60 Plant Grow Setup


Well-Known Member
whoah. that bill is crazy. now you know why people go 18/6.:mrgreen:

theoretically it should be half that when you go to 12/12. :blsmoke:

Garden Knowm

The Love Doctor
It's 10:30 PM my time
Holly shit. I just got my PGE bill amd I live in a 4 bedroom house by myself. I dont use a washer or dryer. I dont have a fridge. Ive never used the stove and I dont use the central heat. I have had 4 1000 watts 240 Volt on 24/0 for about 3 weeks. The bill was $823.54. That seems fuckin insane. I was expecting like 300.00-500.00

time to switch to 18/6 :)

What happens in the area you live in...

When you or any customer goes over a certain LIMIT set by the ELECTRIC company... you start to pay double and triple rates.. it can add up quick..

Another bill i saw was for 7000 watts on 12/12 (running 240) and NOTHING else in the house... no tv, no computers, no fridge etc.. the bill was 870.00 for one month...



Well-Known Member
good point GK. :)

when you switch to 12/12 run the lights during the night. this will take you off the "peak hours" billing cycle. run your lights from 7 pm to 7 am. it should be much cheaper.


Dea, FBI, ATF MuthaFucker
time to switch to 18/6 :)

What happens in the area you live in...

When you or any customer goes over a certain LIMIT set by the ELECTRIC company... you start to pay double and triple rates.. it can add up quick..

Another bill i saw was for 7000 watts on 12/12 (running 240) and NOTHING else in the house... no tv, no computers, no fridge etc.. the bill was 870.00 for one month...

wont the electric co suspect something and file some sort of report for the cops to check it out?

Garden Knowm

The Love Doctor
wont the electric co suspect something and file some sort of report for the cops to check it out?

and now for the hard questions....

there are some cases.. SOME.. where this has happened...

actually in Carlsbad.... San Diego.... not likely to happen in Northern, California.... IT really depends where he lives and what kind of neighborhood....

My neighborhood has 400 and 500 electrical bills all the time... 800 would not be a super stretch...

What happened in Carlsbad, CALIFORNIA is worth reading about.... it was pretty involved and wasn't just a simple call from the electric company... you can probably google Carlsbad and marijuana and cops..



New Member
He'll be fine...

Although that bill is WAY too high.

The bill should only have come to around $300. I'd phone up the company and ask them to check shit out.

You got a meter you can read? If you can, can you see how much the meter charges per kwh (kilowatt hour)?

Once you know that you can figure out exactly how much the lights will cost to run.

Your bill has been easily doubled. Which says to me that either the meter is fucked up or there is someone else stealing your electric


New Member
time to switch to 18/6 :)

What happens in the area you live in...

When you or any customer goes over a certain LIMIT set by the ELECTRIC company... you start to pay double and triple rates.. it can add up quick..

Another bill i saw was for 7000 watts on 12/12 (running 240) and NOTHING else in the house... no tv, no computers, no fridge etc.. the bill was 870.00 for one month...

Exactly, check out your own info' GK. That guy was running 7000w this guy is running 4000w... yet the bills are very similar.

Something is not right.


Well-Known Member
Trenton, how much per Kilo Watt do you pay? And how many kilo watts were you charged for? You should see a price for each block of energy consumed, every block additional to the first, will cost more then the last. This info will easily reflect if you bill was correct or not....

Shit its time to spend some more $$. These turbines might cost you a pretty penny but it might be worth not getting the $800 bill, of course this is when you move :)
Your Electric is deffinatly something worth checking out. When lights go out here sometimes I shut all the breakers and we check to make sure the meter doesn't move. Then on any given day I check how much we run per 6 hours without A/C, without computers, etc... After a while it gets easier to know how much you run each day and if there is something wrong like ONE stray appliance that hogs power.
I dont know how important power is in Cali... where I live if you planned on doing something like trenton. Cook with gas, buy a mini fridge, and wash your clothes elsewhere, use a laptop and watch your bill as close as you can.

Wow if only gas were cheaper we would all have an easier alternative, then again in the city you would have to have one hell of a silent generator.

What did ever happen with Trenton's landlord??? And the electrician?


Active Member
Holy Crap Trenton,
That bill is outrageous!!! But the truth is, during peak usage hours the utility company can charge a premium if your usage is higher than normal for your area. Still, you should track your usage for a few days so you know exactly how much it is. Check their website for the normal charge per kilowatt and your bill for how much they charged you. If this information is out of wack, then call them up and challenge it.


Well-Known Member
Holy Crap Trenton,
That bill is outrageous!!! But the truth is, during peak usage hours the utility company can charge a premium if your usage is higher than normal for your area. Still, you should track your usage for a few days so you know exactly how much it is. Check their website for the normal charge per kilowatt and your bill for how much they charged you. If this information is out of wack, then call them up and challenge it.


Well-Known Member
hey does that bill include a deposit? One time when I moved into a rental there was a 500 dollar deposit,so if thats the case then it is understandable.

Garden Knowm

The Love Doctor
Exactly, check out your own info' GK. That guy was running 7000w this guy is running 4000w... yet the bills are very similar.

Something is not right.


i said the guy was running 12/12.... trenton was running 24/0

and RATES (KW per HOUR) in OUR area go up with MORE consumption...



Well-Known Member
It's 10:30 PM my time
Holly shit. I just got my PGE bill amd I live in a 4 bedroom house by myself. I dont use a washer or dryer. I dont have a fridge. Ive never used the stove and I dont use the central heat. I have had 4 1000 watts 240 Volt on 24/0 for about 3 weeks. The bill was $823.54. That seems fuckin insane. I was expecting like 300.00-500.00

pretty easy math

4ooo watts = 4 kwh per hour x 24 hours.

so being generous you should have consumed somewhere close to
3000 kwh x the adverage .11-.14 per kwh must be charging you insane fee's


Well-Known Member
Hi everyone. No I didnt have to pay a PGE deposit. Sorry, I havnt gotten a chance to take pics when lights go out yet but I will go and take pics now and post within 10 minutes. I am ready to switch to 12/12 however I need to buy an aeroponic system asap to cut clones first. I want to cut at least 60 clones. ( I forgot to mention im going to start another 60 so be prepared to see grow thread 2) I am building a separate veg room for them and they will veg under 2 1000 watt metal halide bulbs. Both refecltors will be on light movers. Any reccomendations on which clone system to buy. I need to cut clones tonight or tomorrow at the latest. Theses babies are ready to flower 12/12
Add 15% for every ballast. ... so 2,000 more watts.... bigger bill. Just pay, who would complain... so really...

what happened

with the landlord and the electrician?


Well-Known Member
First off the picture quality sucks ass. I will re=take pics tonight when the lights go off. I promise. They are as green as can be and reaching for the sky.New jungle pictures. Sour diesel average height is 24" max is 28". Grand Dady Purple average height is 12" Max is 14"
