2nd grow, completely new setup.


Well-Known Member
OK guys. I am picking up another 250w hps light today. I am going to make another grow room just like this one and i will be able to harvest every month. I just cant take it any longer. This is my second grow and i already hate only getting one harvest every 2 months. My only question is, Should i make the two grow rooms seperate from each other or should i just build a totally new grow room and put both lights in it. I figured that it would be better to build a new room, just twice as big so they can take advantage of the light from both lights. I will probably put 5 or 6 plants under each light. I just cant make up my mind with witch way i should do it. Please, does anyone know what i should do?

The Ganja Man

Active Member
I would go with two different rooms. Or just finish this grow out and get used to the growing concept unless you feel ready, it's personnal preference. If I could and I had the privacy I would go for the larger room but to be safe with a roommate that I have I have two seperate places. One indoor, one outdoor. Whatever you decide make sure you go over EVERYTHING 3 times! I would make your self a pro/con list and see which suits you better. Keep conserving the world, PEACE!


Well-Known Member
Yea, i was thinking about just building one big room about 2.5ftX5ftX8ft tall. It just sucks that i have put soo much time in on the grow room that i have. Either way i know i will get it up and running within the next week or so. I have about 2 weeks before i get some more clones to put in it. I am really happy with how the one Northern Lights that i have in the flowering room is doing. I thought that the NL would be a slower producer than the AK47's. But it seems to be doing great. The AK's are doing really well too but the NL is slightly ahead of them. And they all have been really putting out the white hairs these past couple of days. I will post some pics of the buds that are on them in a couple more days. Plus i don't have to worry about pissing anyone off because i live by myself. I just built my house a couple years ago. I like owning my own place. It is paid for and the only bills that i have is electric. My place is all electric. And i live way out in the country so i don't get much visitors. And the ones that i do have over don't even know about the grow room that i have now. And it is only a few feet away from them when they are sitting in my living room. LOL. Anyway i should get to work on the new room and i will post pics of my step by step build. Happy Growing Everyone!!!


Well-Known Member
Here is a few pics that i just got done taking. You can see where i use the stainless steel wire like FDD posted about. I really like using it. I put it on the plants yesterday and it allows you to bend the branches where you want them. You can bend them and get all the bud sites in the direct light. If done right i can see getting the yields of a scrog setup. I like it because you can still take the plant out of the room when you want to and you can move the plants around every once in a while. These plants have been in the 12/12 lighting for around 24 days.



Well-Known Member
Hey buster, i followed your first grow and said i would follow this one but obviously its taken me awhile to find it haha.
Anyway things are looking smooth man, keep it up!



Well-Known Member
Hey thanks uberpea. Yea i put a lot more work into the first grows updates and stuff on here. I was not planning on posting as many pics of this grow. But i will update with a couple pics of how the plants are doing. I build a new grow room in a closet in my loft and i am growing with a vertical lighting setup. Basically i put my 250w hps light hanging vertical in the room with the cooltube on it and i have my give plants around the light. I put stainless steel wire on all of the branches of the plants so i can position all the bud sites in the direct light. Doing it like this allows me to place the buds in the light and not have to turn the plants every other day. I really like this kind of setup a lot. I will be using this setup from now on. I got another 250w hps light last week and i was planning on using two lights in a vertical setup but i think i will hold off on putting the other light up yet. I eventually want to get it setup so i can get a harvest every month. I am going to wait until this grow is done so i can see what kind of yield that i get. I don't want to do anymore changes until i have some numbers so i can compare and see if i am making improvements or just waisting time. I do know that since i put the plants in the new room they have really took off. The plants have been flowering for 4 weeks and i plan on letting them go for 4 more weeks. I will be going by the trichs to tell when they are ready. Anyway, i will post some new pics later this evening. Thanks for showing interests in my grows.


Well-Known Member
Hey man looks like you got a nice green thumb on you!:hump: does anyone know what exactly the reason for trimming the end of the leaves is? Is it to get more light to the lower branches, or to promote new growth?


Well-Known Member
Awesome man, your set up sounds really good. I cant wait to see some pictures of the plants.
Take it easy



Well-Known Member
Yes i trimmed some of the leaves to get more light to the buds. I am still experimenting on trimming and not trimming. The next grow will be done with as little trimming as possible to see the difference. This is only my second grow so i am still learning as i go. Well i tried to get some good pics of the plants but for some reason my camera would not cooperate and most of them was blurry. But here is a couple pics. They still have like 4 more weeks left so i cant wait to see them in a couple more weeks. They are due for a feeding tomorrow. I give them molassas and bloom booster. I really wish i could get a good closeup so you can get a good idea of the trich development. And the plants are smelling real good. But there is absolutly no smell in my house this time because of the way that i have it vented outside. I may still use the new light so i can grow twice as much next time but i dont know if i need it. I would end up with more than i need and that is the only reason that i am doing it. But i still may do it and then if i have enough i can just stop growing for a month or two and save some money on electric. But time will tell.



Well-Known Member
I will post pics of my setup next week sometime. There is some improvements that i want to address first and then i will show how i have it. Thanks for checking it out.


Well-Known Member
Yep. That is where i am really lucky. And i will have about 6 different strains to pick from soon. How much does everyone else have to pay for there clones when they buy them? I think 15$ is real cheap. And for that much i will not be doing any vegging, just buy them and put them into flowering. Plus it saves alot of money in electric not having to run lights for 18/6 in a veg room. I love it.


Well-Known Member
I wont go into the details of how and where i get my clones. I will tell you that i like how i can start one grow after the other and not have to have a veg room in operation but i do like to grow from seeds more. It is just more fun to me but for convenience sake, i will continue to grow with clones and just start a couple seeds under some cfls just for fun. I also just transplanted 3 of the plants that i am flowering right now. Now they all are in their final pots. I took my time and never disturbed the roots at all so i should not see any ill effects of this. I will post more pics of them closer to this weekend.


Well-Known Member
clones in Sacramento are 13-15$ but are squatty little things (maybe 5 inches) with 1 node and maybe some roots if you are lucky.


Well-Known Member
WOW, i must be luckier than i thought. I can get them any size that i want and from now on. I will probably be getting them at around 12in tall. I don't think i would buy them if they was like you say they are in Sacramento. I am trying to talk the person i know that i get them from to try and start some Blueberry and Bubblegum mothers soon so we can get some clones of them. I have never smoked any of that before and i hope to soon.


Well-Known Member
OK guys, i went ahead and took some pics of how my plants are setup around my 250w HPS. You can see how using the stainless steel wire wrapped around each branch to position every bud where you want it. I consider it a Vertical LST Grow. It is like a scrog grow to where you get an even lighting on the entire plant but you can move the individual plants around and place them how you want. I am really thinking about daisy chaining my other 250w on top of the one i have now and try to grow a 3 level vertical grow. I think i would be close to getting 1g per watt like that. I will tell you how much grams per watt that i get with using the one light and the 5 plants. I just cant wait for the next 4 weeks. I hope to get 4oz off this grow but i may be aiming a little high. Only time will tell. Wish me luck!!! Oh yea, i plan to put up some white plastic in the grow room soon. Like i said, there are some improvements that has to be made. All in all the grow room seems to be working perfectly right now. My temps are normally 79f and RH is around 35%. I water on Monday, Thursday, and Saturday. I give them molassas every watering now and i give them bloom booster once a week. I really need to get ahold of some real good flowering nutes. But will probably have to order them online. Anyway this is enough for now and i will update again soon.



Well-Known Member
looks great man, looks like they're lovin' what your doin for em, bet you are super-stoked about packing that shit into somethin nice.:hump::hump::hump::mrgreen:peace:peace:


Well-Known Member
Hell yea. But to tell you the truth. I smoke the bud from the plants that the person i get the clones off of all the time. It is all i smoke.