a call out to cali growers


Well-Known Member
is there any bomb shit in davis?
Yeah. Most all of it's pretty bomb. Every once in a while you get the asshole who's trying to drop some bobby brown shit on you. But I have managed to stumble upon a guy who has some "pot of gold", which is a flying dutchman strain, and that's the best thing I've ever smoked.


Well-Known Member
i just moved out of davis....get this fdd you will like this. So davis passed a law that your not allowed to have any lights in front of your house, like motion sensors, track lights. landscape lighting. no lighting at all because if too many lights are on you cant see the stars...they also made smoking in your backyard or front yard illegal.

quote=wdldtoker;452970]is there any bomb shit in davis?[/quote]


Well-Known Member
lol. yep, the streets are so dark at night. Perfect cover for a midnight toke.


Well-Known Member
Str8 L.A here my friends got this hook up dont ask me how but med licenses for a bill....its this piece of paper thats laminated and has all these list of med conditions pretty crazy ...... :joint:


We are slowly catching up to you Cali guys with your progressive MM rules.. hopefully it just keeps spreading from state to state. Washington, Nevada, and Arizona next eh?
it was already voted in for AZ years back, but the local gov still says no-no...

fuck az


Well-Known Member
wut the fuck weed aynt shit compared to all these other hardcore , dirty ass drugs......its simply a plant that you pluck and smoke.....:joint: stupid ass congress must have seen that movie '' reefer madness'' too many times....i dont care and it seems as the 5-0 in L.A dont care either they are lookin for serious shit aka meth,skants ect.....:joint:


Well-Known Member
i have train wreck right now...its about 2-4 days from "chop-chop)...stinks.......huge gumdrop looking things on it..


Well-Known Member
yea give me a minute...ill go take some but it will be in the hps light so its hard to get close ups..


Well-Known Member
What kind of local cop would write a ticket and claim its because its against federal law? The Attorney General of the state of California has already stopped the Highway Patrol from confiscating pot from medical users. If local cops tried to confiscate my medicine using the federal bullshit excuse, I'd just ask them who signs their paycheck? If the Treasury Department issues their check, then fine. But if its a local county or city ... fuck 'em. The person to contact is the District Attorney. Contact them as a taxpayer and complain that you are tired of the local cops wasting your tax dollars.

As to the issue of this thread: Ventura County here. Hydro store two blocks from my home. No compassion clubs in the entire county ... the city managers and the county supervisors in this county have no compassion. They are all dicks. Strict SB420 guidelines: 6 mature plants, 12 rooted cuttings, 8 ounces of finished bud. That's it. Any more and its deemed for sale.

That's the base amount. Your doctor can raise that if they feel you need more.

Anyhow, the whole club thing is totally screwed. There is a 2 month waiting list to get your bud into the clubs here ..Many of the owners grow and sell mostly their own product. You basically have to blow someone to get into a position to sell your product on a regular basis ( or have the absolute best stuff ).

As far as getting busted by local police, many LEO will take your plants and arrest you even if you have paperwork. You will probably get a dismissal at pre-trial but your grow will be gone..many officers assume medical paperwork is fake right off the bat. Anyone who thinks their medical paperwork makes them bulletproof is living in a dreamworld.