A sheet

Throwdo I am NOT telling you the price it is ABSOLUTELY none of your concern firstly and secondly your absolute fixation on money and value is a third dimensional concern which is not mine
This girl broke up with me a week ago cause im genuinely a great guy and I guess it scared her because I want to be with her and not just use her body. Then it was like we never split up. Watching our bodies melt together was really calming for some reason
Altogether the trip was roughly 18-20 hours tho. I spent a lot of time just sleeping it off and being in the moment with my lady
That would have been crazy yeah Ive done nitrous its awesome

yep! back in the day, we use to hang with a crew that would get a huge bottle (like industrial Airgas size), balloons, a few big bottles of Chivas and a handful of Halcyon and some blotter. Now that's a weekend!
Yea im to poor to take doses like that its the truth and am to scared to take that much aswell id be afraid id jump off building are hurt someone else by accident i guess thats were trip sitters come in
I just wish I could find a single REAL tab. Sadly RCs have basically made it too easy for lowlifes to scam and clsim they have something they could only dream of having.
Back in my youth it was always $50 for a ten strip, or if you were buying off a friend that had a strip it was $7 for a single. The guys selling the strips wouldn't sell singles or even sell more than a single strip to a person in one day.
There were many times I flipped my strip a couple hours after getting it and they wouldn't let me get another one til the next day. Not sure their reasoning, but once they got popped that was the end of real L around here. Then about 10 years ago people started buzzing that L was back but it was just people selling the latest RC as L and thats been the market for me since. Can't even get shrooms cause a few years back someone decided to buy grocery store mushrooms and dose them with some random RC and under cut the real ones to the point that those that had the real ones just shut down shop rather than sell 1/8ths for $5.
Yes everyone that didn't know was telling me id be tripping balls for two weeks. I came down to a reasonable level after 10 hours and was down mostly after 20. I have residual cev tho its been about a week and its going away the first couple days I had a four d bedsheet that looked like van goghs starry night following me around my room