368 watt CFL veg cab/600 watt HPS flower cab perpetual journal


Well-Known Member
Ima here'!! :) i'ma always checkin me so thinks I like anything to do with erbs that get you high :)

You are both most welcome in my thread ..... Flo

great to hear things are growing well!


Well-Known Member

flo u kill me man...too funny. i been creepn ur thread plenny but i dont have any input so rather than posting senseless garbage, i sit and absorb!

gas its a 2+ hour car ride. like i mentioned i gotta move aquariums and garden plants anyway...so i was guna rent a uhaul and carefully conceal them...i mean i am not THAT sketched about it, cause its not that long but FUCK if i get pulled over and for some reason they want to look in the back...idk...there will be 9 fully grown ladies in there...


Well-Known Member
Lovely growth and nice job.don't worry about transport issues,if u worry you'll mess up,just forget they r there and all will be well m8 peace :)


Well-Known Member
Yeah... if you get pulled over and they want to look you're kinda fucked. Don't get pulled over :) I always put my plants in large black garbage bags while moving in which case visually it's not as obvious. But if they open the back of a uhaul I assume they'd smell the girls.


Well-Known Member
lol yeah they would certainly smell...something skunky! i guess thats the plan. garbage bags on each individual, with a blanket or sheet tossed over it all. garden totes placed all around it...etc. i think it will be ok. NOW, just gotta find someplace to live lol

so i snipped a small top from my lady that i flipped on 4/16. this tip is done-ish, but the plant needs a lil more time. im OUT of weeds though! lol. thats no good. going camping again this weekend. hopefully this will make it til choppity chop...


Well-Known Member
lol yeah they would certainly smell...something skunky! i guess thats the plan. garbage bags on each individual, with a blanket or sheet tossed over it all. garden totes placed all around it...etc. i think it will be ok. NOW, just gotta find someplace to live lol

so i snipped a small top from my lady that i flipped on 4/16. this tip is done-ish, but the plant needs a lil more time. im OUT of weeds though! lol. thats no good. going camping again this weekend. hopefully this will make it til choppity chop...
mow the lawns and chuck a bag of the mulch in a bag, along with the lawn mower and shit, bit of gardening gear, all good :) the grass will cover alot of smell


Well-Known Member
mow the lawns and chuck a bag of the mulch in a bag, along with the lawn mower and shit, bit of gardening gear, all good :) the grass will cover alot of smell
yeah for sure, and a can of gas, some oil nobody's gonna want to take a deep whiff of that...you'll be fine, i have no doubts--too much good karma on your side imo!
be easy


Well-Known Member
well the leaves were all literally curling under themselves...look for the set of pics before these last few and youll see what i mean. they look like claws. i was overfeeding and the leaves were green, but skinny and curling down under themselves...righted that issue by just watering 2 times in a row rather than just feeding every time...FOLLOW INSTRUCTIONS lol and dont use miracle grow


Well-Known Member
so holy shit fox farm is some good stuff! or rather following directions and feeding properly has some serious benefits...my ladies are growing strong! theyre huge too. couple of em are reaching for that fourth foot! its crazy! ive got one lady thats mostly done, have had a few tops off her already but she will be an ok producer, hoping for 1.5 oz....50% increase. the taller ones will be CRAZY producers. already budded up something fierce. the main cola looks like it will be an ounce or two just on its own! digging my full flower cab...my veg cab is so empty! lol. oh well gotta move soon anyway...


Well-Known Member
Wow, they look amazing. Definitely filled up that flower cab well compared to the last time I saw it. You've made me jealous.


Well-Known Member
growing very fast indeed :) ALL looking great ! nice large fans, things are looking up , you're going to have tome tasty buds not that far away, hope you got you got a nice pair of snips lined up for your harvest! lots of fun in that cab