2nd grow, completely new setup.


Well-Known Member
Thanks guys. Are either one of you going to do a vertical grow like this for yourselves. I really see big things with this setup. Especially when using a small light like the 250w hps. I can already see me doubling my yield next time. I already know what needs changed and improved. With the new pots that i have for the next grow. I will be able to place 7 clones at 12in tall around the light and they will be in the comfort distance from the light. I experimented a little with trying to see just how close to the cooltube that i could. Just when i got them to where i thought they should be, about a day later some of the leaves closest to the light would get dry and start to die. So i think i have it pretty good now. My room is kinda strangely shaped so i might be able to put 4 more on a step off to the sides of the ones on the floor. Kinda like a 2 tier vertical grow. I think i have the head room for my plants to end up around 28in tall when done. I will also be using the stainless steel wire on the branches again. I can't wait to get the pics of the harvest so you guys can get an idea of just how good this type of LST'ing is. The buds on the lowest branches are as big if not bigger than the top ones. And i think that my harvest will be at least a 10 days long because the plants look like some are going to be done about a week earlier than the others. But i will definitely keep you posted on what the final weight is.


Well-Known Member
Yeah it's going to be like having colas all around the plant insted of just on top. Awesome.



Well-Known Member
Some update pics. Taken just about 20 minutes ago. They are doing great. I have convinced myself that i am going to wait until these are completely done. This Thursday will be the end of 7 weeks. But i am prepared to let them go until the end of the month if need be. After checking over them the past couple of days, i have found a couple more male sacs and i just cut the bud that they was on off. I slow dried them and smoked them. It is pretty good but i know that it will just get better the longer i leave them so i am pretty excited to try some when done. I am going to get a PPM meter and a digital ph tester soon for my next grow. I would say a couple more grows under my belt and i should have most of the quirks worked out and be able to pull a descent harvest on a regular schedule of about every month. Once i get it down pat then i will build another room just like this one and hook up my other 250w hps and copy this one to a T. Then i will get the harvest at around every month but more like every 5-7 weeks. Just depends on the plants i guess. I know the person that i get the clones off of says that they usually finish just before the 7th week and they flower under 1000w hps so i kinda figured that just using my 250w would put it closer to around 9 weeks. But i have no idea really. I have 5 plants setup around the light right now and i am going to fit in a total of 9 plants on my next grow. I can't wait to get it started!!!



Well-Known Member
Yes they are!! I don't really check in on them like i used to. So every time i open the door i get a big smile on my face. Thanks for keeping up on this grow.


Well-Known Member
Pics from tonight. Most of the hairs have started to change color, and the trichs are about 50/50 cloudy/clear. And some of the bud leafs are starting to lose there color so i think they are using up the sugars in them and they should be close to harvest around 10 days from now. At least i hope they will be ready soon. But i will leave them until they are just right.



Well-Known Member
Sounds like all is going well. Probably should start flushing if you arent already
Can't wait to see the harvest.



Well-Known Member
I stopped giving nutes a couple watering's ago. They have had one watering with molasses. I will probably water a couple more times with just the water and molasses and then harvest.


Well-Known Member
Mmmmm molasses... really thickens up those buds doesnt it? I'm glad you're doing that.



Well-Known Member
I am a medical grower, and a professional house painter with the HOME DEPOT, i just returned from atlanta from their certified training and had to get certified in the paints they sell ... 1st of all, flat paint absorbs all the lighting hence no sheen factor. semi gloss reflects the light hence THE SHEEN. I learned that it's a myth that eveyone says use FLAT paint coz it reflects more light , WRONG! semigloss reflects LIGHT, other wise why would ppl use semi if it didnt reflect a sheen? So when i see ppl recommend flat paint for grow rooms I cant even beleive it since it doesnt reflect lighting at all!When someone recommend flat , they dont even know why they are recommending it just coz they heard it somewhere else .. LOL. Why not use panda plastic instead of semi gloss paint anyway! It's glossy and seals up a room very nicely. Panda plastic is shiny so why shouldnt we use shiny paint if this is whats SOLD in grow shops, they dont sell flat paint for a reason.
OK, you posted this in another thread so why did you come in here and say it again? I know what i need to do to improve my room, i am just waiting until this grow is done and then i will update everything in this room. I don't mean to be rude but your post has nothing to do with my grow. I already said that i was putting up some white plastic in my room. And i know about paint already. And if i was to put paint on the walls then i would still use the flat paint. There is just way too many people using it and i cant see that many people being wrong. Sure the semi-gloss paint is reflective but there has to be a reason that people have not been using it so i have to go with the majority on this subject. Again i am not trying to be mean but please don't post info in this thread if it has nothing to do with my grow. Thanks.


Well-Known Member
Flat white paint is actually a great reflectant. Mylar reflects something in the high 90%, and flat white paint reflects about 80% at a cheap price.
If you ask for my humble opinion... Buster, the rest of the forum and I are right on this one.



Well-Known Member
Yea, i have to go with the majority on this one. I just did not get why he came into this thread and start talking about something like that. Oh well.


Well-Known Member
OK, They have been flowering for like 54 days and i have to harvest today. My clones are ready and i will be picking them up tomorrow so i am forced to harvest today. They are ready enough. Milky trichs and a few amber ones. I would have liked to have waited another week or so but i am still happy with how they are. I will post my final yield when dry. I am not to interested in the wet weight. I will post a few pics of the trimmed buds. Thanks for following this grow. Remember i only had 5 plants on this grow and the next one will be with 9 plants. My clones are around 12in tall for the next grow. They will be more manageable at that height. Wish me luck!!!


Well-Known Member
Awesome job man! Can't wait to see the pictures and the dry weight.
Make sure to post the link to your new grow please! and good luck of course



Well-Known Member
Thanks, I will post pics of the final product. Now i can't wait to start this next grow. I might have my clones here later tonight. But tomorrow at the latest.


Well-Known Member
Hey guys, sorry that i have been away for soo long. I did not get any pics of the final product. My camera quit working. And i only ended up with an ounce dry. Extremely short of my goal. So this time i decided to run both 250w hps and do a sog grow. I am going to do whatever it takes to finally get near a quarter pound harvest. And i am going to start cloning myself due to having a falling out with the person that i get my clones off of. It is funny how people that you think is your friend are the ones that try to screw you the first chance they get. I went up to their house and did about 2000$ worth of electricity work in their house and was told that i would be takin care of and when it was all done they handed me a bad that weighed 2gr. Wow was i taken advantage of. There is no loyalty anymore and i don't understand it. Me and a buddy went their and installed around 4o recepticles and about a dozen light switches and ran about 200ft of cable and installed 6 breakers and that is all they gave me.


Well-Known Member
Awww man, all that following and no final product shot :( Ounce dry isnt too bad though man. Although it looked more than that.
That sucks about your friend though man, I'm sorry to hear that. Fucking pricks.
Anyway man, when are you starting the next journal, link us!



Well-Known Member
It will be sometime this coming week when i get my next grow going. I was really dissapointed in my final yield. It almost seems like a waste of time and effort. But i will give it another try and see what happens. If i don't get near a quarter pound with 500w hps than i will give up and try again when i can get a bigger light like a 600 or 1000w hps. I will post in the grow journal section next time. Sorry for not being able to post the final pics. And thanks for following my grow.