600W Dwc Discrete Cabinet Scrog - 2nd Run


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vaporizing the blue dream
scrogging the blue dream

i swear these girls are fucking with me, changing arrangement in the rows when im not looking.


Well-Known Member
The vaporizer is fucking with you bro, the girls are just in on it.

A lower PPM will cause pH buffers to have a stronger effect. But you've been using lower PPM's for a while now, and I would shit if you told me you haven't used pH down since you started this round. It is probably the VermiT acting up with it. Make sure you keep your nose in that reservoir and smell for souring, that VermiT can turn on you in a recirculating or self contained hydro system. When working with organics add your pH buffers very slowly to your reservoir. You probably figured that out though. It makes it easy to monitor the adjustment more accurately, and it's because the acid can kill you beneficial's. If you ever look closely at the water when you add a lot of pH up or down at once the water discolors, or particles chunk together and fall, and a lot of weird crap happens, but it's just the spot where the buffer was added until it dilutes.

5.6 should be fine, check it in the morning and as long as it isn't going down you should be pretty good for vegging.


Active Member
It's slowly creeping back up, and interestingly enough, ppm going down noticeably today. These girls want more of the hard stuff.

Which is good, because they are about to get it!

That's one thing I'm doing much differently this time. I am adjusting ph once daily at max rather than chasing it down two or three times per day and not really sweating it if we're off by a little bit. Last time I adjusted ph using a syringe (read: turkey baster) with no measurement marks on it. I had a great feel for eyeballing it, but this time I'm taking careful measurement. Before the VermiT, ph down was affecting the sauce at like .1 ph per 2ml of ph down. After, it's closer to .175 ph per 1ml of ph down.

i need mini tomato vine trellis things that fit into party cups!


Well-Known Member
That thing does look perfect! Oh man, I might pick one up. But if you are going to expand, you want to get a bigger A/C unit. the A/C should already be oversized for your space to compete with the HID lamp. Good pH measurements, I should record info like that. The VermiT is what happened to the PPM, your plants ate it all up! That's good! No worries about souring VermiT, glad to hear of success in DWC with it. I bet it could have saved my White Berry from pythium.... which is still fucking lame btw.

Adjust PPM's by 50-100 each feeding when you raise them, I noticed the SFV responds very well to a slow rise. But I know you are going to do your thing anyways, so I'm interested in watching.

Fuck, you are turning me into a VermiCrop enthusiast, I need to go buy some cartridges of that stuff, buying it premade is expensive. The extractor they sell for it (500 bucks) is a laughable 8 gal modified bucket with a water pump hooked up to a pocket for the cartridge, nuts to that. I bet you could just throw it into your DWC unit and it would work. I should do an experiment with a DWC with a water pump rather than air pump, and VermiT cartridges.

All glory to VermiCrop!


Active Member
search these forums for something like "heisenberg tea" (post by heisenberg about making your own beneficials tea).
I watched the video that VermiT gives its stores on how to make the bags of tea. Other than specifics of content of the tea, the post in question details how to make pretty much the same stuff from 3 bags of crap in a 5 gal bucket with a bubbler on the bottom.

Have been meaning to try it, need to put a little fridge in the grow room and I will.


Active Member
quick note - ph dropping now. not plummeting, dropping maybe .1 every 10 hours or so.

had to bump up from 5.5 late last night and it took an inordinate amount of ph up. i wonder, could what AN tech said be true about this bottle of ph up being maybe diluted or contaminated or something? AN gave me the line last grow when I asked about it that we should ALWAYS be using AN brand ph adjusment products, that's why it isn't right .. which i took as total bullshit but bought the AN ph up anyway since i was (and now am) out. we'll see. maybe the bottom of the bottle was nasty.

should not have gone through an entire bottle of GH PH up in one grow. my kung fu needs practice.

good points on the AC. i can't imagine that any decent room AC with a pipe like that, dumped directly into the grow chamber, wouldn't be enough. Wondering if the pipe setup is worth the bother though or just cool the room and be done with it. I will need a solution that can be changed around a bit when summer gets in to full swing.

cooling the room entirely means cooler air moving through the aptly named cooltube as well instead of just the chamber. i suspect this won't make one bit of difference.

next questions will involve seperating the venting of the cab from the cooling of the cab. how to properly cycle fresh air in, how long to vent and how often, etc.


Active Member

Nice roots on this new SFV OG clone!


Experimenting with more skewer LST. This is one of three really crazy looking clones which came from extremely small, flowering cuttings that I FIMed not long after developing simple roots. A few weeks ago, this one looked like a ficus or something. You can still see a few of the single blade leaves. This plant is over 2 months from cutting. Only a few early FIMs were done, it has not been topped at all.


State of the scrog from 3 days ago.


Active Member
Full res flush
Refill with RO -

220ml each sensi bloom A & B
150ml cal/mag
1050ml VermiT
250ml hygrozyme
1tsp great white powder

adjust ph up from 4.2 to 6.8, then back down to 5.7, because that's apparently how i roll. let's hope the VermiT really does adjust ph properly, because i sure as hell can't!

ph 5.8, 1070 ppm, 65f res
room 72, chamber 77
humid @ 30%


Active Member
ph 6.5 this afternoon. dropped it to 5.9. already back up to 6.1. will adjust again tomorrow.

forgot to mention, flowers were showing nicely after about 48 hours of 12/12. looking great.


Well-Known Member
A tip from The Tipster. Add all base fertilizers and synthetic fertilizers first, then adjust pH. After adjusting the pH to where you are comfortable with, go ahead and add all other fertilizers with life in it and your tea, stir, let sit for 15 minutes, then read the pH. If the pH is outside an acceptable range go ahead and slowly adjust it with a pH buffer.

Adding too much of an undiluted pH buffer at once can kill organic life, and chasing the pH will also kill organic life.

Plants look fucking great btw. They do not look over fertilized at all from what I can see.


Active Member
the all knowing tea wants my sauce to be at ph 6.5.

we have compromised on 6 - 6.1, but the tea is crafty, and it knows when i am not paying attention.


Active Member
Switched to HPS bulb. Same timer, 12/12. Confirming previous estimation that HPS bulb produces chamber temp of room + ~7f.

Add 210ml big bud

ph coming down some. adjusted from 6.2 this afternoon where it had been 6.4+

tossed out all but one or two specimens of last cycle's og kush. wish i could have taken it home and stuck it in the backyard. it would make an awesome vine type thing. the stuff that was pulled from the grow chamber had completely taken over the clone chamber. growing magnificently though. it would have done really well.

ph 5.9, 1280 ppm, 65f res
room 72, chamber 79
humidity @ 45%


Active Member


more skewer and clothespin LST. result is after just a couple of hours. my current goal is to produce a plant growing in an inverted, sort of open cone shape. i think this is called an arena grow .. ? not sure. need a little more room to work before i can carry this much further. i had a much larger plant like this growing just here on my desk. small cup like that as a home, it was covering about 14" x 18" canopy space before i killed it.

add ghetto CO2 in a 2 liter bottle, crammed in next to the res. hopefully no problems with the fan there blasting it out at one spot.
add 1 cup VermiT.


Well-Known Member
Pretty sweet dude, that is how I used to train my mom's before I realized it was a bad idea for mom's, but a great idea for flowering plants. A lot of small branch sites, very close together. So I've done it a few times to flowering plants, you get a bitchload of yield of a small plant, and you can grow them huge if you want to. I did it to the last Whiteberry I harvested, but I harvested that thing 2 weeks early because it got hit by Pythium, fuckin' a. The nugs were kind of whimpy but there is a lot of them, I am kind of excited to see what it yielded.

It's hard to throw out perfectly good plants, but it's easier when you remember how they did you wrong.


Well-Known Member
So I am still working on the plant grooming guide for you, I think in about another week I will have a decent enough sample of photos that you can see how it all works out. I just transplanted the new Blue Dream girls last night. I just wanted to post some pictures so you can see how well your girls are doing.

Here they are the day after I got them, freshly groomed for the first time and ready for a long and brutal trip home.
postgroom group.jpg

And here is one pulled out of the cup about to go into Sunshine Mix #4, my cellphone battery was low, so the picture quality isn't the best, but it was pretty interesting to me how big the clone was, and how it still had plenty of room for roots to grow.

I popped them into some square 1 gal buckets that are normally used for hydro, but I like how they drain from the corners and the bottom, it will prevent roots from spinning. I popped them under a 2700K 125w CFL, my buddy has my 6400K, which I will be taking back tomorrow and placing them under that instead.

If you were wondering what all the white stuff is on top of my soil, it is Diatomaceous earth, it is an insect dust that is organic and food safe, and is basically a preventative to keep bugs away. I want to make sure no bugs get on these, keep them safe from the get-go.


You will notice they are in a funky room, it is just a temp spot outside my flower room while I keep my veg chamber in quarantine.

And this is just to make your mouth water. Here is some of that SFV OG, gives you something to look forward. Here is the main cola from a untrained plant we cropped a few nights ago. I say we, because that is clearly not my brown paw holding that nug up. Haha.

And here is an example of how well the can scrog. This is just 3 plants that I LST'd the living shit out of under a 600w lamp. Yielded just over 1/2 pound with only 3 plants. First time ever growing the strain, first grow I did on my own in a year or so.
SFVtease1.jpg 5 days before harvest.

I am not sure how to get rid of these extra attachments, they are left over from when I decided the grooming guide wasn't ready yet. I will deal with those tomorrow after work... Fucking work.



Well-Known Member

This is old as fuck, but this is the absolute best source for anyone to learn how to SCROG, but you have to dedicate yourself to 50 pages of that journal. It is fucking rollercoaster of a grow, and this is where we see the legendary 1g/watt weigh out. If you want to become the best, this is where you start. You learn every mistake you can make, and everything you can do right.


Active Member
attachments: go advanced posting and there is something that says "manage attachments". Took me a few to figure it out too.

everything else: oh hell yes! you are truly a man among meng Jozikins.

yeah i really dig the party cups to start clones in. so simple no matter what you use. fill container with coco croutons. Add plant. Water every 3 or 4 days. if you really want to get fancy stick a hole in the cup and treat it like a hempy bucket. i bet they would do even better if I started them on a sauce recipe built for clones and roots. I give them veg sauce from the get go.

those OGs that I tossed out were in net pots, placed in an aluminum foil tray filled with coco, which I would keep with an inch or so of sauce. This did NOT work out well. plants were fine, but when i chucked them i checked the roots and it wasn't pretty. wasn't smelly, wasn't infested, just very soggy and brown.

ph just about stabilized. nothing above 6.1 today.

ph 5.9, 1260 ppm, 72f chamber


Active Member
ph dialed in and locked at 5.9. Same as veg, it takes about 4 days for the sauce to stabilize where we want it.

and it's a damn good feeling to know that all this work that has gone into making this setup pretty damn stealthy is paying off. owner walking through property today and I have zero worries. The delegation will walk through the room and say things like "ahh yes very well" etc etc and I will laugh inside. Maybe a little on the outside too.

gives me a great willy wonka feeling, showing all sorts of neat stuff to people who won't see one bit of any of it.