368 watt CFL veg cab/600 watt HPS flower cab perpetual journal






so. the lady in flower was my mother, got sick of her twisted branches so im getn rid of her. pruned her down and supported a few lower branches that were sagging. hope she fills out ok. i started a new one in veg, guna just let her grow. did a water change on the other one i was attempting to mainline, hope that kicks it into gear. should. been too busy to really put effort into my project, but im at a place where i can just let it ride and not worry about it. the one in flower has been for quite a while already, but i ended up having to transplant her into a bigger pot so she took some recovery time. we shall see how she does.
hey man, long time no see!! mother looks good, nice setup you got going on, swing by my thread and get up to date and stop into my new thread. link is in sig :)
thank you sir! glad to see ya...been too long since i posted! i will be keeping better track of things from now on. pretty stoked on my new lil one! and the mother in the flower cab, she could turn out pretty well! also ordered the light for the nft system, got a 4" 8 bulb T5HO setup for it. pretty psyched to grow some lettuce and herbs for nom noms. will keep yas posted on such as well.
so everything is looking good! lady in the flower cab is budding up nicely, the newly planted clone seems to be faring well, and the one i was attempting to mainline is taking off after the res change! i still have one clone that hasnt quite sprouted its roots yet, but im not worried. im sure i could do things differently and get faster results, but i am satisfied so far. its a lil chillier down there than id like, but hey ya work with what ya got, am i right?

on a side note, i filled my nft res with nutes and got her running after a final patch up with silicone. hoping to not have to do any more touch ups, as the 4' 8 bulb T5HO setups arrives by this weekend! pretty stoked on that. i will have to share some pics once its set up with some plants in her under the light! have some baby lettuce, parsley, oregano, chive...lots of greens! now just need to figure out an efficient way to grow tomatoes ;-) and tuber plants inside. obv some type of dwc setup for 2 tomato plants, but what to do for some onions and potatoes etc?

im such a slacker. i will try to post pics tonight, life is just so busy!

gastanker liked a few posts of mine a couple weeks back, but i havent seen any posts from him. LURKER!!! lol gas whats up brotha!

Matty how you livin? things look good in ur sig grows...

poly? flowa? lol cant expect anyone to come by if theres no updates...but...
holy shit acid! my bad duder! glad to see youre around still too! actually i realized that i hadnt friended like any of you lol except acid...anyway...

LOVE that you guys are all still around. i will try to visit yalls grows asap, but like i mentioned, life is nucking futz these days.

so i ordered another setup for another 15 gallon tote. i will have a grand total of 3 complete sets of a 15 gal tote, 8.5" airstone hooked to an 18 watt airpump, 10 inch netbucket lid set in the lid. that way i can get the perpetual going well.

the one i have in soil is doing amazingly, she really budded up somethin fierce. the others are getting there. all in all not much to report, loving it though. almost a set it and forget it ease. and they ARE growing. im not even ph'ing the WATER lol, let alone the levels.
me neither, ph and ppm are for pusseys:) nah my media allows for it.(promix with some additives flood and drain and NFT setups.)
holy shit acid! my bad duder! glad to see youre around still too! actually i realized that i hadnt friended like any of you lol except acid...anyway...

LOVE that you guys are all still around. i will try to visit yalls grows asap, but like i mentioned, life is nucking futz these days.

so i ordered another setup for another 15 gallon tote. i will have a grand total of 3 complete sets of a 15 gal tote, 8.5" airstone hooked to an 18 watt airpump, 10 inch netbucket lid set in the lid. that way i can get the perpetual going well.

the one i have in soil is doing amazingly, she really budded up somethin fierce. the others are getting there. all in all not much to report, loving it though. almost a set it and forget it ease. and they ARE growing. im not even ph'ing the WATER lol, let alone the levels.

I'm flattered hahaha
Monster, yeah still here, still learning and still growing :weed: good to see you back buddy.
SOOO busy. its annoying. trying to buy a house and working full time, barely have time to care for my ladies. Things are moving slowly down there, due to temps and humidity. But still alive. Getting warmer out so hopefully things will pick up soon. have a lil spider mite infestation going on but they are only on one or 2 buds so time to use the new shop vac! (carefully of course...)
lol yeah it isnt that bad an infestation, i will shop vac them off carefully, then spray with alcohol and water at 1:1 every few days. It is harvest time soon for that lady...

yeah that house we were looking at last year fell through, so we moved outta that town and have been renting...you know where ;-) anyway wife and I have been working really hard and are finally in a position to buy a nice house. so we are trying to do so. VERY time consuming!

anyway i have chopped one branch off my lady in soil to sell to a friend. it will be slightly premature, but smells amazing and should be pretty good. been drying for about a week now. supposed to jar it today, hoping it will be dry enough. anyway...pics soon! been a while. trying to wait so that you all can actually see a difference.
well let me know how it goes man, maybe this summer i can take the bike for a ride down your way. i start a new job soon too (hopefully, fingers crossed) and me and my wife will be looking at buying soon (next year or 2) probabally looking to move closer your way...definatly want to go south from where were at right now.