2nd grow, completely new setup.


Well-Known Member
Wow that is really interesting. The buds are just attracted to that vertical light.
Looks like it will be a good harvest too!



Well-Known Member
Thanks uberpea. I really hope it is a good harvest. I really want to push the grams per watt theory with just one 250w hps setup. I really love the wire trick so i can position the buds where i want them. Every bud site gets the exact same amount of light. I checked them this morning when the lights came on and all 3 that i transplanted last night are showing no signs of shock. They look perfect. I am going to take some 5 gallon buckets and cut them in half so i have 2.5 gallon pots for my next grow. For the height that i am growing i think the 2.5 gallon pots will be perfect for plants no taller than 30 inches when done. And i have not grown one plant that was not topped. So i think i will top all but one in my next grow. I will be documenting every grows yeild so i can see what does the best with the strains that i am going to grow.


Well-Known Member
OH BOY, I just got done looking in on my plants and i just caught some male parts before they opened. When i started this grow i started out with 6 clones and one turned hermie about 3 weeks ago so i cut it down and got rid of it. Now two more plants are turning hermie on me. I looked over all the plants and cut off around 8 really small buds that had the male sacs in them. There was a couple that looked like they just split open and i hope i caught them in time. Now i am getting concerned about the mother plant that these clones came from. Because they all were labeled from the same plant. I will tell the person that i get them from about it and maybe she will want to start another mother and get rid of the one that seems to be passing on hermie traits. Other than that, the plants look like they are going to provide a pretty good harvest if they dont start producing seeds.


Well-Known Member
damn thats a lot of hermies haha... maybe your clones came from a hermie, you need a new mom either way thats for sure


Well-Known Member
I am going to proposition the person that i get my clones off of. I am going to ask them if i buy some new seeds. Maybe they could get a good mother going and let me get a few clones when i need them. They are setup with enough light and room to keep the mothers and clones going. I am not wanting to run anything other than a flowering room. If anyone knows of a good strain used for back pain then let me know. I am thinking about getting 3 different strains and i want one of them to be good for my back pain. Thanks again.


Well-Known Member
Here is an update. This is what they look like as of this morning. They have been flowering for 36 days. I went over each plant and took off all the male sacs that i could find. 3 of these 5 plants have turned hermie but i think i got all the sacs off. So i hope that i don't get much seeds. I hope they will be done in like 3 more weeks. I want to put up some white plastic on the walls, floor and ceiling. Plus i am going to try 6 or 7 clones around the light next time. I think it will take about 4 or 5 more grows with this setup before i know the perfect size of plants to get the most yield from the single 250w HPS. Once i figure it out than i will setup my other 250w and try to get a harvest every month.



Well-Known Member
Just a couple pics from this morning. I think that a couple of the plants will yield an ounce or better each and the other 3 will be just under an ounce each. I am really shooting for close to a quarter pound off of these 5 plants.

Am i shootin too high? Or shouldn't it be easy to pull an ounce a plant with a 250w hps setup? And i have been under watering them for a while now. Just last night i watered until it ran out the drip holes in the bottom of the pot. It took double what i usually give them before it dripped out the holes. Each one will probably take 1.5L of water when needed. I also gave them another feeding of bloom booster last night. I give them about 3/4tspn to a gallon of water. On my next grow i will be using nutes better and on a good schedule.



Well-Known Member
hmm i think you can pull a quarter! you have the equipment and the knowledge.
Try molasses before harvest, do you practice that?



Well-Known Member
Yes i have been giving them molasses for a few weeks now. I used it on my last grow. I will always use it. LOL I really hope i can get that much. Or it just doesn't seem worth it. I cant wait for the next 3 weeks to be over so i can cut these down and get another batch of clones in. The person that i get them off of says that when they flower the AK47 that it is usually done no later than 7 weeks. That would put my harvest on around the 16th of this month but i may let them go until the 23rd. We will see when the time comes.


Well-Known Member
I must admit, this is my favorite time of flowering. The fifth, sixth, and seventh weeks are the best. My buds have totally transformed in the last week. They are starting to plump up really nicely. I really think i was hurting them with the way i was watering them. I got so used to how much water that i could give them when they was in the one gallon pots. I must have had a brain fart when i was watering them in the pots that they are in now. The new pots are about 2.5 gallon pots and i wasn't giving them the water that they needed. Well the other day i watered them with as much water i could get in the pots and they are really loving it now. I checked them just now and the pots are drying out nicely. From the weight of them i should not have to water again until Monday. I will be watering the next two times with molasses and then give them another good dose of bloom booster in the 6th week and then i will start the flushing for around a week or so.


Active Member
what size tube is that u got there and what is it made of, i just bought 2 bake-a-round's they are like 3.5" diameter each made of pyrex and im gonna try and make a couple outta them and some computer fans i got lookin for some tips


Well-Known Member
MY glass tube is like 5in diameter. I got it from walmart. It was just a glass tube made to go over a candle. It was like 12$ and it was simple to make. I just hooked mine up to the exhaust fan. So basically it sucks air from the room threw the cooltube and out threw the roof. It works perfectly. You can actually touch the cooltube and it is barely warm.


Well-Known Member
Yea, if i did not own my house then i would probably be to scared to attempt a grow. The people that grow in a rented house or apartment have more balls than me. LOL I actually have a lot of work to do to my house before it is completely finished. I will eventually build a room on that i can dedicate to growing. I would like to build a room about 10'X10' and have a veg room and a flowering room so i can do my own clones. Well one day it will happen but for now i am happy with what i can do.