A sheet

home from work around 9:30 after stopping by the gas station for supplies. I was expecting to work Sunday (Easter) and dose after work. My roommate and coworker told me restaurant was going to be closed.

Really... I thought as I drank a Stella Artois to relax after work. I don't usually drink so I hadn't planned on drinking a lot, and I was planning on using the time while I was buzzed to get things ready. I was expecting to spend the next two hours alone with my thoughts and dose around midnight. However, there were a lot of people at my house and I went to my room to find some people inside which was really not cool. I kicked them out and was really upset, and was kind of starting to feel negative vibes. I rolled up several blunts to relax my mind and prepare for the trip.

Out of nowhere my girlfriend texted me. I hadn't spoken to her in a while and I really missed her. It was really surprising and made me feel good and happy and changed my mood dramatically. The next thing I knew her roommate called and asked if I could spare a couple doses, and that he was already on the way. I hadn't dosed yet as I was finishing my beer so how could I say no?

He arrived and took a hit and bought a couple more. Then he asked if I wanted to hang out at his house.

Weird timing. Good friend, good tripping buddy, my girlfriend is at his house, I'm feeling cluttered at my house (broke my glasses tho so was hard to see) but I decided sure ill go hang out.

I got to his house and we went inside and were getting ready. I was still psyching myself up trying to make sure I had everything set or close to it. I forgot music or a way to listen (Youtube etc wouldn't work as I have no data and he had no Wifi)

I got a blunt ready and got my acid out. I remember how my muscles normally ache a bit after taking acid so I stretched my arms and legs really well for a few minutes. I always do this but I tried to get a really good stretch on my muscles and tendons.

Suddenly I saw an angel standing in front of me, and I knew I had to give her some acid too. We hugged and I asked if she wanted to trip as well. She had been drinking but said yes, mentioning that she was trying to cut back on drinking. I gave her 2, so I ended up taking 64×150μg tabs. We sat down and enjoyed the moment for a while in silence, as I was still really nervous about what I was doing (the last thing I wanted was to freak out uncontrollably and go to the hospital or go outside)

Our friend came in and we started talking, as he was already tripping pretty hard from his tab. I stood up and walked around and looked out the window as a final goodbye to sanity. He is an avid painter and psychedelic user so its easy to imagine bright colorful images and bold designs in his work. I looked around at all of the paintings and felt at peace with everything. I then gobbled my doses and chewed the rapidly dissolving mush and swallowed. I then turned around and sat next to her and held her hand. Almost immediately I felt a strange tingle where our skin touched. I looked at my phone.


Roughly three, yes three, short minutes later I felt it surging in strength. The walls started dripping and shimmering as if bright lights were about to burst through most things started glowing pinks and blues and bright purple and green, and I felt a surge of dopamine and other brain goodies being released along with a rush of warm and really strong vibrating energy. We kissed and I rubbed her back for a few minutes trying to do something with the energy inside. I could feel the stress in her body leave wherever I touched and I saw her energy body go through a change, her body got soft looking and bright and began radiating warm energy. The moment I kissed her our bodies melted together and I felt wires growing out of our bodies and connecting us together. Sparks shot out of our mouths like iridescent electric paintballs which popped in the air and hung frozen all around the room. It was a weird sensation to kiss someone you could not see physically but only feel and sense.
It was like I was seeing her with many other senses but not normal ones. Our bodies slowly melted back but instead of bodies it was like a green circuit board with the gold wires still attached. Our bodies were also glowing very brightly. Like a sun wrapped in golden circuits. My male friend grew a big gold patch on one side of his face and others on his hands and arms. He too began to glow. We all became two dimensional like a side scrolling video game made out of computer pieces and light. Everything in front of me got far away. As I turned my head it got closer to me or closer to my body. Our friend was having a conversation It was hard to interact with anything other than her, so I just melted into her while watching clint eastwood (a painting BEHIND ME) come to life and float around on circuits of light.

It didn't matter if my eyes were open or closed I still had complete vision, and I have terrible eyesight without my glasses. I was able to see very clearly things on the opposite side of the room, I would say that my vision was as good or better than usual. Except of course the melty drippy technicolor explosion and bursts of sunlight inside (also sporadic patches of pitch black)

Everything that was in front of me began to fold into other things. They also started to turn green and black and other earth tones. I saw holes burning into things however when I turned my head the holed were still there. It was like putting out cigarettes on a newspaper and watching them burn. Except there was just darkness in the holes.

He incorporated a golden ratio spiral into some hair on a really psychedelic Jesus, and at this point the spiral shot out and spun around the room creating several obstacles which I would have to walk around later.

Time wasnt flowing like normally. I experienced something weird and hard to describe. It was like looking at hundreds of movie reels at the same time each of them overlapping all of them showing something different (most of them very similar but slight changes say im wearing a blue shirt in one and a red shirt in the other) except that I would see each individual movie reel, like reading a book with each page being page 1 of a different story and then book 2 being page 2 of the same consecutive stories. And by reading I would rotate my field of vision (which was no longer on the couch with her but more of in the center of the room (to the right of him) meaning I saw all three of us from a roomcentric location and everything was spinning (slowly not out of control, giving me time to focus. Each second that would happen dozens of times and there would always be holes burned in each layer and I could see other layers underneath. At this point things began to get weird.

Yes I said began to get weird.

Three or four or perhaps a dozen or more things popped into the room and bubbles began forming on things as well as colored boxes and shapes. These things would flip, on a horizontal axis in a positive to negative space. They would either flip and leave a depression or flip and change color. It was very hard for me to pay attention to any conversation and I think I just stopped talking or trying to interact with anyone and held her and stared at the wall.

At some point they went upstairs to trip and leave me downstairs. I remember him telling me he was going, and here is a blanket.
dont know what time it was
The next thing I knew I was all alone, except for these creatures and things I pulled from my unconscious. I will ask my friends what happened and hopefully they will fill me in. What I remember was the bubbles and flippy stuff happening and then several animals in the house, a bunch of yarn string looking stuff, was basically like walking through nonexistent cobwebs. It looked very similar to diagrams of what our universe looks like. It was red and blue mainly. There were transformer looking entities, a giant plaid bag looking thing some crystals some birds a mouse and hamster just all sorts of things running flying oozing and crawling around me. These i take it represented some of my friends and people and perhaps part of my subconscious becoming animate. I say that because I have a couple friends I know whose internet tag is some of the animals and other stuff I saw. I ran around looking for my friends and following the string yarn looking stuff. I had a blanket so I wouldn't be cold but I had nothing to do so I was being bombarded with visuals. It had been snowing inside the whole time.
When I looked at a light I saw halos of black and light and black and light...
There were colors you couldn't imagine inside and they were flipping and morphing and melting
There were no less than 50 different people things whathaveyou following me. The overall color of everything was flipping and changing too.
Most of the visuals would happen and then stay there (computer chips and paintballs swirls and random colors)
There were big gaping holes in everything with blackness underneath.

Somehow my visuals changed again and everything folded in on itself, im not sure how to explain it Ive seen it before but this was more. Just so much more it was like everything was going flat but to a single flatness. Like if you take a pop up book and fold everything flat and then fold it again and again and again... I dint have a visible body to see where I was and the whole room was sliding and melting away from me like if I walked to the wall I would never make it because the wall would slide away from me. But id run into things because I couldn't see them or myself at all. I lay down on the floor waiting hoping wanting for it to calm down but it was getting worse. Im not sure how long it had been maybe 5-6 hours in the complete silence and darkness (I turned the lights on and off but I couldn't see the light anymore it looked like shadows)
Words made no sense nothing really made sense anymore. I was like a child flashing in and out of TV channels each channel being a different life different story and all of them constantly cycling through.

How did I get like this? How long has it been? (At this point maybe 3 hours)
I tried very hard to remember real things. I remembered that I had been with someone and we were talking and she was warm soothing comfort. I could not remember her name her face, anything like that. I started trying to call out to see if anyone was there and also because I panicked because it was so quiet. The only words that made sense was help. I was saying help me but I didn't know what me was. Halfway through that I started saying my girl's name over and over really fast. I was trying hard to remember what a Sam was and why it meant so much to me. My friend came down and got me a glass of water but I didn't know what it was or how it was floating in the air sparking electricity and rainbows everywhere. He said "I have to help you and I have to help Sam so be easy on me!" when he said help Sam, it was like a switch clicked in my head. I saw a fountain of sparks flowing beside him and a beautiful image of her spirit body appeared in front of me. I was panicked and really scared and this image leaned to me gave me a hug and said its ok you are ok. When that happened I immediately calmed down. I have to be strong for Sam I can't let her see me like this or feel my fear. She constantly comments on how cool and calm I am always and here I am being the opposite.
When my male friend was there all the people came back. Then he left and I panicked again. He came back and I decided to try to throw up to see if I would calm down. It was very hard for me because I was having a very strange sensation like I was a black hole. I was the singularity and everything I was seeing was a part of me. I had to sense what things looked like by using my sense of sound and touch not my sight. My vision went entirely blank and I saw a giant purple blue and white pulsating crystal orb thing. It was like it was pulsating because it was gaining information or knowledge from its surroundings and feeding the same thing back.

I had my friend help me get to the bathroom and I threw up a couple times. It felt like there was something inside of me that was just blocked and didn't want to leave. He asked if he should call paramedics.
No, of course not. But it was not that easy to convince someone of that. So let me be clearer to you guys. I would not recommend this or even 1/10th this dose to someone. I knew that in my body (which was not even a thing at the time) I was ok. My heart rate was maybe 100-110 at the most. My body itself was ok just my head was having way too much. He got kind of scared and put his hands over me. Around my stomach and side. He didn't touch me just hovered his hands over my about 4-6 inches away. When he did that I felt a surge of energy leave my body and within 3 seconds I calmed down. It was so weird. Im not sure he noticed he did anything. Immediately after that I was still tripping incredibly hard but super calm I just went and lay down.

After I lay down I felt really calm and peaceful and saw everything return but not with as much strange ferocity as before. I saw the strings come back and played with them. Basically by doing yoga and focusing on my energy I could enter and manipulate the strings. I guess it would be kind of like a location I have seen represented by strings. Like I could enter a string and be in my house at a certain point in time. Very similar to the black hole scene in interstellar, except that I didn't see what was inside the string till I entered it.

I have 30+ tattoos all of them very colorful. My artist jokingly mentioned I should check them out while tripping so I can see the "real reason behind the design" tripping at this dose, nothing happened with my tattoos because they just were not there
Towards morning I noticed that my tendons were really sore and I also had no balance to do any yoga or stretches when a few hours ago I did. I stretched as best as I could and remembered finally I had some music on my phone which I played and lay down.
My friends daughter came down and I met her for the first time and she was melt like an ice cream cone. She looks like her mom though and was very nice to me. I was really nervous because I was tripping and didn't want to act weird but I pulled it off well. I was really focused on stuff like that and and even though the world was melting and bubbling I was very focused. She came downstairs finally and we cuddled for a bit which felt wonderful and calming. She slept on top of me and I instantly fell asleep. She kept remarking on how calm and collected I seemed to be. I don't want to sound too cliché but we connected deeply without much thought or physical connectivity it was really nonverbal communication and energy level connection. Her daughter was really into me and asked me a lot of questions and gave me lots of hugs. My friend said she doesn't normally act that way but could feel I was different (when they came downstairs in the morning I overheard the girl ask if I was magic and that made me laugh inside)

All in all it was a frightfully positive experience terrifyingly complete. I don't want to do acid again for a very very long time if ever. I feel deeply connected to my friend and hopefully I am getting connected with her family there were lots of happy loving vibes and when we were together I didn't feel like we were two separate things just one consciousness. We read each others minds a few times. She is getting better at it now. I feel I might not be able to keep a secret!

I got home about 6 pm .(~12-6 and everything was still really melty so my roommate took me to Walmart where we did a ton of much needed shopping while I calmed down the rest of my trip. Eating dinner was amazing so delicious. I ended up not sleeping for two whole days. For some reason I just didn't have to sleep. Also for about two days I didn't go to the bathroom it was harder than it should have been, but then two or three days after that was too easy to go to the bathroom! After about 3-4 days from the trip I finally felt like I had completely or almost completely returned to normal. Things were not visually weird or tripping out but when I would close my eyes it would seem as if I was getting some major cev of blobs of purple green and blue all morphing.
Three or four or perhaps a dozen things popped into the room and bubbles began forming on things as well as colored boxes and shapes. These things would flip, on a horizontal axis in a positive to negative space. They would either flip and leave a depression or flip and change color. It was very hard for me to pay attention to any conversation and I think I just stopped talking and held her and stared at the wall.

The next thing I knew I was all alone, except for these creatures and things I pulled from my unconscious. I will ask my friends what happened and hopefully they will fill me in. What I remember was the bubbles and flippy stuff happening and then several animals in the house, a bunch of yarn string looking stuff, was basically like walking through nonexistent cobwebs. It looked very similar to diagrams of what our universe looks like. It was red and blue mainly. There were transformer looking entities, a giant plaid bag looking thing some crystals some birds a mouse and hamster just all sorts of things running flying oozing and crawling around me. These i take it represented some of my friends and people and perhaps part of my subconscious becoming animate. I say that because I have a couple friends I know whose internet tag is some of the animals and other stuff I saw. I ran around looking for my friends and following the string yarn looking stuff. I had a blanket so I wouldn't be cold but I had nothing to do so I was being bombarded with visuals. It had been snowing inside the whole time.
When I looked at a light I saw halos of black and light and black and light...
There were colors you couldn't imagine inside and they were flipping and morphing and melting
There were no less than 50 different people things whathaveyou following me. The overall color of everything was flipping and changing too.
Most of the visuals would happen and then stay there (computer chips and paintballs swirls and random colors)
There were big gaping holes in everything with blackness underneath.

Somehow my visuals changed again and everything folded in on itself, im not sure how to explain it Ive seen it before but this was more. Just so much more it was like everything was going flat but to a single flatness. Like if you take a pop up book and fold everything flat and then fold it again and again and again... I dint have a visible body to see where I was and the whole room was sliding and melting away from me like if I walked to the wall I would never make it because the wall would slide away from me. But id run into things because I couldn't see them or myself at all. I lay down on the floor waiting hoping wanting for it to calm down but it was getting worse. Im not sure how long it had been mane 5-6 hours.in the complete silence and darkness (I turned the lights on and off but I couldn't see the light anymore it looked like shadows.
I started trying to call out to see if anyone was there and I panicked because it was so quiet. The only words that made sense was help. I was saying help me but I didn't know what me was. My friend came down and got me a glass of water but I didn't know what it was. When he was there all the people came back. Then he left and I panicked again. He came back and I decided to try to throw up to see if I would calm down. It was very hard for me because I was having a very strange sensation like I was a black hole. I was the singularity and everything I was seeing was a part of me. My vision went entirely blank and I saw a giant purple blue and white pulsating crystal orb thing. It was like it was pulsating because it was gaining information or knowledge from its surroundings and feeding the same thing back.

I had my friend help me get to the bathroom and I threw up a couple times. It felt like there was something inside of me that was just blocked and didn't want to leave. He asked if he should call paramedics.
No of course not. But it was not that easy to convince someone of that. So let me be clearer to you guys. I would not recommend this or even 1/10th this dose to someone. I knew that in my body (which was not even a thing at the time) I was ok. My heart rate was maybe 100-110 at the most. My body itself was ok just my head was having way too much. He got kind of scared and put his hands over me. Around my stomach and side. He didn't touch me just hovered his hands over my about 4-6 inches away. When he did that I felt a surge of energy leave my body and within 3 seconds I calmed down. It was so weird. Im not sure he noticed he did anything. Immediately after that I was still tripping incredibly hard but super calm I just went and lay down.

After I lay down I felt really calm and peaceful and saw everything return but not with as much strange ferocity as before. I saw the strings come back and played with them. Basically by doing yoga and focusing on my energy I could enter and manipulate the strings. I guess it would be kind of like a location I have seen represented by strings. Like I could enter a string and be in my house at a certain point in time. Very similar to the black hole scene in interstellar, except that I didn't see what was inside the string till I entered it.

Towards morning I noticed that my tendons were really sore and I also had no balance to do any yoga or stretches when a few hours ago I did. I stretched as best as I could and remembered finally I had some music on my phone which I played and lay down.
My friends daughter came down and I met her for the first time and she was melt like an ice cream cone. She looks like her mom though and was very nice to me. I was really nervous because I was tripping and didn't want to act weird but I pulled it off well. I was really focused on stuff like that and and even though the world was melting and bubbling I was very focused. She came downstairs finally and we cuddled for a bit which felt wonderful and calming. She slept on top of me and I instantly fell asleep. She kept remarking on how calm and collected I seemed to be. I don't want to sound too cliché but we connected deeply without much thought or physical connectivity it was really nonverbal communication and energy level connection. Her daughter was really into me and asked me a lot of questions and gave me lots of hugs. My friend said she doesn't normally act that way but could feel I was different (when they came downstairs in the morning I overheard the girl ask if I was magic and that made me laugh inside)

All in all it was a frightfully positive experience terrifyingly complete. I don't want to do acid again for a very very long time if ever. I feel deeply connected to my friend and hopefully I am getting connected with her family there were lots of happy loving vibes and when we were together I didn't feel like we were two separate things just one consciousness. We read each others minds a few times. She is getting better at it now. I feel I might not be able to keep a secret!

I got home about 6 pm .(~12-6 pm and still melty) so my roommate took me to Walmart where we did a ton of much needed shopping while I calmed down the rest of my trip. Eating dinner was amazing so delicious.

I hope you guys enjoy reading. I also hope it makes sense. Any questions or anything I can try to elaborate as I talked to both of my friends in detail while tripping so hopefully they remember with me!
I remember i took acid and shrooms once. Had a similar experience.
If You have not read this thread... I highly recommend it.
