ABC Joins Fake News!

Yar, just have FUN with the sad fuckers! 85% of 'em are pathetic hate mongers clicking away angrily on their (rent-to-own) computers and HOPING you'll take the troll bait and run with it. ;)

I mean, c'mon; do you really believe that anyone in their right mind/with an IQ over 60 would actually SUPPORT the Drumpf in ANY capacity?! lol
Other right wing conservative multi millionaires, maybe? They'd be the only beneficiaries.

my response to this entire thread.
what about all the other polls showing his approval rating to be underwater too?

in 2012, obama outperformed the polsl by 3-5 points. in 2016, trum outperformed them by 1-4 points.

so let's say the polls aren't accurate and are off by 5 points to trum's detriment. what's his approval rating then?

42% or so?

congrats. obama is around 60%, and presidential approval ratings only ever go up once they leave office. trum is at the point where his approval rating should be at its highest.


nice avatar.
Why'd you clip my like, Buckold?
I thought it an apt representation.
Annnndddddd speaking of projection, here is our very own food stamp-dependent 'purple' hater, pooey popsicle! Mention "racist impotent republicunts" and they come RUNNING on cue! LMAO!

You poor dear, davey sheskunk's incessant PMs are really riling you up, huh?

You posted pics of where you post from though, its a trailer. Who is davey, state appointed home care for your disability case?
You posted pics of where you post from though, its a trailer. Who is davey, state appointed home care for your disability case?

Everything about the guy says "White trash redneck". He has a knife/rock/club display with dinosaurs and shit in his room. He smokes out of a metal pipe. Who the hell still smokes out of a metal pipe? I bet his real name is Jethro.
Everything about the guy says "White trash redneck". He has a knife/rock/club display with dinosaurs and shit in his room. He smokes out of a metal pipe. Who the hell still smokes out of a metal pipe? I bet his real name is Jethro.

Raw aluminum pipe is my guess, would explain a lot. Kentucky needs charter schools badly.
You posted pics of where you post from though, its a trailer. Who is davey, state appointed home care for your disability case?

Everything about the guy says "White trash redneck". He has a knife/rock/club display with dinosaurs and shit in his room. He smokes out of a metal pipe. Who the hell still smokes out of a metal pipe? I bet his real name is Jethro.

Raw aluminum pipe is my guess, would explain a lot. Kentucky needs charter schools badly.

He scrapes his resin.

There's my good lil' cucklings, right on CUE! L-O-L!

I wonder, if I stopped honoring my inbred/emotionally destroyed sycophants with replies, would they whip themselves into such an obsessive frenzy that the'y bite each other's (tiny) dicks off? Let's try and see!
(These two particular fans have been up all night, puffing that meth and swapping PMs about their multiple previous bannings, sock accounts, "those coloreds", and how they plan to share a weekend together once their probation is over. LOL!)

...Wait for it.... ;)

There's my good lil' cucklings, right on CUE! L-O-L!

I wonder, if I stopped honoring my inbred/emotionally destroyed sycophants with replies, would they whip themselves into such an obsessive frenzy that the'y bite each other's (tiny) dicks off? Let's try and see!
(These two particular fans have been up all night, puffing that meth and swapping PMs about their multiple previous bannings, sock accounts, "those coloreds", and how they plan to share a weekend together once their probation is over. LOL!)

...Wait for it.... ;)


There's my good lil' cucklings, right on CUE! L-O-L!

I wonder, if I stopped honoring my inbred/emotionally destroyed sycophants with replies, would they whip themselves into such an obsessive frenzy that the'y bite each other's (tiny) dicks off? Let's try and see!
(These two particular fans have been up all night, puffing that meth and swapping PMs about their multiple previous bannings, sock accounts, "those coloreds", and how they plan to share a weekend together once their probation is over. LOL!)

...Wait for it.... ;)