a call out to cali growers


Well-Known Member
So you can't put that on your income taxes is what I'm getting?
i was told to file with the county as "self employed". i'm not exactly where. then i am expected to claim any sales and pay social-security, disability...... i was told i do not need a business license and i don't need to pay income tax until i reach a certain amount. i wasn't told the amount but was told i wouldn't have to worry about it. i don't know how valid this is but it came from a club owner.


Well-Known Member
davis sucks ass, fking pigs are dicks there, most of em still give u a ticket even if u have ur card, they just tell you 2 fight it in court cuz its still against federal law


Well-Known Member
I wouldn't know, seeing as how I don't have my mm card. But yes, they are dicks. They have nothing better to do except fuck with college and highschool students, when they could be protecting the community? Any way. I'm moving to Santa Cruz! that's official!

Istayz High

Well-Known Member
I'm in Riverside down in S. Cali. Where everyone has the bomb. I'm on a mission to try the best of the best. I have been all over and it seems like I have the best bud here at home. Now if I can only grow this shit right so I don't have to pay for it anymore. Anyone here know what strain to try that is easily accessable here in S. Cali to have me super blown?


New Member
What kind of local cop would write a ticket and claim its because its against federal law? The Attorney General of the state of California has already stopped the Highway Patrol from confiscating pot from medical users. If local cops tried to confiscate my medicine using the federal bullshit excuse, I'd just ask them who signs their paycheck? If the Treasury Department issues their check, then fine. But if its a local county or city ... fuck 'em. The person to contact is the District Attorney. Contact them as a taxpayer and complain that you are tired of the local cops wasting your tax dollars.

As to the issue of this thread: Ventura County here. Hydro store two blocks from my home. No compassion clubs in the entire county ... the city managers and the county supervisors in this county have no compassion. They are all dicks. Strict SB420 guidelines: 6 mature plants, 12 rooted cuttings, 8 ounces of finished bud. That's it. Any more and its deemed for sale.



Well-Known Member
What kind of local cop would write a ticket and claim its because its against federal law? The Attorney General of the state of California has already stopped the Highway Patrol from confiscating pot from medical users. If local cops tried to confiscate my medicine using the federal bullshit excuse, I'd just ask them who signs their paycheck? If the Treasury Department issues their check, then fine. But if its a local county or city ... fuck 'em. The person to contact is the District Attorney. Contact them as a taxpayer and complain that you are tired of the local cops wasting your tax dollars.

As to the issue of this thread: Ventura County here. Hydro store two blocks from my home. No compassion clubs in the entire county ... the city managers and the county supervisors in this county have no compassion. They are all dicks.


damn "dry" counties. :evil:

Micheal Kelso

Well-Known Member
Not in Cali here - in Oregon but I have a medical card too ..

The clubs here aren't as cool as the Cali ones but we are getting there.. you can get clones and seeds here at least, just can't buy smokables here- it has to be gifted. But luckily there are lots of MM growers here who are willing to supply the less fortunate patients.

The normal plant limits are 6 mature / 18 immature and you can have up to 24 oz stashed - I was lucky enough to get a double prescription so I can have 12 mature and 36 immature and have 3 elbows at a time. I have yet to need the extra prescription though but it is nice to have in case I need it.

We are slowly catching up to you Cali guys with your progressive MM rules.. hopefully it just keeps spreading from state to state. Washington, Nevada, and Arizona next eh?


Well-Known Member
where im at in los angeles co. there r a handful of hydro shops and the 1 mmdispensary has been shut down as of the new year(sucks)my wife works across from the place and had got me the info i needed but now if/when i get a card i'll have to drive about 20-30min to hollywood where i hear there r dispensarys but r shuting them down quick!i cant wait to get mine and fully understand these laws and help out in this struggle!!...........ras