60 Plant Grow Setup


Well-Known Member
That would be awesome for you! I highly suggest getting a bunch of seeds and selecting a good phenotype for a mother plant. That is if all goes as planned and you decide to re-sign


Dea, FBI, ATF MuthaFucker
your landlord sounds sweet. I honestly still think he'd be against you growing because it might make a bad name for him or something but hey you never know. Hope i draw a lucky landlord :mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
Ok everyon,e I will change it from lights off between 7:00AM-7:00PM.
The situation with the landlord. I hung out with him for a bit today on his porch and talked for a while. He told me all about the divorce he is going through and he was telling me about how he bought a bunch off cool stuff from best buy like a big screen, laptop, surround, and such. He let me come in and take a tour off the house. As I walked in I smelt the ganja and he said sorry about the smell I burn a little every now and then. I said thats cool. Finished the tour and went back onto the porch and he started smoking a cigerette and I said I thought you were trying to quite. He said its hard and I said does the marijuana help a little and he said yes and then probably for security reasons that he had a state card. I said thats cool I got a medical reccomendation too he didnt believe me and I showed him. Then we talked about money issues and such and I asked if he grew marihuana him self, he said its not really his passion, building houses were. Then I had to go home. So, its obviuos he doesnt care if I smoke weed. I just got to feel him out a little more on if he cares that I grow weed. I just wanna finish my harvest and say hay Mr/ Landlord I got a present for you and give him an 8th, he should say thanks you and later tell me that it was the best shit in the world and where I got then I might tell him whats up. If he was cool with it life would be great. I think I would re-sign a lease.

welcome to sonoma county, california. :mrgreen::peace:


New Member
Hey GK, you don't remember sublime?

Great to see you back and kicking sublime... did you always have those numbers after your name?


New Member
hey trnt. its been a while since ive had the opritunity to stop back by.
shit looks great man. even better to hear about the landlord. i think that as long as he understands you want things to be on the down low, hed probablly be cool with you growing. I mean as long as you arent tearing holes in walls for vents or anything like that. lol.
you need to flower soon or your gonna have a pain in the ass in taking care of all those bitches man. and they take longer to finish when they are larger too. start flowering and take some clones from low branches, then you can still take a few more in the first couple weeks of flower if you decide to get a cloning machine. i mean after all most strains take a week of 12/12 to start the first week of flowering anyways


Well-Known Member
Im glad things are going good for you trenton. Who would of known your lanlord of all people is a toker:-) Anyways everything looks great and i can't wait to see these things flower. It's gonna look like Nam in that garage:P



Well-Known Member
Sweet,its cool to burn with him,but remember rule #1 TELL NO ONE YOUR GROWING. something could go wrong better to be safe than sorry. Glad to hear the good news bro.......Jmac


Well-Known Member
Everyone loves the landlord issue......

HELLO this is fucking dangerous as hell.
Reguardless where you are to knowingly allow your property to be used for
manifacturing drugs or other criminal intension can make your property subject to seizure.

Not to talk smack, but 2 strikes so far. 800.+ bill is a bit heavy even for 4 bedrooms.
#2 the owner now knows. And yea your cool now........... But....

yea that sucks, what happens if they contact the owner to inquire about high utilitys, or to get occuptant info. I dont know exactly where you are but usually 60 will put you over the limit.

Each case is different so use your best judgement. But for me 2 helpers know and thats 2 too many allready. what if he really fears seizure or warrants, they will take the doors off! he has alot to lose. be careful.


Well-Known Member
Thank god..... i couldnt take the time to read 85 pages i assumed he knew.

definatly keep your bad habbits as private as possible


Well-Known Member
I agree with abud, i have been watching this grow passively since it started and its beginning to look dangerous to me. Dont get me wrong, i think its awesome, and i could never do anything like it. But hell, that electricity bill? Mighty scary.

Im pretty sure ive read somewhere about abud's friends getting caught, so i am pretty sure he knows what he is on about. :joint:


Well-Known Member
so what are you guys saying? should he pull all his plants? sit on the porch and wait for the cops?

he's not breaking any laws. unless the feds come he's pretty safe. the feds don't really come around here until crystal meth becomes involved. i haven't seen any crystal meth.


Well-Known Member
I have been watching this whole thread and the landlord thing is a total blessing after all the stresses. I think if you put it all together it really isnt a bad deal. The electricity bill was probably why the electrician needs to come in. Maybe there is something legitametly wrong with the wiring hence the huge bill. I dunno I would maybe contact the electric company and ask for an average to previous 12 months or so and compare the math and see if it is you actually creating the spike in usage. I am sure the electricity company loves it if you just pay the pay the bill (it's huge). Don't dispute. Just pay this one and get history report and do the math. Then go from there.