A Pro Palin thread

nobama has failed that is what happens when you elect a muslim from kenya with no experience. oh well enjoy it while it lasts libs your messiah will be impeached by january when the supreme court trial for treason. im already getting party supplies ready for the impeachment party!!! wooooohooooo!

palin has been a victim of lies and smear campaigns by the liberal MSM.

what is it about libs that makes em think its okay to visciously n hatefully attack this poor woman? what did palin do to you libs? nothing, shes a beautiful intelligent christian conservative gal who is a patriot and loves god and her country. what is the problem with that?

nobama has failed that is what happens when you elect a muslim from kenya with no experience. oh well enjoy it while it lasts libs your messiah will be impeached by january when the supreme court trial for treason. im already getting party supplies ready for the impeachment party!!! wooooohooooo!



ohhh how great the day will be when obammy is behind bars where he belongs.

my family and i and all of our friends and neighbors are going to have a non stop PARTY celebrating on the day when we get american back from these commies! woohooo!


whatever just get er done!
I see no diffrence between her and any other Neo-Con Republican.
At best her presidency would simply be stasis.
Run the government the way it is.
Continue the wars.
She claims to be a Reagen Conservative.
Well Reagen Pulled out of Lebanon:
Saying "We did not understand the irrationality of middle eastern politics."

I want to know what she intends to do about the debt?
(We can't keep borrowing money)
I want to know if she believes in personal freedom?
(Does she want to legalize/Decriminalize?)
I want to know what Government Dept/Agencies she intends to end.
(Reagen wanted to end the Dept. of Education)
I want to know how we are gonna cut taxes to stimulate job creation in the U.S.
(We can't borrow to cut taxes so we must cut programs and spending)

We elect her we get nothing worth having IMO.
She is more of the same Neo-Con Crap we had with Bush.
We've all been down the Christian Conservative path.
Its tired and stiffleing.

Run Ron Paul at least he doesn't want to run your life.
He will veto unbalaced budgets.
Bring the troops home.
Work to end prohabition.
Work to end the IRS and the income tax (and replace it with nothing, better then the fair tax IMO)
Work to kill the Federal Reserve.
Plus he would be the big bankers worst nightmare. (no more fraud)

Palin Does not impress me at all.

what a shallow bitch with no common sense or goals other than whats popular on the ballot. i hate her so much. what Alaskan Governor has gotten famous for losing the VICEpresidency like her? shes so ignorant yet agreeable, its understandable why half the country hates her and the other half doesnt know what to think

who saw the daily show last night, about the release about the release of her autobiography? i cracked up about j.stuart's segment called "rouge warrior". when john oliver was reading to these kids... the kids responses were the funniest things id ever seen!(is embed if i knew how, always comes up as a jargon of letters and symbols...)
To have a special needs child she sure spends a lot of time on the road...She needs to have her azz at home so another one of her kids don't get pregnant....
To have a special needs child she sure spends a lot of time on the road...She needs to have her azz at home so another one of her kids don't get pregnant....

Could you imagine if chelsea clinton got pregnant at 17 or One of Obamas girls got pregnant at 17.

Oh you would hear incessant moaning and groaning about how liberals are degrading the family, promoting sex blah blah blah values this values that.

what a shallow bitch with no common sense or goals other than whats popular on the ballot.

who saw the daily show last night, about the release about the release of her autobiography? i cracked up about j.stuart's segment called "rouge warrior". when john oliver was reading to these kids... the kids responses were the funniest things id ever seen!(is embed if i knew how, always comes up as a jargon of letters and symbols...)

so, another lib who hates the "shallow bitch" because he was told to by the daily show. seriously dude, j stew is your "information" source. awesome! you vote?.....:-?
hey natrone, your bottom quote (rep. sweep in 23 months) is looking a lot less sarcastic right now.

why isn't she at home with her "needy" family?

you guys are really scared of her. wow...
so, another lib who hates the "shallow bitch" because he was told to by the daily show. seriously dude, j stew is your "information" source. awesome! you vote?.....:-?

Dude, Jon Stewart is a much better source of information than most other mainstream media pundits. At least the guy doesn't claim to be news. He states up front it's all a comedy act. He even went on Tucker Carlsons show and during the interview made that distinction clear. He just does such a great job at pointing out crazy things politicians do.
hey natrone, your bottom quote (rep. sweep in 23 months) is looking a lot less sarcastic right now.

you guys are really scared of her. wow...

how the hell you get being scared out of that i don't know. you sound like a parrot. she's an idiot. i have been watching her for 2 years now. she's dumb. sorry. i'm really not afraid of her. make her prez, i really don't care. she'll just quit. :eyesmoke:
how the hell you get being scared out of that i don't know. you sound like a parrot. she's an idiot. i have been watching her for 2 years now. she's dumb. sorry. i'm really not afraid of her. make her prez, i really don't care. she'll just quit. :eyesmoke:

Right... It can't be that hard to tell the stupid people from the smart ones...

Jeff, take people like Gingrich, Napolitano, Shep Smith to some extent... you can tell they have at least some kind of intellect to them. Palin doesn't even qualify. If there was a secretary of being special, she'd be perfect for it!

I dunno how much more clear I can make it than that. You guys really should stop repeating "liberals are afraid of Sarah Palin", because that's not the case at all, not in the least. She's an idiot. That's the issue. She doesn't know what the Bush doctrine is, she doesn't know what the VP does, she doesn't understand law, the Constitution or the Decleration of Independence, she doesn't read, she's a total hypocrite in almost every single aspect, she believes in creationism!!! WOW! Do I really need to go on with her stupidity?! She is a grade A MORON. Dumber than a sack of rocks. She must have had her fair share of the cock to get to how far she got, that's all I'm sayin... :mrgreen: