60 Plant Grow Setup

Garden Knowm

The Love Doctor

I would stick with

rockwool cubes,
cloning powder/gel, and
wilt spray

for 100% cloning success... :)

why do you want to bye a system? it will probably be more money and more work...


Garden Knowm

The Love Doctor
Assuming you are going to take the clones from the lower branches and not topping your plants...

i would suggest you FLOWER NOW

Even if you can't clone today or tomorrow or even for 7 days.. you should flower NOW.. 12/12 baby!

You are going to be able to take at least 300 clones form those plants.. at least...



Well-Known Member
trenton you are my hero you can easily build your own cloner just look in the diy section for a bunh of different ways to do it......Jmac


Well-Known Member
Thanks everyone I m glad to be a hero. I have a couple questions. Dont aeropnic systems have an excellent sucess rate. Not to mention my clones came from an aeropinic system and all 60 had roots of at least 6 inches within 6 days. Now for cloning techniques. Why do some people top clone (Take the main cola for clones) and why do some people just take cuttings off the bottom. Please tell me what are the pros and cons.

Garden Knowm

The Love Doctor
The aeroponic cloning systems can have a great success rate...

It is also more difficult to keep clones for a LONG period of time..
You can keep a clone in rockwool for 2 months.. no problem and then it will easily transfr to any medium..

BUT if for some reason you could keep a clone (for 4-12 weeks) in an aeropnic cloning system (which you OFTEN can't becasue they will get stem rot).. that clone will have developed roots that are specific for ABSORBING nutrients from the air/mist/moisture.. the way they are offered in an aeroponic grow system...

I am a big proponent of aeroponics for vegging and flowering.. and if it can work for you.. go for it... I just thought I would through out the trusty rockwool method... :)


Well-Known Member
most of the time whe people take clones from the top there topping, but u r about to flower so I wouldnt do that take them from the bottom....Jmac


Well-Known Member
"lollypop" I'm pretty sure fdd has pictures of it done. so all that power goses to the main cola also plants don't need alot of space. If that maid any sence. WW Kiffed out in a bong has me feeling so right.

Garden Knowm

The Love Doctor
Trenton.. you have 60 plants and the bottom 10-20 inches of those plants are not going to produce any significant bud.. (because the plants are packed in tight and the lower branches are not gonna get any light) THAT being said..

ALL of the lower branches make GREAT cloning material...

THE main branches.. or the TOPS... will be your king daddy buds.. main colas

If you only had 10-20 plants.. you could consider chopping your plants in HALF or 1/3 by topping them... and then let them veg for another 5-7 days.... and then flower.. Your plants would get super bushy and require some wiring and tying.. etc...

I personally would have flowered last week if I were you.. Your garden is about to FOOKING explode.. LIKE MEGA ... lol

its gonna be insane.. YOU could take the plants you have and flower them in twice the amount of space with twice the amount of lights and get a MEGA MEGA yield...

YOU JUST HAVE A GREEN THUMB!! whatcha ya gonna do? :)



Well-Known Member
Trenton.. you have 60 plants and the bottom 10-20 inches of those plants are not going to produce any significant bud.. (because the plants are packed in tight and the lower branches are not gonna get any light) THAT being said..

ALL of the lower branches make GREAT cloning material...

THE main branches.. or the TOPS... will be your king daddy buds.. main colas

If you only had 10-20 plants.. you could consider chopping your plants in HALF or 1/3 by topping them... and then let them veg for another 5-7 days.... and then flower.. Your plants would get super bushy and require some wiring and tying.. etc...

I personally would have flowered last week if I were you.. Your garden is about to FOOKING explode.. LIKE MEGA ... lol

its gonna be insane.. YOU could take the plants you have and flower them in twice the amount of space with twice the amount of lights and get a MEGA MEGA yield...

YOU JUST HAVE A GREEN THUMB!! whatcha ya gonna do? :)

Haha, well you know he _could_ use those two new lights to cut those trey's in half :roll:

p.s. garden knowm your books arrives tomarrow :)


Well-Known Member
what can i say Trent, i think you have my growroom beat? I think we are both Noobs, however you got the $$$ and your not MARRIED!!!! This is my growroom, i think yours might be a larger, a little? LOL... FCUKING FANTASTICA!!!!!!!!!! Nice Job ..GL & GG

Keep us posted...



Well-Known Member
GREAT POINT.. actually brilliant...

and just get the clones going under some fluorescents and the veg under a single 1000 on a light mover... like this picture.. 400 plants vegging under a single 1000 watt metal halide :)

Those are from Widow Makers grow right? Where has he been? We used to beat up peoples grandmas for using miracle-gro together.


Well-Known Member
Not to be a party crasher, i just have to say i strongly feel he should be flowering
9-10 per 4 foot so if you have
2 4 foot by 8 foot trays i would have 18 per tray total. At best i see only a few colas per plant.

the 6 lb mark will be tough. i am concerned about stems. that tight are they moving constant?

i would be concerned about the billsa tad. flowering will save you a bit but your pulling alot of current all the time.

another fact is the 24 hour veg, as you moved to 18 things start to get leggy, as you flop to 12 i suggest
cutting the day 2 hours every 48 hours. you need to act soon. height is a problem, those plants will quickly start trying to out pace each other making the trays less than desireable. if heat is a factor your in for a long flower cycle.

What are you staking these up with?


Well-Known Member
I have a question for all of you. My plants are schduled to go into flower tonight (12/12) My current veg has been 18/6 with lights on from 7:00AM to 1:00AM. This means to flip them to 12/12 they are schduled to go out at 1:00AM tonight and remain out for 12 hours. I really wanted my 12 on cycle to run during the night if possible to save on heat. For example (lights on at 10:00PM to 10:00AM. anyway to make this work without making my plants sad.