First off, i apologize for any mistakes. I'm tired, also if people actually bother to read this, I'll add more stuff to this. I also welcome suggestions, just take your time reading section 3 before you do so.
Also, I know I'm new here, feel free to Google this. I didn't copy it. If you want to redistribute this, I encourage it, please just link back to this page if you do, or if you take any excrepts.
Okay, here are a wide range of topics. (Read the third section first if you judge based on party)
First, we need to cut foreign aid. We're in a deep shithole, and spending money to make other countries prosper isn't working. It's our money, if it's taxed we should get it back in services.
This links in with the second topic, war. The war in Iraq should not have happened. It was a complete over reaction, and the deployment of so much ground forces was a mistake. Instead, we should have spent that money on advancing our drone presence in the region. In addition, we should have deployed Navy SEAL or Army Ranger teams to take out most of the terrorist leaders at once, not send in a huge invasion force and be shocked when they hide. If this was done with stealth and coordination, we would have been in and out in a year tops, spending a immeasurably smaller amount of money.
Third, and I feel like I should just say this now, I am not Republican or Democrat. I see the points of both sides, but neither will work on its own. I support strict financial accountability, however also see ourthe need for programs such as unemployment and social security (More on that later, I believe in reform, please read on) Also, I have been polite in this article. If you agree, good, I appreciate the support. If you disagree, now we're getting somewhere. Post why, as well as why you're correct. If you think there's a compromise, suggest it. I don't mind you cursing, but please never be outright rude to me or anyone else. You can't change someone's mind by forcing your own opinion, there is always room to compromise and improve.
Fourth are the drug problems. Cocaine, Heroine, Crystal Meth. are all illegal for a reason. They give no benefit to our society, and create a population of drug-addicted peasants with little education living off tax dollars. Laws for "Hard" drugs (Anything not made from Marijuana) need to be less about punishment and more about reform. Sure, we could throw them in jail and give probation, but addiction is addiction. They're designed to be needed by your body. Spend a little more upfront to put someone in a legitimate rehab program (Same concept as prison, you're there by force, but focus on education of the drug and finding the root causes of addiction) Most rational people who want something to have fun will stay with alcohol or Marijuana. A psychologist can help with finding why someone is addicted, and until that is solved, the person will always turn back to the drug. Maybe they were abused as a child, maybe something worse, but until them get past that, they can never be "Free" from the drug.
Fifth is the legalization of Marijuana on the Federal level. The states have the right to ban it, and I do not believe that they should lose that right. However, by the federal government saying its okay to use, it will set a example for the states to follow. This should be followed by a pardon of all non-violent drug crimes that were federally prosecuted, however not at the state level as they retain the right to keep it illegal. (Please read Six before you comment on this)
Fifth and a half (I forgot this before) is the limited taxing of Marijuana, on medical and personal levels. Medical Cannabis is a growing industry, and with more and more people accepting it, it may soon rival the pharmaceutical industry. Imaging what a 3% tax would do? Prices wouldn't increase (Average price for 1oz of medical Cannabis from a Dispensary is about $300 for top of the line Marijuana. A 3% tax would increase that to $309, not a big difference, while generating massive revenue. Now, what about those who grow it themselves? That's true, we can't tax them. But what is America about, if not making money to hire someone else to do your hard work?The average person is going to say that they'd rather pay someone to do their work for them, rather then buy a setup, and monitor growth. If someone wants to do it themselves, more power to them. There is still revenue generated from the sales tax on what they buy in the first place, so the states still make money.
5.5.5 (One more thing) is the use of non-dispensary dealers. If they wish to do this, they should be required to register for the 3% tax as well, and the buyer should verify they are in fact legally selling. If not, but the sale continues, then both should be charged with breaking the law, much as a store would for not collecting sales tax anywhere else.
Sixth is medical Marijuana. While states retain the right to ban Marijuana for personal use, they have no right to ban it for medical use. If someone has a legitimate medical condition, they should retain the right to apply for a Federal Medical Cannabis Card granting them immunity from arrest, conviction, prosecution, and seizing of plants, dried herb, or paraphanalli thought the country. To those who believe Marijuana has no medical use I offer this: "Thir use doesn't affect you. Maybe it helps, maybe it does nothing. The point is, it is their illness and their right to choose what to use. You may want the prescription pills, they might want the Cannabis. It doesn't affect you, so you have no right to tell them how to medicate themselves" (More arguments at bottom)
Seventh, unemployment. This ties in with Marijuana use, just read through. If someone is applying for Federal assistance, then that's fine. People need help from time to time, and thats fine. However, if you're living off our tax dollars, your job is finding a job. And until you pay your own bills, you better live a clean-lifestyle. No Marijuana usage (Aside from medical), no alcohol, no using the money to buy cigarettes. This may seem unfair, but think of it. Do you want to be paying for someone to get drunk or stoned, or pay for their cigarettes, while you work a 9-5? Saying you want taxpayers money is fine, but don't expect the country to pay for anything aside from the things you need , such as food, rent, etc. I also understand the desire for a respectable job, but at a certain point, you need to take what comes to you.
Eighth is Social Security. It is a great program, and one that should continue. People who payed into it all their lives should get their benefits, however we need to reform it for those who wish to move to a private retirement account. However, even if everyone under the retiring age leaves immediately (And if they do, what's that say about it in the first place), the entitlements those who paid into it must be protected. However, this also leaves the question of what about those woking now? The system should be reformed so thet they cam move elsewhere if they choose, or if not, stay with the government. Anyone who hasn't retired and wants to take their money elsewhere should be guaranteed that right. If not, then stay on the government plan. However, it needs to be reasonable, IE you get out what you put in, plus a small fee for having the government manage it. The government then, in turn, could allow private banks to bid on whoever can give the most money back per dollar paid in (Put in $1, get 98¢ back) and is on solid financial ground should.
Ninth is minimum wage. Or rather, the removal of it. What you have to realize is that the real minimum wage is $0. If a company needs to pay $3 more then a employee is worth, suddenly it's worth it to fire that employee. This will flood the job with entry-level positions, great for the teenage population. Companies have more jobs open, more teenagers have jobs, more have money to spend,
Number Ten is Health Insurance. I see the need for this to be more accessible, but a government takeover is not the answer. What I propose is creating a plan that covers what people need to guarantee their health, and from their have insurance companies bid for the contracts. Divide up the country by states, have companies offer the lowest price, while assuring quality care to cover everything someone needs, and at that point have the Federal government tell them that if they charge people X amount (This would vary with their income, the lower the income, the less the person pays), the Federal government will cover the rest. This would save billions, as private companies can do things more efficient then the government could ever hope to (More on this in section 12)
10.5:Also allow the states the right to do the same thing, if they think they can do it for less, and the Federal Government will pay that bill, plus a bonus of 50% of the money the states are saving them.
Eleven, college education. Let's face it, $200 years ago college was optional. Today it's not. Creating more college-educated citizens is a benefit to our country, and spending tax money to make this happen is a legitimate use of government spending.
Twelve, the postal system. This is what I meant before when I said private companies are more efficient then government ones. Look at the postal system. It loses billions of dollars every year. Look at FedEx and UPS, they rake in profits. The government needs to sell off the postal system and let them handle it. They'd be happy to buy the existing locations and trucks, however any sale agreement needs to comes with a guarantee that everyone in the country still receives mail, and a agreement to keep prices affordable for the average person.
Thirteen, immigration. This is a topic I see both sides too. They want a better life, but they are ruining our good life by being here illegally. Solution? Make them legal. Say you have to have your children speak English in public schools, (Also, make English the official language, on a federal level), register to pay taxes, get ID, passports, etc. or say "Get the hell out" A pretty good offer in exchange for immunity from deportation huh? If they want a better life, work for it. Don't just jump across a river, say "Here I am! Pay for me! Show us you'll be a positive influence on us.
13.5 Following this, stop illegal immigration. Use (Unarmed) drones, cameras, increased Military presence, whatever means necessary (14 is about reforming legal immigration, don't get mad now) and make it clear that intentions to cross here illegally will be dealt with by a prompt return to your country, you have to do more then be on US Soil to stay here.
Fourteen is immigration. You want to come to America and work your ass off? Welcome to America. Few things you have to do first, then your guaranteed in. First, learn basic English phrases. Second, agree that you'll become fluent in English in 3 years or leave. (The Federal government should use some of the money it currently uses to pay for them to offer free courses in English). Third, submit your fingerprints to the FBI database. Once you are proficient in English, they will be removed, providing you did not commit any crimes while you were in the country. Fourth, get a employer who says they will hire you (Legally) tell the government that, and if you can start there within thirty days of moving here, you will be allowed in almost immediately.
So what're we looking at? The opportunity to live a good life here free from fear or threat of deportation, in exchange for you learning our language, paying taxes, and working? I think that's worth it, and I think 90% of immigrants will agree.
14.5 If someone is too old to learn English, but they will be supported by someone here legally, or a employer will hire them, then they can be let in as long as they are fingerprinted, with fingerprints being deleted after 3 years assuming they have no criminal record.
Also, I know I'm new here, feel free to Google this. I didn't copy it. If you want to redistribute this, I encourage it, please just link back to this page if you do, or if you take any excrepts.
Okay, here are a wide range of topics. (Read the third section first if you judge based on party)
First, we need to cut foreign aid. We're in a deep shithole, and spending money to make other countries prosper isn't working. It's our money, if it's taxed we should get it back in services.
This links in with the second topic, war. The war in Iraq should not have happened. It was a complete over reaction, and the deployment of so much ground forces was a mistake. Instead, we should have spent that money on advancing our drone presence in the region. In addition, we should have deployed Navy SEAL or Army Ranger teams to take out most of the terrorist leaders at once, not send in a huge invasion force and be shocked when they hide. If this was done with stealth and coordination, we would have been in and out in a year tops, spending a immeasurably smaller amount of money.
Third, and I feel like I should just say this now, I am not Republican or Democrat. I see the points of both sides, but neither will work on its own. I support strict financial accountability, however also see ourthe need for programs such as unemployment and social security (More on that later, I believe in reform, please read on) Also, I have been polite in this article. If you agree, good, I appreciate the support. If you disagree, now we're getting somewhere. Post why, as well as why you're correct. If you think there's a compromise, suggest it. I don't mind you cursing, but please never be outright rude to me or anyone else. You can't change someone's mind by forcing your own opinion, there is always room to compromise and improve.
Fourth are the drug problems. Cocaine, Heroine, Crystal Meth. are all illegal for a reason. They give no benefit to our society, and create a population of drug-addicted peasants with little education living off tax dollars. Laws for "Hard" drugs (Anything not made from Marijuana) need to be less about punishment and more about reform. Sure, we could throw them in jail and give probation, but addiction is addiction. They're designed to be needed by your body. Spend a little more upfront to put someone in a legitimate rehab program (Same concept as prison, you're there by force, but focus on education of the drug and finding the root causes of addiction) Most rational people who want something to have fun will stay with alcohol or Marijuana. A psychologist can help with finding why someone is addicted, and until that is solved, the person will always turn back to the drug. Maybe they were abused as a child, maybe something worse, but until them get past that, they can never be "Free" from the drug.
Fifth is the legalization of Marijuana on the Federal level. The states have the right to ban it, and I do not believe that they should lose that right. However, by the federal government saying its okay to use, it will set a example for the states to follow. This should be followed by a pardon of all non-violent drug crimes that were federally prosecuted, however not at the state level as they retain the right to keep it illegal. (Please read Six before you comment on this)
Fifth and a half (I forgot this before) is the limited taxing of Marijuana, on medical and personal levels. Medical Cannabis is a growing industry, and with more and more people accepting it, it may soon rival the pharmaceutical industry. Imaging what a 3% tax would do? Prices wouldn't increase (Average price for 1oz of medical Cannabis from a Dispensary is about $300 for top of the line Marijuana. A 3% tax would increase that to $309, not a big difference, while generating massive revenue. Now, what about those who grow it themselves? That's true, we can't tax them. But what is America about, if not making money to hire someone else to do your hard work?The average person is going to say that they'd rather pay someone to do their work for them, rather then buy a setup, and monitor growth. If someone wants to do it themselves, more power to them. There is still revenue generated from the sales tax on what they buy in the first place, so the states still make money.
5.5.5 (One more thing) is the use of non-dispensary dealers. If they wish to do this, they should be required to register for the 3% tax as well, and the buyer should verify they are in fact legally selling. If not, but the sale continues, then both should be charged with breaking the law, much as a store would for not collecting sales tax anywhere else.
Sixth is medical Marijuana. While states retain the right to ban Marijuana for personal use, they have no right to ban it for medical use. If someone has a legitimate medical condition, they should retain the right to apply for a Federal Medical Cannabis Card granting them immunity from arrest, conviction, prosecution, and seizing of plants, dried herb, or paraphanalli thought the country. To those who believe Marijuana has no medical use I offer this: "Thir use doesn't affect you. Maybe it helps, maybe it does nothing. The point is, it is their illness and their right to choose what to use. You may want the prescription pills, they might want the Cannabis. It doesn't affect you, so you have no right to tell them how to medicate themselves" (More arguments at bottom)
Seventh, unemployment. This ties in with Marijuana use, just read through. If someone is applying for Federal assistance, then that's fine. People need help from time to time, and thats fine. However, if you're living off our tax dollars, your job is finding a job. And until you pay your own bills, you better live a clean-lifestyle. No Marijuana usage (Aside from medical), no alcohol, no using the money to buy cigarettes. This may seem unfair, but think of it. Do you want to be paying for someone to get drunk or stoned, or pay for their cigarettes, while you work a 9-5? Saying you want taxpayers money is fine, but don't expect the country to pay for anything aside from the things you need , such as food, rent, etc. I also understand the desire for a respectable job, but at a certain point, you need to take what comes to you.
Eighth is Social Security. It is a great program, and one that should continue. People who payed into it all their lives should get their benefits, however we need to reform it for those who wish to move to a private retirement account. However, even if everyone under the retiring age leaves immediately (And if they do, what's that say about it in the first place), the entitlements those who paid into it must be protected. However, this also leaves the question of what about those woking now? The system should be reformed so thet they cam move elsewhere if they choose, or if not, stay with the government. Anyone who hasn't retired and wants to take their money elsewhere should be guaranteed that right. If not, then stay on the government plan. However, it needs to be reasonable, IE you get out what you put in, plus a small fee for having the government manage it. The government then, in turn, could allow private banks to bid on whoever can give the most money back per dollar paid in (Put in $1, get 98¢ back) and is on solid financial ground should.
Ninth is minimum wage. Or rather, the removal of it. What you have to realize is that the real minimum wage is $0. If a company needs to pay $3 more then a employee is worth, suddenly it's worth it to fire that employee. This will flood the job with entry-level positions, great for the teenage population. Companies have more jobs open, more teenagers have jobs, more have money to spend,
Number Ten is Health Insurance. I see the need for this to be more accessible, but a government takeover is not the answer. What I propose is creating a plan that covers what people need to guarantee their health, and from their have insurance companies bid for the contracts. Divide up the country by states, have companies offer the lowest price, while assuring quality care to cover everything someone needs, and at that point have the Federal government tell them that if they charge people X amount (This would vary with their income, the lower the income, the less the person pays), the Federal government will cover the rest. This would save billions, as private companies can do things more efficient then the government could ever hope to (More on this in section 12)
10.5:Also allow the states the right to do the same thing, if they think they can do it for less, and the Federal Government will pay that bill, plus a bonus of 50% of the money the states are saving them.
Eleven, college education. Let's face it, $200 years ago college was optional. Today it's not. Creating more college-educated citizens is a benefit to our country, and spending tax money to make this happen is a legitimate use of government spending.
Twelve, the postal system. This is what I meant before when I said private companies are more efficient then government ones. Look at the postal system. It loses billions of dollars every year. Look at FedEx and UPS, they rake in profits. The government needs to sell off the postal system and let them handle it. They'd be happy to buy the existing locations and trucks, however any sale agreement needs to comes with a guarantee that everyone in the country still receives mail, and a agreement to keep prices affordable for the average person.
Thirteen, immigration. This is a topic I see both sides too. They want a better life, but they are ruining our good life by being here illegally. Solution? Make them legal. Say you have to have your children speak English in public schools, (Also, make English the official language, on a federal level), register to pay taxes, get ID, passports, etc. or say "Get the hell out" A pretty good offer in exchange for immunity from deportation huh? If they want a better life, work for it. Don't just jump across a river, say "Here I am! Pay for me! Show us you'll be a positive influence on us.
13.5 Following this, stop illegal immigration. Use (Unarmed) drones, cameras, increased Military presence, whatever means necessary (14 is about reforming legal immigration, don't get mad now) and make it clear that intentions to cross here illegally will be dealt with by a prompt return to your country, you have to do more then be on US Soil to stay here.
Fourteen is immigration. You want to come to America and work your ass off? Welcome to America. Few things you have to do first, then your guaranteed in. First, learn basic English phrases. Second, agree that you'll become fluent in English in 3 years or leave. (The Federal government should use some of the money it currently uses to pay for them to offer free courses in English). Third, submit your fingerprints to the FBI database. Once you are proficient in English, they will be removed, providing you did not commit any crimes while you were in the country. Fourth, get a employer who says they will hire you (Legally) tell the government that, and if you can start there within thirty days of moving here, you will be allowed in almost immediately.
So what're we looking at? The opportunity to live a good life here free from fear or threat of deportation, in exchange for you learning our language, paying taxes, and working? I think that's worth it, and I think 90% of immigrants will agree.
14.5 If someone is too old to learn English, but they will be supported by someone here legally, or a employer will hire them, then they can be let in as long as they are fingerprinted, with fingerprints being deleted after 3 years assuming they have no criminal record.