630w DE - CMH?

I run a Hydro store in well a state lol. I first read abought the Growers Choice 630 de cmh 3 months ago in Maximum Yield magazine. It came just in time to start flowering. I'm 3 weeks out and couldn't be happier. running on a galaxy optimized de ballast. didn't know abought the short wave ballast thing until today a Nanolux rep was in the store and I asked him when they were gona produce one. he confirmed the bulb will have a short life but honestly I think its worth it. I will be investing in a square wave soon it looks like. FYI Nanolux tells me its de cmh will be out early 2017
This thred has been around a while
Btw the nanolux rep was blowing smoke because there is still no word on it. However my hydro store has a line of lights, like many do. The grow boss has a line of ph pens and ro machines. Anyway in 2 months we are adding a 630de cmh. Its in production now and there are plans for a 945 de cmh that will crush a 1000de hps with less heat less power better spectrium
Btw the nanolux rep was blowing smoke because there is still no word on it. However my hydro store has a line of lights, like many do. The grow boss has a line of ph pens and ro machines. Anyway in 2 months we are adding a 630de cmh. Its in production now and there are plans for a 945 de cmh that will crush a 1000de hps with less heat less power better spectrium
There already are 945w de cmh bulbs on the market. It's my impression that there aren't any matching low frequency square wave ballasts (if that's even important). I can't find a single user experience. Obviously 945 and 1000 are effecrively the same power.
I don't get why a bulb manufacturer or brand would put a new type of bulb out, such as the 945w de cmh, without coordinating with a few growers to post the results. They don't post the spectrum either.
There already are 945w de cmh bulbs on the market. It's my impression that there aren't any matching low frequency square wave ballasts (if that's even important). I can't find a single user experience. Obviously 945 and 1000 are effecrively the same power.
Thats what im saying they have it on the drawing board. 6 to 9 months it should be available
Nice. I have a pic of the 630 de cmh lamp but its run by a galaxy ballast. Im under the entire fixture now but only 10 days into flower. Here is a pic 5 days into flower. Still under the 42k in the pic. Just swiched to the r-red ill post a pic at 3 weeks here soon
Here is the current grow 22 days after flip
For what it's worth, I emailed SunSpectra, who makes a ballast that potentially could work for the 945w CMH de bulb, to ask to point me toward anyone with growing experience with their ballast and that bulb combination.

My question...

"I'm in the market for a 945w DE CMH light and your 1000w LFSW ballast seems to be the only one on the market at this time that serves that bulb. Unfortunately I cannot find any grower input or experience with your ballast and that bulb combination. Can you point me toward anyone who has experience growing with this combo?"

Their answer...

"Sorry Micah, as far as I know the 945 lamp is still trial and error due to the connection of he 3 Ceramic filaments being unstable. So no, I apologize I do not."
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It's a few people running that bulb already, they are just not on the Internet....
Ya, I figure that's the case too. Personally I think it's strange for manufacturers to put out a new product without have test data to back it up. Strange business model.
The sunspectra is just drop shipped from ebmlighting they make them and charge a third of the price.
Btw the nanolux rep was blowing smoke because there is still no word on it. However my hydro store has a line of lights, like many do. The grow boss has a line of ph pens and ro machines. Anyway in 2 months we are adding a 630de cmh. Its in production now and there are plans for a 945 de cmh that will crush a 1000de hps with less heat less power better spectrium
Just got the Growerhouse 315 watt de, anyone know how it compares to a se cmh?
Nice but i know nothing abought it. Its a new product. Would have to see a side by side with a 315 se and a 315 de