630w DE - CMH?

yes sir. took the pic right after I toped and did some h.s.t. to spread them out a bit. When I toped I noticed a crazy amount of node points. 6 in the last inch. I will post some pics next week before I send them into flower. I will say this. Anyone who can afford to switch to the GC 630 and doesn't is missing the boat!
Hi guys, new to the forum. Just wanted to post something here for anyone else looking and thinking about the DE-CMH. I saw this thread and had me interested so looked into the de-cmh. To be honest if you are looking to upgrade your 1000w de-hps then this would make since but this would not make since if you were replacing lights all together. Let's look at the technical data of 1 de-cmh vs. 2 315cmh since this would be a watt for watt comparison.
DE-CMH 630
1150 umol
65,000 lumens
10,000 life hours
CRI 97 supposedly

2@ 315 CMH
1197 total umols
66,000 lumens
20,000 life hours
CRI 92

Now, we do not know how much of a drop we are actually seeing on the DE-CMH in real life due to the fact that they recommend this bulb to be cut back to 600w on a 1000w de-hps ballast as the ratings given on this bulb are for 630w of power.

We all know that umols or lux is what counts when the color rendering is that close together and the 630 de-cmh is already behind on that watt for watt even when using figures for 630 watts of power when most that buy this bulb will be doing it to do a 1000w de-hps conversion and will only be pushing the bulb at 600w.

The de-cmh would be the way to go if you already have a de-hps 1000w ballast and reflector. If your just upgrading your gear all together then your better off going with 2 315cmh for better umol, better lumens, and longer bulb life, and better light spread. Just don't see how this bulb could outperform 2 315CMH or 1 1000w de-hps for that matter.
Sunplix sells a specific ballast for this. Run your DE 630 cmh at lfsw.
I can't get behind the logic of the de 630 since its only two 315 arc tubes, the design leaves it more fragile and prone to failure due to thd/acoustic resonance than the single 315s. Personally I've found the allstart 860 on a lfsw 1kw digital kicks most ass.
Sunplix sells a specific ballast for this. Run your DE 630 cmh at lfsw.
I can't get behind the logic of the de 630 since its only two 315 arc tubes, the design leaves it more fragile and prone to failure due to thd/acoustic resonance than the single 315s. Personally I've found the allstart 860 on a lfsw 1kw digital kicks most ass.

I can't either. Makes more sense to run 2 separate 315cmh over this bulb. Has to be an approvement over the de-hps for most people though. Definitely run a whole lot cooler. At a loss of almost a 1000 umol though
Ill say this. Back when this thred started i left a comment on a growtube roundtable vid asking what they thought of the
gc-630 and the only comment was something along the lines of a pretty good light. They must have had lots of questions abought it because like with mammoth p it looks like they are using it themselves now. I know for certin that medigrower1 and phnerd have it up now and are impressed with it
Hi guys, new to the forum. Just wanted to post something here for anyone else looking and thinking about the DE-CMH. I saw this thread and had me interested so looked into the de-cmh. To be honest if you are looking to upgrade your 1000w de-hps then this would make since but this would not make since if you were replacing lights all together. Let's look at the technical data of 1 de-cmh vs. 2 315cmh since this would be a watt for watt comparison.
DE-CMH 630
1150 umol
65,000 lumens
10,000 life hours
CRI 97 supposedly

2@ 315 CMH
1197 total umols
66,000 lumens
20,000 life hours
CRI 92

Now, we do not know how much of a drop we are actually seeing on the DE-CMH in real life due to the fact that they recommend this bulb to be cut back to 600w on a 1000w de-hps ballast as the ratings given on this bulb are for 630w of power.

We all know that umols or lux is what counts when the color rendering is that close together and the 630 de-cmh is already behind on that watt for watt even when using figures for 630 watts of power when most that buy this bulb will be doing it to do a 1000w de-hps conversion and will only be pushing the bulb at 600w.

The de-cmh would be the way to go if you already have a de-hps 1000w ballast and reflector. If your just upgrading your gear all together then your better off going with 2 315cmh for better umol, better lumens, and longer bulb life, and better light spread. Just don't see how this bulb could outperform 2 315CMH or 1 1000w de-hps for that matter.

Damn i haven't been in here in a while but i seen this and had to sign in bc we in the same boat ..u make a good argument but some of what u say is wrong

1.lumens dont add up ..a 600watt light and a 400 watt light are 2 diff beast in terms of lumens and its only 200 watt difference ..you simply cant take 2 315s and think u have 60k lumens all u have is more points of light but not more lumens

2. life hours same as above . .if your running 2 bulbs separately thats 10 hours per bulb so the 20k hours makes no sense ..its still 10k hours per bulb ..although i agree on the dimming and life of the bulb im sure its not helping the de

3.umol again u cant just add these figures there independent numbers for a reason

4. the de bulb is fired by gasses in the bulb the heat is generated from outside the bulb unlike a arc tube in a single ended bulb this is why most de are not air cooled u will change the color spectrum and efficiency the intensity of DE bulbs are proven ..most people can run a 600 se hps watt maybe a foot from the canapy with the De intensity u need atleast 2 feet or around there

A 315 cmh can be run inches from the tops and only have a few feet on penetration into the canapy vs a de ..yea u can buy 2x 315s and maybe get similar yields but the grow style would have to change and accomadate the lights and u need 2x of everything and i highly doubt its the same wattage the 315s pull 345-355 from the wall the 630 pulls 645-655 so its actually more efficient
I like what the point your making i much prefer the de. Your wrong a couple places also though.
1. Your not wrong but its a personal pet peve..... I hate it when people mention lumens when talking plant lighting. Im sure you and everyone else reading this thred knows that lumens mean jack shit to plants.
2. They are not adding 10k hours 2 times. This statment you made there make me wonder if you really know what your talking abought. Maby you do but i have never herd of a 315 cmh rated at 10 k hours. I have only ever seen them rated at 30k hours. Im sure there are cheep ones rated at only 20k but i have never seen them.
3. Last your right two 315s do pull more than a 630de so a bit more efficient there, but thats not all! A 1000w de gets puts out 20% more than a 1000w se because its firing from both ends. I dont know this as fact but it is a good educated guess that the 630de cmh works the same way.
If anyone has factual data for or against that theory i would love to see a link.
I know this light just came out but has anyone found someplace where they're flowering with it (GC-630)? I'm planning a lighting upgrade, still using my Mars II 1600 in my 5x5 tent.

WARNING: MEANDERING POST...I've been tossing between COBs, CMH, and 1000w DE in an AC/DE fixture. I kinda feel cursed with this 5x5 tent, seems like all lights are geared toward 4x4 spaces or multiples of 4'. I love the idea of four 315s in there but the cost is on par with COBs and there's a good chance heat would be a problem. Watts are cheap where I live, I just want even lighting for my 5x5 scrog. That 630de looks like a pretty narrow footprint, guessing 3.5'x4' or something. I wish they would post the lighting map of par values at varying distances on a grid.
Cob's or nothing bitches lol :)
I don't know what the deal is but I read everyone saying how great they are but I've never seen any grow journal/video that actually shows anything impressive. I like the idea and I'm sure they're great but put up against HPS in pics and vids I don't see it...other than maybe monthly savings in electricity and bulbs.
I know this light just came out but has anyone found someplace where they're flowering with it (GC-630)? I'm planning a lighting upgrade, still using my Mars II 1600 in my 5x5 tent.

WARNING: MEANDERING POST...I've been tossing between COBs, CMH, and 1000w DE in an AC/DE fixture. I kinda feel cursed with this 5x5 tent, seems like all lights are geared toward 4x4 spaces or multiples of 4'. I love the idea of four 315s in there but the cost is on par with COBs and there's a good chance heat would be a problem. Watts are cheap where I live, I just want even lighting for my 5x5 scrog. That 630de looks like a pretty narrow footprint, guessing 3.5'x4' or something. I wish they would post the lighting map of par values at varying distances on a grid.
A 1000DE or 630DE in a AC/DE hood will do just fine in a 5x5 tent...
Did i really day a 1000de is ok in a tent. Oops maby if its a gorilla and extends a couple feet higher. Ya dont want a 1000de closer than 3 feet. That makes some short plants. The 630 de is fine thats what i use in a 4.5x4.5