A civil debate?


Active Member
More projection...

Look, sometimes a gay skinhead fucking another gay skinhead in the ass is just a gay skinhead fucking another gay skinhead in the ass.

Not that there's anything wrong with any of that, aside from them being skinheads, they should be punched in the face.
is skinhead even a thang though? I've seen like 3 of them in my whole life.


Well-Known Member
How many times in how many ways do you have to be told I will not validate your lies?

I think the last time you paid homage to Leroy you swallowed too deep for too long and you're now suffering the effects of hypoxia. ;)
will you condemn neo-nazis?


Well-Known Member
is skinhead even a thang though? I've seen like 3 of them in my whole life.
They are extremely frightened of everything, not just xenophobia, they are afraid of each other too. They hide their identities and are extremely loathe to admit even that they are racist. You'd think racism was illegal or something by how stubbornly they deny being racist and how they constantly whinge about freeze peach even though their 1st amendment rights are not the least bit threatened. As soon as they get caught for being meth addled domestic abusers and go to prison the jig is up and we all get to catalog them. Don't worry though, trolling RIU is legal so as long as you don't get caught being a pedo you can keep hiding your skinhead identity and avoid being punched in the face.


Well-Known Member
You were the one who clicked reply on my comment to send me a love letter because you were triggered by my disdain for fascism. Not my fault you are so wrong about it. Keep whinging about freeze peach though, it's amusing to watch someone who clearly doesn't know what is going on demand that he has a first amendment right to proffer bigotry on a privately owned website.
Fascism always gets smashed because fascists are stupid. It's true, scientific research has concluded that right wing thought correlates negatively with cognitive function and fascism is a far right ideology.
I guess I hit a little close to home then, since if it didn't why would you feel the need to reply? ;)
Why don't you cite your "scientific research" and educate me, or do you think just because it dribbled from your maw it needs no supporting evidence?

My observation only relied on history and I'll put the record of that up against any claim of scientific theory that shows no basis in fact (due to the claimant's inability to cite the source of that "science") since those that are either ignorant or unable to grasp the importance of history are doomed to make those same historical mistakes while claiming they are doing the exact opposite.


Active Member
They are extremely frightened of everything, not just xenophobia, they are afraid of each other too. They hide their identities and are extremely loathe to admit even that they are racist. You'd think racism was illegal or something by how stubbornly they deny being racist and how they constantly whinge about freeze peach even though their 1st amendment rights are not the least bit threatened. As soon as they get caught for being meth addled domestic abusers and go to prison the jig is up and we all get to catalog them. Don't worry though, trolling RIU is legal so as long as you don't get caught being a pedo you can keep hiding your skinhead identity and avoid being punched in the face.


Well-Known Member
Nearly all of them. The act of seizure is merely completed after they've forcibly evicted the "owner" (tenant) and use legal machinations to accommodate the finalization of the seizure of a given property.

In every case I've been aware of, if a person fails to pay their extortion demand, they will eventually seize the property and kill you if you attempt to defend it.

However the beginning of the seizure (the actual transfer of ownership rights) happens as soon as the "owner" (really a tenant) "buys" the property. So it's really a process, where they own you, if you remain on the property, you MUST pay them. If you don't pay them, they end your tenancy and forcibly remove you.

So if you pay them. while remaining there as a tenant your rights of ownership are seized. If you don't pay them the property itself is seized and you are kicked to the curb like a coyote ugly girl that looked serviceably fuckable 7 hours before when the alcohol was still working and you were satisfying your carnal urges in a kind of pseudo masturbation alternative.
Can you cite me some sources to give me some examples to apply your argument to? And you are talking about property tax only, or multiple taxes?


Well-Known Member
I guess I hit a little close to home then, since if it didn't why would you feel the need to reply? ;)
Why don't you cite your "scientific research" and educate me, or do you think just because it dribbled from your maw it needs no supporting evidence?

My observation only relied on history and I'll put the record of that up against any claim of scientific theory that shows no basis in fact (due to the claimant's inability to cite the source of that "science") since those that are either ignorant or unable to grasp the importance of history are doomed to make those same historical mistakes while claiming they are doing the exact opposite.
will you condemn neo-nazis?


Well-Known Member
Peer reviewed study correlating negatively cognitive function and conservatism.
Lower Cognitive Ability Predicts Greater Prejudice Through Right-Wing Ideology and Low Intergroup Contact
It definitely was well received. Forbes and the Guardian (and some peer scientists they report of) loved it it seems.
Scientific Paper: Conservatives Are Stoopid So There!

....There's really a rather serious problem at least with the racism part of the paper, which is that they've used British information, British data, to study their claim. And it really isn't true that the conservative (please, note, with a small "c") or racist political parties in the UK are in fact right wing. There are other problems as well but that hasn't stopped various people leaping upon the result with glee......

Watch out Sam Harris, Gordon Hodson and Michael A. Busseri of Brock University are giving you competition for the worst use of statistics in an original paper.
Their “Bright Minds and Dark Attitudes: Lower Cognitive Ability Predicts Greater Prejudice Through Right-Wing Ideology and Low Intergroup Contact” published in Psychological Science1—headlined in the press as Low IQ & Conservative Beliefs Linked to Prejudice—is a textbook example of confused data, unrecognized bias, and ignorance of statistics.
Hodson and Busseri on are track to beat out Harris’s magnificent effort, and they might also triumph over the paper which “proved” brief exposure to the American flag turns one into a Republican and the peer-reviewed work “proving” exposure to 4th of July parade turns one into a Republican.....​

1. We focused on social-cultural conservatism rather than economic
conservatism, given that the former is more clearly related to prejudice
(Jost et al., 2003; Van Hiel et al., 2010).​
So, no, there is absolutely nothing at all there to buttress the idea that tax cuts, small government, negative rights are just great, positive rights not so much, no one likes bureaucrats anyway....well, run through your own list of conservative economic ideas....has anything at all to do with what was being studied.

The second reason this paper doesn't work well is that the authors seem not to know very much about the society, Britain, that they are supposedly studying. I can't deny that we have racists in the UK. I certainly wouldn't disagree with the idea that I think that racists are more than a little thick. But racism and conservatism simply aren't correlated in the UK: not in the sense of conservative (and please note, I am using the small "c", so meaning rightwards leaning politics rather than the politics of the Conservative Party) politics at least.
abandonedintellect, There is a difference between thinking you're intelligent because you can do a google search and actually reading the linked article and reviews of it with valid points about its veracity.

if you voted for trump, your opinion is and always be SHIT to me !!!!!!!!!!!!
Assume what you will.
From what you say it would seem you do a lot of that. ;)