4 mysterys / 2 auto ak47 first timer.

Well they looked lazy before lights out as usual. Come lights on they looked strong and perky doesn't seem the transplant affected them any. That odd discolouration that started as a seedling didn't progress just continued to grow with the leaf , starting to notice it on another plant , I think it was from wet leaves after transplant . wife helped and got some of them wet lol. Pic below.
(She hates the money I've spent so far but tends to be down there checking on them prior to me even being awake, she takes a single toke at night and it's usually a shotgun , she's still very much an easy bake. so it's exciting she's getting involved).


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Stuck with the little ones today while wife's at work. So decided to make use of my laughable 85w led. Made her a box to start seedlings in. She's always wanted to start our tomatoes and such early . so until we get our seeds, figured i would give our cactus and tropical tree some light lol.


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Well meter came in today.
It's a Damn tds meter . swore I ordered a ph, but That's what I get boxing day shopping on amazon . So guess I'll go buy some cheap strips. Can't screw that up lol.
Hopefully will have some use for this thing , 53$ on sale for 20$ so isn't a big loss.
Figured I'd at least try the thing out. Tap water sits at 418ppm.
Pic update. nothing new happening yet just a proud dad :).
My Little ak seedling photobombing.


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Glad I stumbled into your main thread. Glad to help with any questions but by no means a pro but well past the general noob mistakes. Don't go hacking lights just yet. The one you have will do you well.
Glad I stumbled into your main thread. Glad to help with any questions but by no means a pro but well past the general noob mistakes. Don't go hacking lights just yet. The one you have will do you well.
The ghetto lights are for the wife lol. She wanted something to start our vegetable garden with. We got a late start last year and our watermelons weren't ready before frost. Tomatoes and cucumbers did amazing though. But that was the laughable light I first bought lol. I got seeds and pots from my guy and got started before I even had a clue.
Pics below are the very beginning . sunshade from the car into the back of my old entertainment unit lol. Learned how to re-pot those stringy stems from the newbie section. Sites helped me leaps and bounds so far. Always open to more info :) thanks for the read


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My daughter enjoys gardening so I always start her plenty of flowers and veggies in my veg cab every spring. She is 6. My goal as a parent is to make her self sufficient so gardening is a very good lesson taught in case things turn for the worse for everyone. We both find enjoyment in it so it is a win win for the both of us. Blurples do suprisingly well for veg so it is not money wasted, although from the looks of your setup it is a big red flag for your neighbors that says I'm growing. I know it is legal there but the less attention you draw to yourself the better.
My daughter enjoys gardening so I always start her plenty of flowers and veggies in my veg cab every spring. She is 6. My goal as a parent is to make her self sufficient so gardening is a very good lesson taught in case things turn for the worse for everyone. We both find enjoyment in it so it is a win win for the both of us. Blurples do suprisingly well for veg so it is not money wasted, although from the looks of your setup it is a big red flag for your neighbors that says I'm growing. I know it is legal there but the less attention you draw to yourself the better.
neighbours a stoner, worked out with him a few times seems chill. Grow rooms in the basement :p but in that corner there's a tropical tree (ex's grandma gave to me as Christmas present lol) and a cactus that's in the box. But it only was there for a few hours made it while watching the little ones & thought hey maybe that tree would like some light, needless to say the wife wasn't impressed with me moving her knick knacks lol. I've got two, Ones 5 and others 3,(im a step dad to both ) they loved gardening last year youngest one was to young to understand but loved the dirt lol. I grew up in the country sort of off grid so did alot of veggie gardening as a kid moved to city at 11 due to divorce . and in an apartment we didn't have the chance to continue gardening . happy to be renting a nice house to be able to do it again :) and now with weed being legal I can finally grow my favourite plant lol.
Born and raised on a farm here. The best and worst advice my dad gave me was get a good education and get a good job so you don't have to work like this the rest of your life. Got the education and job over a decade ago and now I'm trying to get a job back home so I can help him out more. I miss it and would even say I regret listening to him about that. What I do in a spare bedroom is my release back to the dirt.
Best advice I can give on the kids is love them as your own. They may resent you now and maybe even 10 years from now regardless of how good you are to them but once they are old enough to see the big picture is when you will get your reward in respect and gratitude.
Born and raised on a farm here. The best and worst advice my dad gave me was get a good education and get a good job so you don't have to work like this the rest of your life. Got the education and job over a decade ago and now I'm trying to get a job back home so I can help him out more. I miss it and would even say I regret listening to him about that. What I do in a spare bedroom is my release back to the dirt.
Best advice I can give on the kids is love them as your own. They may resent you now and maybe even 10 years from now regardless of how good you are to them but once they are old enough to see the big picture is when you will get your reward in respect and gratitude.
So far the oldest calls me daddy. She still she's her real dad on weekends . youngest I've been around since birth. Met my wife while she was pregnant , dad didn't want anything to do with the baby and signs over his rights prior to her birth. So she's mine as far as I'm cocerned :). Haven't achieved good education or job. But am very happy with what I got. Fast food sucks, but happy wife happy life
Had my mother move in to our extra bedroom so she didn't have to pay rent When she retired. Sorta my pay back for what she's done for me
As for my father haven't spoke to him in a few years. He's in his 50s and got a new 20 odd year old girlfriend that convinced him i was a gold digger lol. Still awaiting that apology if it ever comes :p
So far the oldest calls me daddy. She still she's her real dad on weekends . youngest I've been around since birth. Met my wife while she was pregnant , dad didn't want anything to do with the baby and signs over his rights prior to her birth. So she's mine as far as I'm cocerned :). Haven't achieved good education or job. But am very happy with what I got. Fast food sucks, but happy wife happy life
Had my mother move in to our extra bedroom so she didn't have to pay rent When she retired. Sorta my pay back for what she's done for me
As for my father haven't spoke to him in a few years. He's in his 50s and got a new 20 odd year old girlfriend that convinced him i was a gold digger lol. Still awaiting that apology if it ever comes :p
My parents got divorced when I was around 2 and dad got custody. Both parents have been in my life but it has been easy to see who has really been there for me and not just been in the picture because they are supposed to be. I'm separated from my ex but I do as much as physically possible for my daughter. My ex hasn't made it easy for me but I haven't made it easy for her to push me off for her own selfish reasons. I am in the picture for my daughters well being and not for myself and not just there because I am supposed to be.
It is never too late to further your education...if you are not learning you are dying. Do all you can to better your situation(not saying you are in a bad one)...if not for yourself your children. Within a month of finding out I was having a kid I found a new job to better my situation. Wednesday will make me 6 weeks smoke free(even tho I got a few o's stashed and still growing) because I am trying to find a new job back home closer to dad.
Happy new year and happy growing. Good to connect on a personal level to a fellow grower.
My parents got divorced when I was around 2 and dad got custody. Both parents have been in my life but it has been easy to see who has really been there for me and not just been in the picture because they are supposed to be. I'm separated from my ex but I do as much as physically possible for my daughter. My ex hasn't made it easy for me but I haven't made it easy for her to push me off for her own selfish reasons. I am in the picture for my daughters well being and not for myself and not just there because I am supposed to be.
It is never too late to further your education...if you are not learning you are dying. Do all you can to better your situation(not saying you are in a bad one)...if not for yourself your children. Within a month of finding out I was having a kid I found a new job to better my situation. Wednesday will make me 6 weeks smoke free(even tho I got a few o's stashed and still growing) because I am trying to find a new job back home closer to dad.
Happy new year and happy growing. Good to connect on a personal level to a fellow grower.
Happy New year's , Monopoly and booze for us since 8 :), just let a few fireworks rip and woke up the youngest lol. Its always nice to have a like minded person to chat to , circle thinned out when kids came into the picture but that's for the better. Still growing but stopped smoking that befuddles be a bit but I guess it's hard to let go of a rewarding hobby lol.
Happy New year's , Monopoly and booze for us since 8 :), just let a few fireworks rip and woke up the youngest lol. Its always nice to have a like minded person to chat to , circle thinned out when kids came into the picture but that's for the better. Still growing but stopped smoking that befuddles be a bit but I guess it's hard to let go of a rewarding hobby lol.
Put on the back burner until I'm in the clear again. The job I've applied for requires an initial piss test but I've heard thru the grapevine that they don't do randoms...and if they do I will probably just have to test my luck(I've learned randoms usually aren't that random and I don't fit the stereotypical profile for a stoner). I probably could've pissed clean after 2 to 3 weeks since I'm am somewhat fit but I'd rather not chance it. Should know something within a week or two.
Put on the back burner until I'm in the clear again. The job I've applied for requires an initial piss test but I've heard thru the grapevine that they don't do randoms...and if they do I will probably just have to test my luck(I've learned randoms usually aren't that random and I don't fit the stereotypical profile for a stoner). I probably could've pissed clean after 2 to 3 weeks since I'm am somewhat fit but I'd rather not chance it. Should know something within a week or two.
Good luck on the job must be decent pay to have piss tests lol. have tried and failed to quit cigs a few times can't say I've tried to quit green lol. Went cold turkey for a few years as a teen but that's probably it. Smoke 2 oz a month now so I started growing to save money now that its legal and the wife let me , ironically she asked why I hadn't started yet. Asked my guy where to get some seeds next you know I've got 6 in hand and some pots . then I caught the bug, instead of buying my usual oz. I Bought my lights, and a tent (that should be here tomorrow booyaa) so I'm relying on my kief supply for the next 2 weeks,i can't complain to much though.
Good luck on the job must be decent pay to have piss tests lol. have tried and failed to quit cigs a few times can't say I've tried to quit green lol. Went cold turkey for a few years as a teen but that's probably it. Smoke 2 oz a month now so I started growing to save money now that its legal and the wife let me , ironically she asked why I hadn't started yet. Asked my guy where to get some seeds next you know I've got 6 in hand and some pots . then I caught the bug, instead of buying my usual oz. I Bought my lights, and a tent (that should be here tomorrow booyaa) so I'm relying on my kief supply for the next 2 weeks,i can't complain to much though.
Really hard to find a job around here that doesn't require a piss test. Ironically the job I have didnt require one when I started but I've had to have a few when we work with certain customers(luckily I get a 4 to 6 week heads up). The job I'm going for is a demotion in title but about 50% more pay(small biz vs corporate I guess). I don't care about the title and really the pay doesn't matter to me as much as the location but the pay increase will definitely help me out. Put your needs before your wants and everything should fall into place. What initially directed to your thread was your post on hacking lights...if you need help in the future on a DIY led feel free to hit me up. I have quit a bit of knowledge there and if I don't know it I can find the answer or learn it.
Really hard to find a job around here that doesn't require a piss test. Ironically the job I have didnt require one when I started but I've had to have a few when we work with certain customers(luckily I get a 4 to 6 week heads up). The job I'm going for is a demotion in title but about 50% more pay(small biz vs corporate I guess). I don't care about the title and really the pay doesn't matter to me as much as the location but the pay increase will definitely help me out. Put your needs before your wants and everything should fall into place. What initially directed to your thread was your post on hacking lights...if you need help in the future on a DIY led feel free to hit me up. I have quit a bit of knowledge there and if I don't know it I can find the answer or learn it.
I like the diy idea. Cheaper. But I wouldn't trust anything I wired not to be a fire hazard , Can't say I'm very handy. More mygyver like lol
After some advice to 1/4th strength the 20-20-20, 1 teaspoon per 1 litre is what it calls for, so I'm going to do 1 teaspoon and 4 litres and spilt it up to 1 litre a plant
Only concern is it says 30-40 plants for 1/1 . although I think I may be over analyzing .


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Got the mix together, tested on 2/4 mysterys. now to watch for anything negative and be excited about the positive.
And a bad note i found some discolouring that I did not notice yesterday. Still trying to decipher if it's a problem.
Not the greatest pics but I was shielding the hps with a piece of cardboard to avoid the distortion lol.


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Spent time this morning trying to research my seeds, have yet to find much info on the seller/breeder , bought at local hydroponic store had a sale 30$ per pack.
Guess I'll spend the proper $$ on good seeds next run lol.
Oh well guess its better to learn cheap than to piss away money.
Only tried 2 so far, both sprouted , looks like they are slow growing , but it's probably my doing.


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