4 mysterys / 2 auto ak47 first timer.

Looking good bro! Sorry about the flood that sucks bad! Between feb and April is when the spring flush starts so our tap water gets really nasty. I still use it but I’m crazy like that lol
First 2 pics are the autos
Last 2 are the two tallest mysterys that are currently beside my light & nearly taller than the reflector .
One other I didn't take a recent pic of for some reason lol.

Looking good bro! Sorry about the flood that sucks bad! Between feb and April is when the spring flush starts so our tap water gets really nasty. I still use it but I’m crazy like that lol
Flood sucked but Was lucky, missed the tent and the ballast, just soaked the rugs badly. Turns out the kid used to much toilet paper and with the toilet constantly running it flooded down the heat vent to the basement . plumber comes replaced the guts of the toilet but not the broken seal causing it to run in the first place. And while snaking it decided to take the toilet off without draining it and reflooded the basement the morning after I had just cleaned it all up, so I was pissed about that . glad I switched to ro water , tap was bad enough on a good day only going to get worse come spring.


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Been super busy with work and kids lately forgot to do any updates lol.
Mystery #1 (pic) - just finished trimming and jarring . Was hanging for close to a week, cut early due to some unforeseen issues I created while feeding after working a double shift .
Mystery #2 hermied and got culled while back.
Mystery #3 - 4 few days away from chop
Auto #1 -2 .1-2 weeks till chop

Then happily got my qb 100 v2 for my 2x2 veg tent
And put a mystery ACE breeders pack seed into paper towel & the grand daddy purp freebie. Time to start the process all over again. This time with a bit of knowledge & proper equipment from the beginning .


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Grand daddy purp has been planted. Taproot was already growing fuzzys in the paper towel lol.
Mystery ACE hasn't cracked yet not much hope but giving it a few more days.

Last two mysterys have been chopped and are hanging on seperate racks.

Mystery #1 - 48 grams dried. Not completely disappointed , it knocked the wife into a coma & gave me a pretty solid buzz. Wife keeps saying it smells like bananas lol . so for a first grow I'm happy with the results.
The autos are still going. not seeing any ambers yet and still white pistils keep pooping up, so letting them ride.
Trimming the last two most likely Thursday when i finally get a day off.


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Autos are done! Super excited about these. Smells just as good if not better than some of the ak I smoked years ago. Just hoping its as good as it smells.

Calling my first grow a success , 1 hermie & 5 finished plants. Considering prior to December 1st I knew absolutely nothing more than how to germinate a seed, So a big thank you to all of RIU. I learned all I know now from here .
New journal for my 2nd run with some granddaddy purple & a mystery ACE breeders pack seed. Instead of a mystery bag seed lol.


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All great things! Well done for your first grow you actually finished. Most first time growers don't make it to the finish line. Read about coco coir and get off of soil and watch the plants really take off. Great job, great work.