A Pro Palin thread

You must have missed it. She resigned a few days ago. The "news" you use for your "information" must have "forgotten" to "inform" you of that. Is she still on the "news"? What are the actors saying about her now? Any new "scandals" to report?:dunce:

You must have missed it. She resigned a few days ago. The "news" you use for your "information" must have "forgotten" to "inform" you of that. Is she still on the "news"? What are the actors saying about her now? Any new "scandals" to report?:dunce:


so i can close this thread now?
why do u think libs are so scared of palin?

its because she is an intlliegent good looking conservative woman and that is one thing ALL libs hate is a good looking woman with a brain.

palin has been a victim of lies and smear campaigns by the liberal MSM.

what is it about libs that makes em think its okay to visciously n hatefully attack this poor woman? what did palin do to you libs? nothing, shes a beautiful intelligent christian conservative gal who is a patriot and loves god and her country. what is the problem with that?
palin has been a victim of lies and smear campaigns by the liberal MSM.

what is it about libs that makes em think its okay to visciously n hatefully attack this poor woman? what did palin do to you libs? nothing, shes a beautiful intelligent christian conservative gal who is a patriot and loves god and her country. what is the problem with that?

as you attack. :roll:

needing YOU to defend HER says it all. :wink:
palin has been a victim of lies and smear campaigns by the liberal MSM.

what is it about libs that makes em think its okay to visciously n hatefully attack this poor woman? what did palin do to you libs? nothing, shes a beautiful intelligent christian conservative gal who is a patriot and loves god and her country. what is the problem with that?

Palin's the one who lies.

MSM, in general, is neocon, not liberal. So the one you really want to attack is MSNBC, but then you'd find out that they are more TRUE than FAUX is fair or balanced or reported or alleged. Or decided. Whatever. I'd stay off fox but for the fine dramas in the evenings. But I never watch their commercials..(dvr).

We lovingly and visciously attack the petty woman. What she did was try to ride in on McCain's coat tails after he was made to choke on accepting her as a running mate. (Wasn't gonna happen for him anyway.) Anyway, her brand of conservatism is gross. The problem with it, which you ask about, is that whole separation of church and state thing. If your religious freedom and tolerance mean anything, then my atheism gives me the right to not have morality legislated upon me by the fundamentalist nut jobs who feel it's their right to save me from myself.

Take some DMT please. The pot's obviously not doing it for you.

Wow. That felt good. I almost felt guitly about posting off topic! And then I realized... I was merely offering counterpoint, ON topic. Drill baby die.
or maybe its the FACT that palin is a BEAUTIFUL, FUNNY, INTILLEGENT, SMART, SEXY, CHRISTIAN, FAMILY woman with good MORALS and VALUES that scares libs so much?

Don't tell me... You know this because you've read her new book right? Cuz I haven't heard these facts anywhere but in this whack-ass thread from which I'm too kiefed out to just log off.

But hey. In all fairness?? Obama is pissing lots of us libs off, you know. He's caved on so many issues and fallen short on about all his promises. So maybe you can take some solace in that. If that makes you feel better, then, perhaps you're not a real Christian. Sorry. Sometimes the truth stings a little. Sometimes, a hell of a lot.

Intelligent and smart. Is that like beautiful and sexy? And Sexy Christian just sounds kinda funny...