A couple of questions


Active Member
Let me start off by saying I've always grown organicly in soil, so any thing else is new to me. My day by day feeding schedule is feed, nothing, water, nothing, feed, nothing, water, etc....

I recently came across the "Lucas Formula" and I found a formula that is just GH maxibloom. I know MB lowers the pH quit a bit, so I plan on using silica yo raise the pH to 5.8. The medium I plan on using is a simple pro-mix (peat moss and pearl light)

After a little research I found out that the GH maxi series is meant to be used in a drain to waste. My question is, what exactly is drain to waste, is that like water to run off? And how often do feed? Is it with every watering or every other?

Now I know I should probably using coco for this but that shits a bit pricy. Please don't respond with something stupid like "fuck the Lucas formula". If you have something intelligent to add to this conversation by all means join in. Any help would be greatly appreciated
advanced new 2 part is the same as gh and much cheaper. if using pro mix, you are using a soiless mix and should be feeding every time you water. drain to waste means you dispose of the water run off instead of reusing it.


Active Member
Thank you so much, I can't get AN at my local shop and I only support them and won't go anywhere else. Plus I have already got the pro mix and picked up the maxi. Once again for clearing things up
Thank you so much, I can't get AN at my local shop and I only support them and won't go anywhere else. Plus I have already got the pro mix and picked up the maxi. Once again for clearing things up
i can appreciate a loyal customer. i use the lucas formula and it works great with pro mix. i run about 8-900 ppms every time i water. i do add some amendments like molasses,hpk bat guano,thundergro. but you should see great results with your set-up.