A sobering thought

It never happened.

Fucking retards.
Obama cut an order to phase out private prisons and Trump is reversing the order. Trump needs those prison beds because his policies are inevitably going to fill them up. I mean, duh, his immigration policies and pivot to oppose states legalizing rec MJ are just the beginning of the rise in incarceration.

Exactly what are you driving at? What I read is you somehow blaming the prior administration on Trump's moves. Are you that stupid? If I'm the dummy who misinterpreted you then do me a favor and spell it out.

I dont think you are a dummy, or that stupid.

let me refresh. anymore than this...you'll have to reread the thread and it isnt worth it imo

cp="this guy was stolen from his family while o bama was president and freed when he left office?"=truth
even when the next president allows for the continuation the prisons, obama remains the president at the private prison complex's peak times,(2013) put people in them, wanted to jail immigrants in them too. my point, as stated above, is that all these creeps are, well, creeps, involved in this prison complex fiasco, it never ended, was maybe gonna slow down a little, maybe someday end, maybe started real soon, but nope, too late, enter the next scammer, who will use these facilities to house immigrants, more of them, more than what is already there left over form the last admin, hope you get that

ub="obama phased out private prisons"
cp= "no, they were never phased out
he wanted to phase them out, possibly, but I wonder why then, before he profited so largely ,
did he not phase them out earlier, you know, before the next president could even pooh pooh his new idea, like, why not reschedule marijuana, make it legal everywhere all at once, exploit the medical benefits like the rest of the world has been, for thousands of years
I dont think you are a dummy, or that stupid.

let me refresh. anymore than this...you'll have to reread the thread and it isnt worth it imo

cp="this guy was stolen from his family while o bama was president and freed when he left office?"=truth
even when the next president allows for the continuation the prisons, obama remains the president at the private prison complex's peak times,(2013) put people in them, wanted to jail immigrants in them too. my point, as stated above, is that all these creeps are, well, creeps, involved in this prison complex fiasco, it never ended, was maybe gonna slow down a little, maybe someday end, maybe started real soon, but nope, too late, enter the next scammer, who will use these facilities to house immigrants, more of them, more than what is already there left over form the last admin, hope you get that

ub="obama phased out private prisons"
cp= "no, they were never phased out
he wanted to phase them out, possibly, but I wonder why then, before he profited so largely ,
did he not phase them out earlier, you know, before the next president could even pooh pooh his new idea, like, why not reschedule marijuana, make it legal everywhere all at once, exploit the medical benefits like the rest of the world has been, for thousands of years
Your attempt at equating Obama's managing an existing system with Trump's over-ride of Obama's executive order to phase out of private prisons is absurd.

Yes, Obama should have acted sooner to initiate closing prisons. That has nothing to do with Trump's repealing an executive order.

They are completely different actions and nothing at all alike. And not even the point of the OP. Trump is preparing for mass incarceration. WTF do we care what Obama did? It's Trump who is planning increasing incarcerations and who needs those prison beds.

I don't even think we disagree on the OP. Fucking stop the partisan shit. Either support Trump's mass incarceration plans or oppose them. It's not a red vs blue issue. It's about the US increasing what is already by far the highest rate of incarceration in the world. To what end is the most concerning question.
they're all in on it of course. we already know trump is going to fill up private prisons with immigrants like they did in the Obama era. Him and his buds will score big time on Wall Street because of it, and already are.
Now trump makes them a GO again, after Obama attempts to stop them.

If Obama worked a little quicker maybe he could have ended them long ago, before election time.....

Vanguard Windsor II Investment Fund owns CCA. However, CCA is a minute part of the Vanguard Windsor II Funds. Vanguard Windsor is also invested in corporate giants like JP Morgan, IBM Pfizer and Conoco. This accounts for the Wall Street backing of privatized prisons and the subsequent lobbying for longer and stricter prison sentences which fuels this growth industry.

This is the same Vanguard that moved money prior to the Gulf Oil Explosion in a way which made massive sums of money for key investors in the same manner as did Transocean, Goldman Sachs and Halliburton. And one of those insiders that benefitted from the Gulf Oil Explosion was President Obama as he was vested in Vanguard I and Vanguard II.

wall street just changed hands again

Oh, no..my friend..think BIGLY:wink:

This is prison privatization meets immigration.

They're going to BUILD them..one in every town..reducing ICE Agent qualifications for the booming business of detainees- no polygraph, no fitness requirements.

Just like the Nazi's..one in every town..Just like the Nazi's..one in every town..Just like..