Well-Known Member
welcome back, and a nice setup to come back with!
holy shit acid! my bad duder! glad to see youre around still too! actually i realized that i hadnt friended like any of you lol except acid...anyway...
LOVE that you guys are all still around. i will try to visit yalls grows asap, but like i mentioned, life is nucking futz these days.
so i ordered another setup for another 15 gallon tote. i will have a grand total of 3 complete sets of a 15 gal tote, 8.5" airstone hooked to an 18 watt airpump, 10 inch netbucket lid set in the lid. that way i can get the perpetual going well.
the one i have in soil is doing amazingly, she really budded up somethin fierce. the others are getting there. all in all not much to report, loving it though. almost a set it and forget it ease. and they ARE growing. im not even ph'ing the WATER lol, let alone the levels.