash your car does your insurance pee test u? or just employe insurance your talking about?
Fuck i went to my car one lunch a few yrs ago, smoked a few bongs, got out and wiped out on the fresh ice by the front door, hurt my ass like hell,
so off i go to the hospital to get looked at, the doctor looked at the black bruise on my ass, and said take the rest of the week off, paid.
Had their been a pee test, wow that would have sucked!! Ya canada is awesome my interview it at Tim Hortons, they pay 14 hourly to start plus benefits, no pee test.
Ya its a huge step down for me with my experience but my man makes really good cash and its just a survival job. I just moved 6 weeks ago out of Toronto into the sticks, so i know i wont be making my reg 45-50 g yearly like before. But i like my life better now. Keep it simple
8.55 wow thats nuts!! people need to survive!! My aunt is also a nuse but makes double that. (sorry) She did the traveling nurse thing, did contracts all over the USA for about 10 years, she's back in Canada now, said the pay is much better. But Honestly the type of work u do deserves 25$ hr as far as i'm concerned, thanks for all u do rene112388.Holly shit april 10.20 minimum wage its 8.55 here in washington...your minimum wage is higher than my union wage as a nurse! And glad to hear it worked out gogrow
yeah.... that's fucking crazy compared to here.... min. wage is 7.55 in my state, and if you are a server/waitress, they can go as low as 2.55hr. and they justify it by saying you'll make plenty in tips...8.55 wow thats nuts!! people need to survive!! My aunt is also a nuse but makes double that. (sorry) She did the traveling nurse thing, did contracts all over the USA for about 10 years, she's back in Canada now, said the pay is much better. But Honestly the type of work u do deserves 25$ hr as far as i'm concerned, thanks for all u do rene112388.
Insane i'm being interviewed for a cashier position, 14$ hrly to start plus benefits.( Tim Hortons) I kinda felt this type of job was below me, i have a french diploma,
I had a great job, corner desk with a window, great view, 4 weeks paid vacation but i hated it as much as i loved the perks!!! FUCK YOU GM!!
yeah it is pretty damn good... its some grandaddy purp, but I had to pay 80 for the 1/8.... forgot about owing him 20bucksgogrow i hope u get a bag of some dank ass shit!! i'm smoking some corky plant, its bagseed i grew, plant went mutant but bud gets u retarded so i called her corky lol
gogrow i hope u get a bag of some dank ass shit!! i'm smoking some corky plant, its bagseed i grew, plant went mutant but bud gets u retarded so i called her corky lol
Fuck yea! Congrats man...Early celebration on being hired at a damn good job after months of nothing. Now I have to go take a drug test, pass that and everything's gravy. Got it covered, got a clean brother, a little bottle, and some whitey-tightiesWish me luck guys!
They actually have kits JUST for that, takes some nerve to use, but you should look into glad your piss test aint like mine were when i was on parole, we had to piss with the p.o. in the bathroom with a mirror in front of the toilet.
First off i kicked ass in my interview!! even had a customers 2 yr old son blowing me kisses !! should know by tomorrow, 2 shifts available 10 pm- 6 am yuck and 2pm - 10 pm perfect for me!! But said i would take either because i will not pass up a job, i'd be a fool.yeah it is pretty damn good... its some grandaddy purp, but I had to pay 80 for the 1/8.... forgot about owing him 20bucksand fuck paying for weed, cant wait to start this grow up