Reservoir ph keeps rising

I listen to AROYA Office Hours, it's been covered a lot.
I mean no offense, but it looks like people trying to sell their product.

Consumer grade LED has tons of advantages, but after years of casual research, and working with HPS, I'm confident that spectrum is not one of them. It's a relatively young tech, so it may one day be the 2nd best option, but nothing beats the sun.

Have you used HPS or metal Halide?
I HAD THIS PROBLEM.. I was using ORGANIC PH REDUCER .. which with the air bubbles would degrade nearly instantly(within the hour) He gavve me PH DOWN meant for RDWC and never had to worry about it since... Also if not cooling the water it will raise. IMO everything else said here shouldn't be your problem.. EC etc etc etc .. nothing raises your PH so quick unless something is disolving your acids ..
Which pH Down product did you have success with?